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Gives Paranormal Research a Very, VERY Bad Name

My sister lives in Louisville, Kentucky, where this "documentary" was filmed for the SciFi channel (bringers of excellent, SCIENTIFICALLY researched shows for over a decade...please hear lots of facetiousness here). It intrigued me, so I bought.
It made me shiver, alright...Not in fear, but in mortification. As a paranormal researcher myself, who believes that INFORMATION & EVIDENCE MUST BE VERIFIED, VERIFIED, VERIFIED & be cast in as much of a scientific aspect as possible, this made me want to howl at the moon in frustration. The documentary (I will forego the quotation marks at this juncture) is filmed by two English "Cowboy" directors from Hollywood (I was never able to figure out if they are twins &/or if they were rejected from 80's hair bands & never got over it, so became "filmmakers") who gave us the wonderful "DEATH TUNNEL" straight-to-DVD clunker. (Never heard of it? Neither did I until this wonderful preview, whoops, I mean documentary!) They attempt, via interviewing the two owners of the hospital (who have no possible stake in the movie & documentary whatsoever; they only sell daily tickets for tours of their haunted hospital), random "security guards" (one of the female security guards was much more frightening than any of the ghosts, her teeth scare them away), a buxom, blonde, screechy college student from UofLOU, & of course, the starlets of "Death Tunnel"! (And 4 old-timers that actually lived/worked there & say its NOT haunted.)
The building was indeed used as a sanitorium for TB patients from 1926-1962, & then reopened as a geriatric facility that was closed by the state in '81. I'm in no way saying it isn't "haunted", as I have yet to go there myself, but the "evidence" photos were so bad, you'd have to be tripping on hallucenegenic drugs or have Monet's eyesight to see the "Imps" (yes, IMPS?!), pre-requisite ghost girls & "shadow people", as well as one that's so good, one might wonder if the photographer had access to a computer program like Photoshoppe...Oh, wait, they're from... HOLLYWOOD. Nah, they don't have the means to create special effects. Oh, yes, & a SATAN pic, too.
What makes me sad is, why do these shows like "GHOST HUNTERS" & "GHOST ADVENTURERS" resort to creepy cinematography & soundtracks for scares? With the technology of today, why is it that they can't just go with what they actually(or did NOT actually) capture on film & audio? I've seen more realistic & much creepier footage on YouTube.
This makes a mockery & a cash cow of a historic place. Now, if the two UK cowboys had JUST made this documentary & not the horrible "Death Tunnel" & then hadn't peppered the documentary with obvious "See Our Movie!" ineunendos, I could've taken this much more seriously. But as it was done, its highly disrepectful to the 8,000 or so (NOT 63,000, for god's sake, did they really research?) people who died from TB there, as well as the seniors sent to die in the building. And the owners? They make t-shirts with sexy, pin-up style DEAD NURSES with nooses around their necks of a possible real suicide (oh, & hats & mugs, too, real respectful), & then want us to feel that they're trying to preserve a historic building? FOR SHAME. Don't waste your money & the 84 minutes of your life on this. Donate it to a charity that helps ill people today, go online & research the background history. Ten minutes on Wiki gives you much more accuracy & much more respect for the dead who died of this horrible disease. For shame.
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Spooked - Waverly Hills Sanatorium

Waverly Hills Sanaotrium is located in Louisville Kentucky. It was formerly a tuberculosis hospital and then a nursing home. It was closed in the early 1980s due to mistreatment and abuse of the residents.

Over 63,000 people died there over the course of time. Most of them from Tuberculosis. It is a very cool, creepy old building with a lot of sad and interesting history.

If you are familiar with the Sci-Fi Channel's series Ghost Hunters, you will see many more "haunted" experiences at Waverly Hills than you will see in this film.

We watched this movie in the hotel before we went on an overnight tour of Waverly Hills. The tour was amazing, there was a thunder and lightening storm occurring while we were there - it was great!

The movie documents the film crew's experiences while filming at Waverly Hills. It was fairly interesting. For anyone interested in Waverly Hills and it's history is a good piece of film to see.
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Must have !

awsome video, informative and scary with actual para investigators on the scene. Guest appearances from those that lived there and some that worked there. The booth bros. pulled it off with theis one. IO was on the edge of my seat the whole time. In the past investigating there for the price, well, I probabaly would not have, but since I saw the video I probabally will now.
Rich GPS Griffith Paranormal Society
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excellent documentary and footage of both the living and the dead. this is a documentary style not a movie. love the interviews with the few folks left that either lived or worked there. all very compelling evidence. finally, a documentary about ghosts that spares you all the silly drama and gets right down to the heart of the matter. never before seen footage taken while shooting a horror movie. this documentary shows hard core proof not just a movie of bumps in the night. very well doneLire l'avis complet...


dang good flick

love this movie it has alot of info on it and is a good one to watch before your trip to waverly hills.............


Great/worth while!!!

I'm always interested in anything regarding Waverly Hills. Esp after seeing it on Ghost Hunters & other various tv shows. Its very informative. If your interested in Waverly Hills I think you'd like this. Now if we can only get a book someday too on Waverly.Lire l'avis complet...


Waverly hills

Love this documentary. Very informative and interesting to watch about this place. Been to this place and it's very scary in real life.


Good Documentary of the scariest place on earth

I really liked the DVD. I have been to Waverly Hills several times to ghost hunt and they show clips of this movie before you go in. Pretty much the whole movie is based on fact.

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