État :
5.05.0 étoiles sur 5
8 évaluations du produit
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Good value100% J'accepte

Entertaining100% J'accepte

Engaging characters100% J'accepte

5 avis


Exposure of US Government Untruths About 9.11.01

Kevin Coster & Hilary Swank narrate this film about how the 9/11 Commission Report & CIA Intelligence reports absolutely nail the Bush cabinet for having specific warning of airliners being hijacked by Al Qaeda to blow up important commercial, government & historical US building.

It's sickening as a US citizen of 51 years to watch a DVD showing Sec. of Defense, Condoleezza Rice, being publicly untruthful & argumentative during the 9/11 Commission hearings to attempt to cover-up the significance of CIA written warnings to the White House Cabinet (through Rice herself) about Al Qaeda terrorist plots coming "very soon." Bush, Cheney, Rice, Powell, and Rumsfeld, most especially, were supposed to have carried out their duties & taken the CIA Intelligence reports about these terrorist plots using airliners to crash into buildings seriously as could be. But President Bush was vacationing all month prior to it. It seems as if they did not give a hoot & were too busy playing politics for power to be an agency that functioned to protect our land, commerce, citizens & people who visit us.

The US President Bush spent 4 weeks before 9/11 on vacation at his ranch where he was not in the White house acting as the US President on CIA Intelligence reports on terrorism: in fact he cut the terrorism budget against all advice(after he cut the Veterans budget first; followed by the people with disabilities budget). Instead, the US Pres. Bush decided gave our money to big business. If he cared so much about the military, why did he cut the Veterans budget so deeply when he took over the White House? Now feigning care about Walter Reed's Vets?

I'm angry to see him on TV sucking up to Vets, now that his war made 25,000+ new Disabled Vets without enough GI benefits because of his Vet budget cuts. After watching "On Native Soil," my anger boiled realizing how Bush et al's political spin has taken our country down in every way imaginable. We were beloved in almost every country around the world before the war hawk President & Cabinet & former Republican controlled government completely fail(ed) us diplomatically. The US Pres. refused to order or cooperate with a 9/11/01 Commission that the family members of 9/11 victims lobbied for, in order to investigate what truly happened to make our executive branch of government totally let thri guard down & allow such a heinous terrorist attack "On Native Soil." Document after document, CIA agents, 9/11 Commission Investigators, & Veterans are all present in the film to show that the Bush White House had ample cause to be in a state of high military homeland readiness for airliners to be seized as weapons of mass destruction against US & international citizens in the US!

Spin & spin by Donald Rumsfeld & Dick Cheney is exposed in video as they slickly try to slide out of their video-taped statements made to the US public & the United Nations (through Colin Powell). Lies and lairs "On Native Soil." It's an insightful exposure of untruths the Bush led government invented. Historians will do even better, to be sure. The film maker, Linda Ellman, investigates what could have been done to avoid the terrorism of 9/11/01.

Make no mistake about it, much could have been done to prevent it. Our government was well warned. They knew & did nothing. Ellman effectively shows this by interviewing Senator John McCain, former CIA leaders, 9/11 Commission investigators & victims' families. Become well educated!
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On Native soil is a must see

After seeing it on TV it was a must have in my collection. The information is shocking an very eye opening. The footage in actual and placed in a understandable order of events. Any one who has seen it loved it and was very surprised how well it was done,........ very informative.
A must for all American's to see, there is not a boring part in the hour and a half of viewing.
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On Native Soil (DVD, 2006)

I knew this was An American DVD Documentry account. An All Racial, Worldwide Account of The Government of The United States. 9ll Commission Report, and failure to keep safe New York's people of The World Trade Center. Worldwide "sorry" for those whom felt saftely before 9/11€1.Lire l'avis complet...


"must have" for history buff & to know chain of events

if someone is interested in the chain of events leading up to the 9-11 events...this is a must see video. leaves one to question many things about the govt. but realistically...no one could have ever prepared for 9-11Lire l'avis complet...




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