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This book is a startling revelation!

For years I've been concerned about the flagrant re-wording of the Holy Scriptures, in "version" after"version" of what used to be the pure word of God. Now my understanding has increased 10-fold, thanks to the author's courage in exposing the numerous "New Age Bible Versions", the book truly is a thorough expose', and needs to be read by every discerning Christian before it's too late! Don't let yourself be deceived by a so-called bible version that claims to be easier to read and understand, or claims to correct what was translated in the KJV. God bless the KJV, and NEW AGE BIBLE VERSIONS!Lire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : coasbooks


It made me do the research I should have done years ago

"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Proverbs 18:13

It made me do the research I should have done years ago. I had brushed aside the Bible version issue with the thought that anyone who was King James only was just old fashioned and set in their ways. That the newer versions were just as accurate, if not more accurate. When I took the time to read the things in this book, and then being prompted to dig deeper and research the whole matter on my own, I was startled! I was actually wrong! What a humbling experience. Just kidding. I don't think I am always right about everything, but felt sure I was right on this issue until I was prompted to do the research. I pray that I never brush aside such an important issue again without fully researching and praying over it.

You know, it makes sense that Satan would attack Gods word. In war, the first thing to attack is the enemies means of communication. Break the lines of communications from headquarters to the troops and there is chaos on the battlefield for that army. That is exactly what Satan is trying to do. Many of these "New Age" Bible versions are full of modern mysticism, new age thinking and worst of all, they are trying to rid Gods Word of Christs Deity! Do that and Jesus becomes just a mere man. If Jesus is a mere man, then salvation is of ourselves. The old, "Glory to Man" mentality that Satan used in the Garden of Eden to get Eve to commit the first sin! "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." Genesis 3:5

Buy the Book! Read it! Share the Truth in Love!
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A Book worth spending the time reading & thinking.

For years I have set in Church and listened to the Pastor of our church talk about the fallicies of the New Versions of the Bible and how they are taking away from the truth that God wanted us all to know. When I purchased this book, upon flipping through it for the first time I decided to call our Associate Paster and ask if he knew anything about the book or the Author. Upon telling him the name of the book, before I finished my sentence he immediately said "Ecellent choice". When I started reading and coming across some of the things that the Author was saying about the differences I was simply floored. At that point I decided that I needed to do some comparisons myself. I picked up my KJV Bible, and pulled a copy each of the NIV & NKJV from the closet. When I started comparing the 3 Bibles once again I was floored at the way the new versions have changed things around so that some of the scriptures that are depicting Our Lord & Savior in the KJV, are changed to dipicting Satan in the new version. I think the thing that floored me the most was the Symbol that is on the cover of the NKJV. When G.A. Riplinger told that the NKJV carried the imobius symbol on the cover, I did not know what that symbol was. So I decided to look it up. I logged onto the web and googled 'imobius symbol'. When it took me to a satanic web site, I almost fell out of my chair. Then I looked up the meaning of the imobius symbol. The imobius symbol is a symbol meaning "666".
Now all of you out there can say what you want about the intentions of G.A. Riplinger, but I myself have taken the things I have seen and read with my own eyes and have come to my own conclusions. If this book does nothing else for you but make you thing, then it is and excellent book. And my life from this point on will only read, live, and breath the KJV Bible. This is a book that all christians should read, even if for nothing else but to give you a guide to do your own comparisons.
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The Battle Field for the Mind Is At Stake

I had the opportunity to heal Mrs. Riplinger back in the 90's through what was called, The Prophecy Club. Her research is thorough and informative. She goes into great detail on the history behind the modern versions, and traces the the trails of the text by which the KJV and the modern versions come from. She sites the names of many of the players, such as Wescott & Hordes (Spelling?), and their affiliations that suggest contradictions to the Scriptures themselves. I was able to go back and verify many of her claims, only to find them true. I thoroughly recommend New Age Bible Versions. We are indeed in a spiritual battle. -Eric WestLire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : neuf | Vendu par : roskirsc0


Most informative book on this subject that I have ever read.

