4.64.6 étoiles sur 5
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Good graphics93% J'accepte

Compelling gameplay92% J'accepte

Good value100% J'accepte

345 avis


Evil is Back

For those that loved Resident Evil 4, then you are sure to find the controls quite similar. RE 5 uses the same over-the-shoulder aiming system as its predecessor. Some of the differences between the two games is the management of weapons/items. No longer are you using an attache case, but rather there is a set number of items/weapons that you and your partner can hold. Yes, that is right you have a partner in this game. Sheeva, your ally, is actually a rather capable A.I.; however, the higher the difficulty and you will notice your frustrations with her start to build. There are a a wide variety of weapons which includes handguns, shotguns, machine guns, and snipers all of which can be upgraded and different variations of each which was also found in RE 4. The enemies are quite similar to those in RE 4 meaning yes no zombies once again, but they are a bit faster. In terms of scare factor there is virtually none, and one could say RE 5 is more of a normal third-person shooter. I would say there is a high replay value meaning that there is a high chance you may find yourself playing the game over because once you beat it any upgrades that you have made are kept when you start a new game. All in all I give the game an 8.8/10. It kept me entertained that is for sure, and if your a RE fan it is def worth picking up, and those willing to play a fun third shooter will not be disaapointed either. Great game overall.Lire l'avis complet...


Messed up the story but mechanics are good

For years we have enjoyed the combination of action and puzzle elements the Resident Evil series has brough us. Resident Evil 5 takes action over puzzle as a spiritual sucessor to Resident Evil 4. However gone is the merchant and the constant "Help" Ashley needed. The story is that bioterrorism involving the T-virus and Las Plagas is running rampant across the world so Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar are sent in to make sure that nothing screws up, but knowing Resident Evil something goes wrong. So the team goes all over Africa to stop any further infection and to stop the bioterrorists. So how does it stack up?

Graphics: Graphics are great, you can see the individual threads on Chris' shirt and the pupils in the Majini's eyes. No complaints here. There are a few graphical glitches that occur, but nothing overly noticable.


Sound/Audio: There is a complaint here in that I have fired some of the weapons available(AK-74. HKMP5, etc..) and the weapons sound nothing like they do in real life, nitpicking here but still. There is also a really annoying "squish" sound whenever you hit an enemy with a bullet. I wouldn't normally complain, but it happens so often that it gets annoying. Other than that the soundtrack is awesome and voices are extremely well done.


Gameplay Mechanics: They brought a partner into the mix this time around and it is actually not that bad. It takes away from the game in that you aren't completing it entirely off of your own skill, but it doesn' take away from the game entirely. Veterans of Resident Evil 4 will love this game since it preserved all of the elements of the former and they will beat it first time no problem, almost to the point of it being disapointing, however the later dificulty settings allow this game to actually be challenging. The buttons are responsive and are no real issue.


Story: Here they messed up big time. You can see that Sherry was in the original script with a random white girl attacking you that looks like Sherry 10 years after Raccoon City incident, and I think that one would have been better than what we got. What we got was a bunch of plot holes like Tricell which in RE:CV was HCF, Oswell Spencer being dead in the first game to being magically alive in the later game, and the "Wesker Children" story which didn't make any sort of sense. Overall the story was a horrid mess and I don't give it any consideration when going into the Resident Evil storyline. Also Jill looks like garbage in this one.


Other: Special features of this game are nothing special, we get the standard Mercenary mode which I don't get why it is called that since it has really nothing to do with mercenaries(not like in RE:3) The new weapons aren't all that special and the new consumes you can get for your characters are not overly impressive. The special features are nothing special but do add to the game's replayability. Also the game is very replayable and Ifound myself playing it over and over again.


Overall: It will make fans of the series mad the way that it was presented in terms of story, but as a game it is excellent and has no real flaws other than small ones that don't take away from the game at all. Good game, bad story.

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Resident Evil 5 is a must have for this console

Graphics: Excellent 9.0/10
Sound: Excellent 9.0/10
Gameplay: Very Good 7.5/10
Replay: Great 8.5/10
Overall: Great 8.5/10

Note to the reader: I have been playing the Resident Evil Series since it’s introduction on the Playstation One.

Graphics: Excellent 9.0/10
The graphics are excellent, the cut-scenes and in-game graphics are seamless, and this is as good as Capcom has done for this series. The shadows, lighting effects, and motions are great, and really immerse you into the game. The zombies, the backgrounds, and environments are detailed, rich, and engrossing.

Sound: Average – 9.0/10
The thing that Capcom has always nailed in this series is the sound, and this game is no exception. The sounds of the groans, the heightening tension of the music when an attack is coming, and the sounds of the weapons are dead on. The ambiance is set in the different areas by the increasing tones of heightening sense of importance through the use of music in this game.

Some may say that the voice work is poor, but it goes right along with the “cheesy” style that this series has always had, and the delivery is spot on for those that have been with the series for some time.

Gameplay: Very Good – 7.5/10
Let me start by saying that when playing this game with a friend in the co-op mode, there is nothing better. Having to people that can communicate and work together makes this game perfect. However, that being said, when this game is played in offline mode, it is not the best experience. The computer ally A.I. will shoot you in the back, use herbs unnecessarily, and not help in the most critical times of the game.

