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4.94.9 étoiles sur 5
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Good graphics98% J'accepte

Compelling gameplay98% J'accepte

Good value97% J'accepte

445 avis



This will be the only time I ever say this in reference to a video game: Perfect.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System is the video games that I compare all other video games to. I first played it back when I was probably about 7 years old, with my dad--we used to stay up all night playing Zelda together, taking turns actually playing, and helping one another figure out the secrets and the puzzles and so on. This is where my love for video games was born. It is also where my funniest gamer moment comes from:

Back when I first played this game, it was when the Super Nintendo Entertainment System just came out--so back then I couldn't go to GameFaqs.com to look at the walkthrough if I got stuck, because no one had a computer, much less the internet back then--and even if we did have both, there were no websites like that. So one night, my Dad and I were playing Zelda for SNES and we got to this one part where there's a ledge, and a big, dark black hole, that you died if you fell into--it wasn't one of the ones that just brought you down a floor. We knew for sure that we needed to get over this big black hole and get to what was on the other side, but we were completely stumped. We tried and tried for hours to figure it out. And when all else failed, armed with a Nintendo Power magazine, we dialed a number on the telephone. The Nintendo Game Help Hotline. A 900 number, something like $10 for the first minute and $6 for each additional minute after that.

Turns out you had to put on the robe and you just flew right over it.

A Link to the Past has everything you could ask for in a video game. It looks great, sounds great (thanks to the tunes of the legendary Koji Kondo), and it has the kind of timeless and lovingly crafted gameplay that is every bit as fun and engaging today as it was when it made its debut almost 15 years ago. We are honored to name The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past as THE greatest game of all time.
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Zelda-Link to the past (Super Nintendo)

I am helplessly,and hopelessly,hooked on RPG`s(Role Playing Games).I`ve played them since the days of Commadore 64,Atari, Nintendo and now,playstation.I played them with my children,and now with my grand children.Did I mention,I`m hooked?
I purchased Link to the past,for my grandchildren,(yeah right!)I use to play it with my oldest grandson in th e early ninties.It was great then,and it`s great now.
Link to The Past is the third edition of the series.All together I think there are twelve Zelda games.It is the last one of the 2D perspective. Nintendo 64 took it to 3D.
The game play is very good,with easy control of character and equipment.
The game is a top down perspective.It has plenty of action, adventure, and puzzle solving,and A large world to explore.With a castle,and multi-level Dungeons.
The hero is Link.His health (hit points) is made up of Heart Containers,which are usually gained after beating an Enemy Boss. but many are split into pieces,four of which make up One Heart Container,and they are well hidden throughout the game.
As far as what it`s about.Well,one hint: Link has to rescue someone named Z----.Enough already..
If you have never played it,only those who have,know what you are missing.
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The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is one of the finest video games ever made. It would easily rise to the top of a best of list. As the title implies, it is very similar to the original Legend of Zelda for the NES. If you liked that game, you'll love this one. There is an overworld you must explore, dungeons you must find and beat, supplies to upgrade and many many secrets. The graphics are obviously updated, and in addition to a lot of similar aspects tied to the original, these are also expanded upon. For example, now you can talk to people to obtain information or to get items, or have taskes assigned to you. You have and are able to look at an overworld map for the first time. Where you need to go next will often be labled for you. There are two worlds in this game which mirror each other, light and dark. You'll have to go in between the two to progress in the game or to reach certain items. Also, there are some new cool items in this game like the ice and flame rod, in addition to some powerful new magic attacks. Some of these elements were present in the Game Boy Zelda game, but never before on the big screen. Other added items from the original NES version are the bug catching net, running boots, shovel and the debut of the hook shot! There is also an item in the game whcih creates blocks for you to use in certain ways. Also, this is the first time you were able to swim in water. Just like the original the world is huge. There is a lot to do and a lot of things to keep you busy aside from simply progressing through the game to finsih. What makes this game so good aside from being a Legend of Zelda game which today is a household franchise synonymous with greatness for it's originality and clever gameplay puzzler style is it's replay value. I think many people will find things they missed the first time around, or forget things they achieved the first time around, regardless of if it's your first, second, third or more times of a run through. The sound and music is great as well. It's about what you'd expect from a Legend of Zelda game, grand and epic. Perhaps not the greatest graphics of a game show cased on the SNES though very impressive for its time, and a huge step up from the NES/Gameboy versions. This game is available for download through Nintendo's virtual console as well, so if you're having trouble finding it, or don't want to pay a lot here on eBay, you can go that route. (I happen to be a purest, so I like to have the actual cartridge, though I do own it on the VC as well, I suppose for conveinience). At any rate, this really is one of those must have games for the SNES. I highly recommend it. You absolutely won't be dissapointed, I gaurantee it!Lire l'avis complet...


One of the best games of all time!

