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4.74.7 étoiles sur 5
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148 avis


The Host by Stephenie Meyer

As a huge fan of the Twilight series, I had high hopes for The Host. Unfortunately, I didn't like it nearly as well. The story is excellent, well thought out and conceived, and if I had read it first, before the Twilight series, I think I may have liked it better. It seemed to me to be too similar to the Twilight books, both in verbage and story specifics. Once again, it's a love triangle. One of the characters is self sacrificing to a T, willing to give her life for others, a doctor who everyone trusts and admires because he's so noble and pure... there were so many similiarities.

So, like I said, if it was Stephenie Meyer's first book, and the only one I'd read, I think I would have really liked it quite a bit. But unfortunately, I'd already read Twilight and the comparisons are just too great. And really, how could anything that's compareD to Twilight even compare? :-)
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This book is a keeper.

I originally bought the book because I adored the Twilight series by the same author. I admired her writing skills and being a prolific reader, know how few and far between good writers are. This story is science fiction so if you cannot put aside concrete ideas and open up to other future possibilities then this story is not for you. If you enjoyed the movie "Avatar", you will probably enjoy this story. The only thing that kept me from giving it 5 stars is the slow start the story takes. If you can get through the first few chapters, you will be hooked. The book was hard to put down and the characters, both human and alien were engaging and for the most part likable. I usually don't get surprised by the ending, but I was.Lire l'avis complet...


The Host by Stephenie Meyer

This book is very different than previous SM books. I was surprised to find that it is a very futuristic and sci-fi book. I have just started reading it and am just as interested to keep on reading. (Sometimes if bored; I will abandon a book and not finish it). This is definitely not the case. I will be finishing this one for sure. It starts out a little hard to follow though; but once you understand who the characters are and what is happening it seems to be much more clear. A friend recommended this one, but I bought this book mainly because I enjoyed the Twilight series books by the same author. I would say this book is very much worth reading; but do not expect it to be in the same league as the Twilight books by SM. It is an adult novel with more in depth level reading with very interesting concepts and ideas in a world in the future.Lire l'avis complet...


Stephenie Meyer is awesome.

I am very fond of Stephenie Meyer, the author of this book and also the Twilight saga. I own this one already but I have it on a soft cover. So I thought since I wanted the hard cover. Might as well look for the one that is signed. That why I bought it. The story is awesome. Easy to read and very discriptive. I've never read anything about alien stuff so this is the first for me, to my surprise I truly enjoy and love the conflict Ms. Meyer provided.
Am not gonna tell you what the book is about since there's a chance I might ruin it for you. I started getting into the book at about 4th chapter. So if your confuse in the begining, dont worry. The good stuff is coming. A friend also told me that Stephenie mention on one of her QA that The Host might have a second part. Am not sure if its true. I can only hope. Enjoy
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Buy it!

There are a few authors whos every book I try to track down and read. Neil Gaiman. Terry Pratchett. Jasper Fforde. Joel Shepherd. Several others. I'm about to add another name to the list: Stephenie Meyer.
This is, pardon my French, one damn good book. If you want to read something that will have you staying up all night just because you want to finish "one more chapter", this is it. Meyer's charcters don't just jump off the page, they explode off of it. They live and breathe, love and cry. The world they live in is a twisted sci-fi version of our own (parts of the story had me wondering, "Could this actually be happening?").
To make a long story short, I CANNOT recommend this book highly enough. I didn't want to finish it because I didn't want to stop reading it. If that twisted logic makes any sense. If you want a good read you will not go wrong with this book. I can only hope that Mrs. Meyers turns this single book into a series (and considering how well I've read it was selling, and the ending which I will not spoil, that seems really likely). One can only hope that when this book becomes a movie (and it will, eventually, believe me), that Hollywood doesn't screw it up too much. I enjoyed it too much to see some directors ham-fisted attempt to bring it to the big screen destroy everything that was good about the book.
Buy it, you won't regret it.
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Step out of your comfort zone

What a great read to miss it would be a shame. Anybody I have directed toward this book as raved about it such as I have. I must say though that you need to read the first fifty pages carefully, chew them up real good they can be a little confusing to some, leaving them wondering what’s going on or bored, but hang on for the ride to come. In the end you will concur Stephanie is a brilliant and imaginative writer
Once again Stephanie Myer has demonstrated her adept ability to elicit deep rooted emotion in her characters and the story of the Host is filed with her ability to do so.
This is a story painted with a palette rich in expressional colors bring out the innermost feeling of the main characters playing upon your heart strings. The eternal conflict, shared feeling, emotional suffering and struggle for the right to humanity between Melanie and her alien host will entrench its self within the reader
The Host is scheduled as a movie and rumored to become a trilogy with the second book being the soul then the seeker! Once the story line is exposed to a larger populist I feel it will far surpass the Twilight series. The success of Twilight was its appeal to a younger audience the Host I don’t feel as been read by as many youths being a little more mature in content, but I’m sure it will get there.
So step out of your comfort zone and read a book that will be talked about in years to come.
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The Host