Replay Value – Great 8.5/10
Once the game is over, you will most likely be wanting more. Luckily, there are many unlockables, difficulty levels, and time runs to keep you busy for some time. To upgrade every weapon alone (without glitching) would take 6-8 playthroughs! The mercenaries mode, further co-op adventures, and just general playing will keep you coming back for more.

The score would have been greater if Capcom didn’t already include multiplayer on the disk, and charge $5 to download the unlock patch to play multiplayer. This is a trend I do not wish to se continue.

Overall – Great 8.5/10
This is a great game, do not get me wrong, but it is not perfect. This game is a detour off the survival horror that the series has created, and perfected, and has gone down the pure action path. This is not a bad thing, but the controls don’t lend themselves to that type of gameplay.

With less suspense, more gripping events because of the sheer amount of enemies, and over the top ammo and drive of the game, it is a mixture of Resident Evil 4, Gears of War, and the Matrix. Where this game does many things right, it is flawed and glitch in just as many areas. If this were any other title, it would not have been as scrutinized as closely as it was in this title.

Resident Evil 4 was, and still is, on my top 5 games of all time. This game will not place on that list, but I must recommend it just for the sheer fun, playability, and co-op opportunities that are available. This is a must play.
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Good game

The cooperative online experience for the xbox version is terrible. Xbox 360 gamers would join my game, request ammo, then leave. Some would run around aimlessly or shoot at me instead of the monsters. Others would request to join the game and I would reset to the last checkpoint so they could join without waiting. Then they would leave right away. Others would not put first aid in their inventory so that I had to do all of the healing with my own items.

I played this same game on playstation 3 and the gamers were much more mature. The Playstation 3 version therefore gets a 5/5

So if you have both systems... get the PS3 version.

As for the actual game... it rocks. It is very addicting. I wanted to get all of the weapons fully upgraded. It has a slight RPG feel. Also, the achievements are all easy to get (some very time consuming though, such as fully upgrading every single weapon).
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Resident Evil 5: 10 Things to Know

Here are ten important things you need to know about Resident Evil 5:

1. Graphics - RE5’s graphics are amazing, and they are some of the best you’ll find on a console.

2. Controls - I embraced RE4’s control scheme, but the same scheme today feels a bit outdated. You still cannot walk with your gun or knife ready. The developers say it is more realistic this way, but even in cut scenes Chris walks with his gun pointed forward. And now that I think about it, why can’t I simply walk up and punch or kick someone? Why must I wait for them to be stunned?

3. Sound - A lot of the sounds including the music are very similar to RE4, which is a good thing.

4. Co-op - With RE5, two players can together. Awesome! One problem with co-op is the fact you can’t give weapons to your partner. That doesn’t make any sense at all. Also, watch out when using an AI partner for Sheva. She sometimes wastes ammo, refuses to use her powerful weapons, heals you unnecessarily, and dashes off.

5. Items - All items have been needlessly streamlined. The weapons are less complex, there are no more combinable treasures, and yellow herbs are nowhere to be found. Also, you can buy items anytime between chapters. I liked the merchant in RE4, but he’s gone this time around. So who are you buying items from? Apparently, just a menu system. Also, RE5 redesigned the item management system in order to make it more realistic than RE4. I like how it no longer takes me out of the game, but sometimes it is hard to use. The fast equip feature via the D-pad is greatly appreciated.

6. Horror - RE5’s biggest issue is the fact it continues the series’ trend of removing all aspects of “horror” from the survival horror genre. In fact, I would just call RE5 an action game with elements of adventure. There is rarely any suspense, the action is almost nonstop, and many of the potentially scary settings occur in daylight.

7. Bosses - Simply put, the boss fights in this game are not as original or exciting as RE4’s boss fights. Most are easy, unvaried, and unnoteworthy. Some of the boss fights don’t even feel like fights, but mere struggles instead.

8. Puzzles - Unfortunately, RE5 offers virtually zero puzzles. There’s not even the task of combining treasure. The only thing remotely close to a puzzle is finding the blue BSAA emblems. Shooting them is a cool way to unlock bonus features.

9. Saving - I like being able to save my game at various points, and I like being able to start a brand new game, but these features are gone. RE5 keeps track of all items and money you have so that to play previous chapters, you always bring your latest gear. It almost makes it too easy.

10. Charm - RE5 lacks a lot of the charm found in RE4. Chris is almost emotionless, whereas Leon was witty and classy. The quick time events in RE5 are overdone and predictable, whereas in RE4 they were fun and surprising. The only character with real “character” in RE5 is Irving. It seemed the whole cast of RE4 stood out.

Resident Evil 5 is a short, fun action game, but it lacks a lot of what made its predecessor so great. The only improvements are the graphics and the addition of multiplayer. The rest of the changes negatively impact the overall fun of the game. Still, it is a fun game, and I recommend it for any Resident Evil fan or those who are looking for a good action game.
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RE5, Resident Evil comes to Xbox!!!

