4.14.1 étoiles sur 5
84 évaluations du produit
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Good graphics100% J'accepte

Compelling gameplay100% J'accepte

Good value100% J'accepte

78 avis


PS3 version of Guantlet series like game enemy wipeout!

With so many military war games out there in the PS3 format...this is one of the few two player versions for non-online game play that is not a world war game! The kids (teenagers) want to play on the PS3 also...and would like more games like this one they can play together. This game is a 1 or 2 player castle era genre that has plenty of enemy slaughter action with wave after wave of various living and/or undead creations...level after level of power-ups (level 45) that will keep the most dedicated gamer busy for several hours! Wonderful graphics quality...almost as much fun to watch them play as it is to play the game...The kids friends like to watch and play! Some of the game play is repetative...and because of can become boring at times! Game improvements could be more along a changing story line that covers more diversified worlds rather than the cut and paste style of programming. An improved sequel would be welcomed! As stated this game represents one of the few PS3 games that involves two children or adults at the same time without having to go online! Nice fantasy style role playing game...but typical style zombie slaughter makes this game somewhat predictably boring. However a worthy entertaining gaming purchase nonetheless. Let your desire and taste for video gaming experience decide whether Dark Kingdom: Untold Legends is right for you and/or your gaming crew!?! We like it around our house...If you like this review, please give it a good rating! Thanks for reading it...and have a great day!Lire l'avis complet...


Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom (Playstation 3)

A decent Baldur's Gate meets Gauntlet game with light RPG elements boiling down to a hack'n'slash gameplay.

It would be nice if weapons were more diverse, but you can upgrade them and there are various clothing positions for you to equip items in for protection or other enhancements.

I haven't played the game more than a few hours so far, but it's quite repetitive in nature and the combat does get very much down to a button bashing event.

The graphics are not very next-gen but they are crisp, clear and free of bleeding or aliasing.

Controls are decent, menu system effective and the learning curve minimal.

I recommend the game to folks looking for a faster paced arade style momemtum containing some basic RPG elements.

Well worth the $20 I paid for it on eBay, a questionable purchase for more than $30.
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Fun Game, not so fun graphics.

I decided to buy this game because I love RPG (Role Playing Games). I don't know the background of the game so I didn't have much to compare it to. The last RPG game I played was an online game called Aveyond. Untold Stories is nothing like it. It’s more like a hack and slash game with RPG trimmings. You get to choose from 3 characters. I chose the scout because I'm a girl and she is a girl. She has these awesome blades that she uses to slash her way through the creatures in the game. Through-out the game you receive quest to complete to move from one level to the next. The game is nice because you get to solve problems and figure out puzzles so it’s not all slash and fight. During the fights you gain experience and many times the bad guys drop gear that you can pick up and use or sell for essence.

(RPG trimmings) Through the game there are chest that have either gear, upgrades or something called “lore”. Lore is something that adds to the back-story of what's been happening in the land of Dureth, which is a nice touch to the game. As you fight your way through the game you gain experience and can level up. With each level up you can buy new spells or upgrade your gear. You can also sell old equipment for essence points, essence is used as money in the game. You can also use essence to restore health and manna. Manna is used to cast spells. All in all the game is great and the fact that you can choose your difficulty level and different head characters make replay-ability possible. You can also play multi-player or with friends online.

(CON) The reason I’m not giving this game a great score is because the effects are pretty sad when you consider that this is for the PS3. Load time from one level to the next takes too long and at times your character gets stuck in environmental objects and walking on grass is just like walking on the sidewalk plus the camera can be really frustrating because it like it has a mind of its own. The visual effects are weird because can slow you down or make you giggle because of how ridiculous they seem. Last but now least there’s no cool effect using the sixaxis controller.
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The game is coming a little bit short on quality

I would like to start off with the fact that I'm a huge fane of this genre of games. I played Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 1 & 2, Champions of Norrath and Champions: Return to Arms and Fable for several years; finishing each of these games on the hardest levels over nd over again.

Overall I have to say that this game is not as addictive as the above mentioned games. The fighting is on a faster pace and not as much time to pull off any of your magic tricks. My biggest disappointment in the game is the rotating camera view. It does not stay stationary and it looks like it frame-flips to a different angle every time you walk up against a wall. It makes controlling your character very hard and frustrating. There is quite a bit of frame flipping which tells me they rushed developing the game.
However, I do like the graphics and the movie aspects in the storyline.