I bought this book expecting a work similar to Ms. Meyer's Twilight series. I was quite disappointed. Don't get me wrong. The storyline was very good and flowed quite well. It just wasn't written in the style I expected of her.
Each of the Twilight series books took me no more than two days to read. They kept me riveted and thirsting for more (pun intended). This book just didn't do that for me. It never really captured my attention to the point of "can't put it down" or to where I just HAD to know what happened next. It took me almost three weeks to finish the book. Unlike her prior work, I was able to be distracted from this one quite easily and slow to pick it back up afterward.
I'm hoping Ms. Meyer comes out with more books. I will buy them unless they are more of this style and she loses my interest completely. She needs to go back to writing something that grabs me and holds me as she's done four times before.
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Stephanie Meyers ~ The Host

I love this book. Stephanie Meyers is an author with the ability to keep you capitivated. Once you start you will not want to put this book down. Her characters are well written with depth, and are not your picture perfect people. They have their flaws and still seem to get you to fight in their corner. Her description of the scenes and places leave me feeling as if I have watched the story as a movie and not just read the book. Although I have never been to any of these places I can clearly see them as if I had. It has been a long while that I have read a book that I wanted to re-read as soon as I finished, and Stephaine Meyers has written all of them.Lire l'avis complet...


An ok read on slow days.

The book was hard for me too read also, in my opinion it's not really a teen book to me, you really have to follow the book. It took me a while to figure it out. I put it down so many times and walked away. And read other books, normaly I can read a book 2-4 days but this book took me a month. Not because of the size, it was because it took me a while it figure out the people in it and to follow the story line, yes it was a little boring for me also. Being an adult and reading this book I was disappointed in it, the author is a great writer but if she comes out with another chapter book, I probably won't get it.Lire l'avis complet...


Book Review From The Entertainment Critic: The Hostl


Stephenie Meyer is the most popular writer of fiction for young adults in the world. In just 3 short years, her books are the most anticipated events of the publishing season. The Host is her first book written specifically for adults. Her eagerly anticipated adult debut will be one of the best selling books of 2008, and may very well be the best new science fiction thriller written this year. It is more than deserving of my highest rating.

Sometime in the future, our world has been invaded by an unseen parasitic enemy. Humans become hosts for the invaders; their mind is taken over while their bodies remain intact, and they continue their lives unchanged. Most of mankind has been taken over. Only a few humans remain, untouched by the hosts. One of those untouched humans is a young woman, Melanie Stryder, who fell down an elevator shaft trying to avoid the Seekers, a group of invaders who relentlessly pursue their prey. Melanie's body may be broken but her spirit is not. Her memories refuse to fade away. When Wanderer, an invading soul is installed in Melanie's body, she finds her memories, emotions, and senses are intact and powerful. So powerful, that many of Melanie’s feelings and life experiences become the Wanderer’s own. Wanderer encounters one other insurmountable problem, Melanie refuses to give up her mind.

In probing Melanie’s thoughts to locate other possible uninfected humans, the Wanderer finds her mind is filled with thought of the man Melanie loves, Jared, a human who with her brother Jamie is still in hiding. Wanderer is unable to separate herself from Melanie’s feelings for him, and she (Wanderer is also female) also longs for Jared. The powers to be tell Wanderer that because she is unable to subdue Melanie, that the want to remove her from Melanie’s body and send her somewhere else in space. Both Melanie and Wanderer, want desperately to see Jared, that they trick the Seeker assigned to the Wanderer, and set off to find Jared, who happens to be somewhere in the Arizona desert living with Melanie’s Uncle Jeb.

After a life threatening trek across the desert, they find Uncle Jeb has established an underground colony, and they locate a hostile and unforgiving Jared and Jamie. At first little Wanderer does not fit into the group, but Uncle Jeb takes her under his wing and she (they call her Wanda) and Melanie become an accepted part of the community. A pattern in all of Stephanie Meyer’s books then becomes complete; there is some underground society in all of her books that threatens human beings (like vampires) and an impossible love triangle arises. As Wanderer/Melanie become more accepted and needed by the group, Melanie is jealous of Wanderer’s attraction to Jared, and Wanderer attracts a man of her own Ian. The love triangle adds just the right touch of tension and hopelessness that mark all of Stephenie’s Books. To complicate matters, the Seeker assigned to Wanderer finds her, threatening the safety of the entire underground community. Meyer resolves all issues in a surprising, but satisfactory manner. As with her first 3 books, this is the first of a trilogy for this group of
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