If you were as big a fan of RE4 on the Gamecube or now the Wii, which to be honest for me was the ONLY reason to even own a Gamecube, then you were drooling @ the idea of the Resident Evil series coming to Xbox. Now admittedly, this series has taken quite a large turn from the good old days of Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine that graced the original Playstation so many years ago. Gone are the many varied puzzle quests, as well as the interesting item combinations that you needed to tinker with so often to find just the right item you needed to move forward in the game. For some this is a major disappointment. If you're looking for classic survival horror, unfortunately this is not exactly it. However, if you're looking for heart pounding action mixed into a dramatic horror theme with outstanding visuals and visceral gore, then you have found it here my friend!!!

Overall RE5 plays much like a new-school horror flick. There's a super buffed up steriod-pumping lead male (Chris), an unbelievably hot female sidekick (Sheva), and an overbearingly evil antagonist (Wesker) who is hell bent on destroying the world. Now don't get too wrapped up in the plot as it's cliche in every way. What draws you into this game is the great visuals and the seemingly non-stop action. Unlike previous installments of the series, this game never really gets stuck @ a point where you don't know what to do. Once again, for some this is a disappointment as the hardcore survival horrorists would want more mind-bending puzzles that confuse and sift out the weak willed, however for the majority this switch to a more action-oriented theme means you WILL beat the game. You will see the whole plot line play out, lame as that may be, and you will have a chance to battle your way through a myriad of scenery and bad guys before climaxing @ a major game-ending boss battle. This plays out rather epically, and when done with the game there is still much to go back and collect as well as potential online fun if you have Xbox live (Co-op story mode is available throughout).

Overall this is a very good game with a cheesy plot and butt kicking action the whole way. Very much worth your time if you enjoy the series, and even more so if you just love blowing zombies limbs and heads off!!! =P
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its alright, but there not much replay value

Don't get me wrong I thought that RE5 was a great game. Throughout the game I was freaked out by random encounters and new surprises. But once you beat the game, there wasnt much to do. The achievements were the main reason for why I kept replaying plus random requests from my friend. The versus mode was a weak extension and should have been free DLC.

The gameplay was completely new to me since you had to actually stand and shoot enemies. I didn't understand why you would stand still to aim your gun. It's obvious you're not in a shooting range, so why would a person stand still when zombie like people are coming at you with murderous intent? I thought they could have been allowed players to move and shoot like any FPS, but oh well.

The Versus Mode DLC is simply like Mercenary Mode where you kill zombies on a Time Trial basically with limited ammo. The only difference is that you go against other people as well so you can kill other people. The entire thing is ridiculous since when you aim you're standing still.

But honestly, this was my first Resident Evil game, and I thought it was great. I thought I was going to kill more zombies, but found out I had to kill regular people with "las plagas" in them. So it was just started where RE4 left off apparently.

It's a great game, but I wished i just rented it.
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RE5 was a great experience.

This was the cheapest price I could find anywhere for this game, and I got it in two days even though I went cheap on the delivery (probably the exception, not the rule). I bought it because I wanted to play the cooperative mode with a friend across the country. Unfortunate for him, I got hooked on day one and ended up beating the whole thing in a week and didn't end up playing the coop mode yet. My girlfriend enjoyed it so much, she wants to play it.

The Bad - The game still has the cumbersome weapons menu where you have to equip each weapon and combine ammo with each gun. Often this happens in the midst of battle. This has been awkward for all of the Resident Evil games. I would have thought they would have figured this out by now. Aside from that, it the monsters were a lot of fun, and the challenges were creative. Great game.
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Gameplay great, content questionable.

I really think this is one of the most visually-stunning games i have ever owned. The gameplay is typical post-RE4, which is an improvement. I REALLY love the fact that the game has a co-operative mode that can be utilized WITHOUT xbox live, this way, my wife and i can play together. HEAR ME, GAME DEVS: MAKE MORE SPLIT SCREEN CO-OP GAMES!!
The only things i dislike are that the story is very recycled when it comes to RE games and all of the enemies, with few exceptions, are poor, shanty-town Africans. The idea of shooting a bunch of poor people turns me off. Some folks have said the game is racist. I'm not sure, but i can see their argument.
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Resident Evil 5 for Xbox 360 XBOX360 Review 9/10

8.0 Presentation
RE5 has a slick look and feel, but there are some usability issues. Split-screen is confusing to use, menus can be somewhat cumbersome and loading is abundant.
9.5 Graphics>One of the prettiest games of this generation. Lighting, textures and landscapes are often stunning. There’s some screen tearing here and there, but it’s minor. Enemy animations quickly grow stale.
9.0 Sound
Music is understated but sets the tone well, especially the nerve-jangling song that plays when enemies approach. Voice acting for most characters is surprisingly good, but some is just terrible.
8.5 Gameplay
What RE5 lacks in standard survival horror it makes up for in action-packed combat, satisfying on-rails segments and killer final chapter. Controls are beginning to feel dated for an action game.
9.0 Lasting Appeal
For a game with no competitive online multiplayer, RE5 has incredible replayability. Beating the game in various ways unlocks modes and features, and Mercenaries will keep you coming back for more.Lire l'avis complet...

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