Any serious student of the Bible should read this book. It exposes how satan wants God's word misquoted and misused. It is very informative and the author seems to done her homework as she has put in many hours of study and research to write this book. Yes, you can probably find fault with some of the statements as people will often do, however, this should be a must read book before one can voice his/her opinion one way or another. I promise that you will not be disappointed in reading this book. I bought this book to learn about the origin of the different versions of the Bible. This book is probably one of the informative books on the subject that you will find.Lire l'avis complet...


A Must Read for Every Christian. It will open your eyes!

Coming from an occult background before I became a Christian, I know that there are certain keywords and phrases to explain certain things. Gail Riplinger's book shows just how Satan has written a new version of the Bible that will over time create new doctrines that will eventually change the true meaning of the Gospel. "Cap stone, the one, new order" are just some of the phrases being used in the new bible versions to blend in with the occult new age movement. This book shows you complete history of translators such as Holt and others who were not Christian but members of magical or paranormal societies and wanted their beliefs to infiltrate the Bible. If you want to get to truth and see just how deceiving the new translations really are get this book! I bought this after watching Gail Riplinger give her presentation of this. I will blow you away to see just how much the new versions are changed. Not just to make it easier to read which they don't but to change complete doctrine. Ms. Riplinger shows how the King James version is written on a 5th grade reading level while the NIV version is 8th grade reading level. Not to mention that the King James in not copyrighted as the new versions are. With all this said, get this book. It's a great price and you won't be able to put it down..Lire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : clickgoodwillbooks


Riplinger and New Age Bible Versions

Whether you like what she says, or how she says it, the modern versions make many changes in what the True Bible says. Have you ever wandered why, it's not just spelling or grammer changes, updating English, but it is very important Doctrinal verses that get changed? There is a reason, and the changes do not come from God! Don't be herded into the New Age philosophy of Satan and be dragged into his lies! Think about it!

Why remove 1 John 5:8, which proves the Trinity of God?
Why use a bible that uses 4 contradictory manuscripts for it's text when the King James uses over 5,000 non-contradictory sources for what it says.
They lie when they say the king James is too dificult to understand, when the King James is written on a sixth grade reading level. Most words are one syllable.
The compilers for the new Greek were Luciferians, worshipped idols, etc. They didn't even believe the account of Creation was true, how can they believe any of the Bible? How can we trust them?
The King James says salvation is by faith in Christ alone, without works, yet the new versions change the Scriptures to say we need works to earn our way to Heaven.
Is. 14:12, Lucifer is the son of the morning in the King James, but in modern versions he is called the Morning Star, a name given to Jesus Christ. Who is the Morning Star in your life?
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Reveals much that has been in the shadows.

Extensive documentation. Clearly examines the roots of current Bible versions. Most are not as advertised. A must read if you really value the truth.

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : booksfromca


Eye Opening Gift from God!

This book will I promise you change your life forever. When you read it you will instantly feel the conviction of the Holy Ghost, that the Autherized King James Bible is the one true inspired Word of God.(II Tim. 3:16) This book will change your life, because when you start reading only from the KJV your eyes will be open to the AWSOME POWER OF GOD! Their is nothing God cannot do!

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 (This verse is for us, the Word of God pierces us and discerns the thoughts and intents of our hearts.)

Read this book and know the truth. Understand the true love and power of God.

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unChrist-like nonsense

This book is a waste of paper. Riplinger has decided that she knows the motivation of everyone involved with any translation of the Bible into English since the KJV was finished. She libels many solid Christian scholars, saying that they are New Agers, are controled by the Devil, and wish to undermine true Christianity, etc. She also takes some cheap shots at the Calvinistic understanding of the Gospel. (See p 231, where she says that the 5 Points of Calvinism are a Satanic pentagram.) She sees the KJV as perfect, and believes that any other translations are heretical and wicked. This screed goes way over the top, and only the ignorant and credulous could be swayed by it. I strongly recommend that all interested in this subject read instead THE UNBOUND SCRIPTURES by Rick Norris.Lire l'avis complet...

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