I will finish this game and probably never play it again. I am disappointed that the game is not up there in quality with the other games. I was hoping this would be my upgraded addiction from the older games,... unfortunately I will have to wait for the next one.
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Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom (Playstation 3)

Good game overall.. still early PS3 era ; so no Formula 1.. there's glitches here and there but overall progress into HD-era is obvious. There's some tight things about it, like leveling up and 'orb' upgrades and shi t like that.
I love the music - 100% Oscar-nominee there. Love the chaos that sometimes just messes with your eyes on the screen, s'really good if you're a bit impaired. Let's see, otherwise I think they'll probably improve a lot a year from now in making games of this sort. It delivered what it promised and nothing more really.. my plasma is begging for 1080p.
I decided to buy it cause I have a PS3. And everyone in my boots should get this game and play it a bit (it's like buying uhh.. Enclave back in the early X-box days - you gotta have it u know?) So buy it.. when it gets cheaper.
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worth buying

This is a great game I couldn't stop playing it. It is rather dark & and has no option to lighten up the game. Also I have noticed a few glitches in this game. If you walk overin between mushrooms or other ground scenery you get stuck and it is hard to get out. Also this happens when you are tring to jump from one rock to another going up a wall. that's all I have noticed in the past two times I have played & this is the beginning end of the game. I have not been that excited about most of my playstation three games. It seems like most of the developers took the lazy way out on a lot of the games. Most ps2 games are better or same quality. With all this said, I still think it is worth buying. It's entertaining for sure minus the glitches.Lire l'avis complet...


Dark Kingdom PS3

This game is a lot of fun to play, especially with someone else. The only problem I have with this game is the limited amount of skills and characters available in the game. There are only 3 main characters, and they each have a fairly limited selection of powers to choose from. The higher level powers are not even that impressive so obtaining them seems pointless. The graphics are good, and although the gameplay can get repetitive what else would you expect from a hack n' slash game? In the end it's worth a look, and I don't understand the negative reviews a lot of people/places have given it.Lire l'avis complet...


Fun button masher

As an early PS3 release, the game is pretty fun. If you just want a beat em up, button masher then this is the game. The graphics are a bend of PS2 and PS3 quality, but not matter the game is fun and can be harder at some spots.
But what makes this game even better is playing with a friend at the same time. You are both on the same screen at the same time.
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A good hack and slash...!

I liked this game alright. It is a decent hack and slash! Its a simple rpg that doesn't allow you to customize characters very much or take them very far when skills and abilities are concerned. It alot of fun to play with a friend and the graphics and story line are pretty good. It would be a great game to get into if you can catch it at a good price and if you have somebody lined up to join in the killin'! Overall, I would reccomend at least giving this title a try.Lire l'avis complet...


Game is okay but gets tiresome very quickly.

I'll begin by saying I'm new to Playstation. I have an Xbox and an Xbox 360 but am in no way partial to one console or another. I bought this game for two reasons. There aren't many games available for the PS3 and I like this type of RPG. I love the Playstation 3 but was really disappointed with this game. It was fun at first. One of the things that makes it boring after a while is your character NEVER changes weapons. If that weren't bad enough, your method of combat stays the same. I liked the fact that there were three characters from which to choose. I thought that would add some variance to the game. I haven't tried the Mage but the Warrior and Scout aren't that much different. The Scout just moves faster and uses blades instead of a hammer. I've never played a game where the warrior fought with a hammer! There aren't any shops so can't buy and sell items. I thought that may be a good thing. As I got into the game I yearned for a shop just to break the monotony. In the place of shops you disenchant items and receive points. The armor wasn't that great. In fact, I found that aspect of the game confusing or maybe I just lost interest. The graphics are good but not as dazzling as one might expect. There were awkward moments with the camera angles but very few games are without those. The fighting was fun and could have been better with more weapons and combat techniques. If you can pick this game up at a REALLY GOOD price you may want to buy it. For those of you familiar with Xbox this game is NOT Fable or Baldur's Gate by any stretch of the imagination!Lire l'avis complet...

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