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classic thriller murder mystery shines on blu ray

This movie is the movie that amped up and created the true modern giallo movie.
Giallo or crime/murder mystery/noir type of movie had been around since 1963 or so in Italy but this movie changed the dynamics of them by making them more violent and featuring killings taking place from killers viewpoint. This movie also introduced the black gloved killer who hunts down his or her victim. And the killer is finally exposed at the end of the movie like most mystery movies. Giallos became the most popular Italian movie and export to the rest of the world for the next 7- 8 years. This was Dario Argentos first movie and this hit film gave him the much deserved title of the Italian Hitchcock.
Mario Bava also helped to create the style as well as other films but this one set down a real style that hundreds of giallos would follow until this very day. Even though they are rarely made anymore. The movie has a English soundtrack as it's lead actor was American and a Italian one. And it's never looked better than on this great blu ray edition. This print looks alot better than the standard dvd release and the sound is awesome. If you like mystery movies that are more graphic, although this 1969 effort is nothing in violence as compared to the movies that would erupt within a year and a half. But they all were influenced by this classic thriller. ANd if you want to see it you want to watch it or anything on blu ray because that's the only way to go if possible.
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