Item arrived as described and in perfect condition. Seller took great care to make sure item was safe during transit. Seller had great communication and kept in contact while order was active. Seller also let me use a discount and a money off voucher from a previous order. Item arrived fast which is a huge plus. Great product for a great proce from a great seller. Will definitely buy from them again. Awesome seller
e***e (5168)- Évaluation laissée par l'acheteur.
Dernier mois
Achat vérifié
Better than described! Fast shipping, and Immaculate packaging! Thank you! Fantastic seller!
y***0 (702)- Évaluation laissée par l'acheteur.
Dernier mois
Achat vérifié
Item as described, well packed, arrived swiftly & in good condition. Thank you, excellent eBay seller!
b***l (100)- Évaluation laissée par l'acheteur.
Six derniers mois
Achat vérifié
Looks just like the photo. Came quickly and was well protected in the box. I had to look up the battery type which is LR44 fyi (that is listed on the bottom of the "matching" list so if you look for them find the approx size on a package and read the list on the bottom of included battery types that match. Thanks for the great cartman!
y***u (52)- Évaluation laissée par l'acheteur.
Six derniers mois
Achat vérifié
Awesome seller, fast shipping, item as described, great communication, smooth transaction, great deal, highly recommend, A+++
3***1 (722)- Évaluation laissée par l'acheteur.
Six derniers mois
Achat vérifié
Great communication, very well packaged, very quick ship. Thank you so much!