If this game isn't in your top 10 games of all time, you may need to revise your list. This is not only a great Zelda game, but one of the best grea SNES games ever made. With its solid progression and hidden areas thrown in the mix, it keeps you engaged. It has some interesting items/weapons to track down and side quests to help extend the main story. Changing between the different worlds made the game feel new again half way through. Visually the game still holds up very well with its colorful backgrounds and landscapes. Movement is fluid and easy to grasp and collecting every heart in the game can be daunting yet satisfying. If you havent played this game only 2 reasons can explain that. 1. You have been living under a rock. 2. You are too young to know or appreciate the Zelda series. Either way play this one or play them all. You won't be disappointed.Lire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : dreambooks_co


Zelda: Link to the Past SNES

I have always been a HUGE Zelda fan (from 1st ever to present) and have played them all.
This game is not only Exciting, adventurous, and just a pure pleasure to play...but also riveting, spellbinding, and challenging. Much like all the others.
It will take some long time play time to complete ..but that is what makes an excellent game. And this game keeps you going and going. You just want to stay up all night trying to complete it.
Graphics are not 'state-of-the-art' but are excellent for this type of game.
The story line is perfect and lengthy. Takes strategy and a good mind to figure out some of the puzzles and what to figure out what you need for some areas.
The best thing is to try not to resort to the internet, etc for clues or walk throughs, try to figure it out as long as you can...I have faith in you.
All through and through...an excellent game! Need more to come!
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Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : x13crow87


Un jeu sans égal! / A game without equal!

"Zelda: A link to the past" est un jeu d'antologie qui s'est démarqué en majeure partie pour sa simplicité au niveau de l'apprentissage; Un jeu très complet, avec une bonne histoire, très beau pour l'époque et remplis de secrets, de pièges, d'énigmes et d'actions. Les fans de RPG et de jeu d'action "Hack'n'Slash" ont tout deux été très vite séduit sur tout les aspects! Les secrets à découvrir sont nombreux, ce qui donne beaucoup de "replay value" au jeu car tout découvrir n'est pas chose aisée, loin de là!

En somme, ce jeu est une merveille de la console 16 bit, conjointement au sommet du parlmarès des jeux du genre avec Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy, Terranigma, Chrono Trigger et Illusion of Gaia. Un "Must" pour tout ceux qui désire posséder les "bijoux" de la Snes!


"Zelda: A link to the past" is a 16 bit masterpiece that is loved for many reasons: A game with plenty of action, intrigue, secrets to discover, a good storyline, beautiful sprites and many puzzles! The "hack'n'Slash" and Rpg fans have found a good compromise in this game, blending both type of game with care, resulting in a game that has a lot of replay value du to its numerous secrets to discover and non-stop action.

Zelda ALTTP is a great game, a best-seller without contest. If you loved this game, you may want to try out some other games like Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy, Terranigma, Chrono Trigger & Illusion of Gaia, to name a few. Defenitely a "must" for Snes addicts!
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Still holds up today!

Fun and challenging! A great 90s puzzle and adventure game. It is well balanced difficulty wise and his a nice world to explore. The fact that it has an in-game map despite being so old is super useful and impressive! Would recommend if you're a fan of the original zelda or just getting into SNES games!Lire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : theoldschoolgam...


Zelda wow great for snes

Those of us that have been with Link since the beginning can recognize what a brilliant game this is. Comparing the Legend of Zelda with Final Fantasy is insane. Link has been around since the blurred techno-color graphics of the original NES. "The Legend of Zelda" has become somewhat of a household name- whether you've played it or not, you've surely heard of it. And we, the proud and true fans of the Zelda series, those of us that sat on our ... for hours on end when that first game came out, glued to the screen of our now out of date televisions, drooled when SNES came out with its latest edition, morphed to expand the ever evolving storyline for the new platform. Even compared to the N64 OoT and MM, this game shines above the rest. The Legend of Zelda was the defining moment in the emerging realm of RPG's for standalone platforms- all the others, including Final Fantasy merely wafted in the shadows, followed, duplicated, and mutated until they were different and fully grown to survive on their own. Tride and true roleplayers aren't there for the graphics. They're there for the story, the history, and the game's ability to suck you in. I've found no other roleplaying game that comes close to this one.
Those of us that have been there since the beginning bow down our heads in modest recognition. Zelda Rules.
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Great xmas gift from santa to my son

So my 7 year old gamer son. Didn't want another Wii game from Santa or some other modern game from Santa. He wanted specifically a SNES GAME: Legend of Zelda Link to the Past! Thankfully Santa was able to get it off ebay along with a booklet. And daddy has a SNES to play it on. It mystifies me why he wanted this old game, but I feel a little moved he likes retro games likes his dad. Merry Christmas!Lire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : aguslimac-0


A Link to the Past (Zelda 3)

Now, I just got a Super Nes for my Birthday. I decided to buy this game because I'm a Zelda fan, and it turned out to be a really good game. It has a nice story, the standard Zelda gameplay, and all the familiar characters. Something a little strange, though, is that this incarnation of Link has purple-pink hair, as opposed to the usual brown or blonde, a la Link's Awakening DX or Ocarina of Time. This isn't due to graphical limitations; this system has graphics nearly identical to a GBA. I really can't explain it.

Overall, this is one of the best Zelda games out there (It was the first Zelda game in full spectrum; 1 and 2 were NES) and the gameplay is fresh many years later.

One minor thing: Most great SNES games (Final Fantasy 4, Super Mario World, and this one, among others)have been remade for GBA. If you have a GBA and an extra 30 bucks, and no SNES, I would recommend buying the GBA version first, then re-purchasing it along with an SNES so you can decide if you like it.

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