État :
4.34.3 étoiles sur 5
43 évaluations du produit
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Good value100% J'accepte

Entertaining100% J'accepte

Engaging characters100% J'accepte

39 avis


SuperHeroes Need Love To !!!!

This romantic comedy, (brought to us from the makers of "Meatballs" & "Stripes") is intended to "entertain", make us smile; laugh and just enjoy a fun story. "My Super-Ex Girlfriend" achieves exactly that.
With a great twist on story-material, (Luke Wilson) had been quite entranced in his newfound girlfriend Jenny's attractive figure, intense love-making and sexy appeal. Jenny, meanwhile is busy on her alter-ego side as New York City's Superhero., chasing down thieves, robbers; putting out devastating fires and stopping fast guided missles; all in the name of good!
Jenny's personal life with Matt gets turned up as she latches on to him, professing her love.... but turned off by her rapid attachment to him, Matt (Luke Wilson) has found reason to break off his relationship. He is In-Love with a co-worker. Well, Jenny is not going to go quietly!
Jenny has a wild, needy, neurotic side that has comes unleashed and she will use ALL her superpowers to exact revenge, damage and destruction on her former love, to "teach him" for dumping her!....and maybe get him back?
After all, she's a Superhero for crying-out-loud!!!
The special-effects are laid in thick, stressing (Thurman's) Superhero capabilities. Luke Wilson & Uma Thurman both play their roles exceptionally well. Great acting goes into this simple romantic-comedy with a fun-filled spin. It is a very cute, fun-loving movie to watch. You can't be disappointed, if you go into this expecting the right things. - (It isn't an Installment in "Batman", "Superman" or "Spiderman" -- serious-based big-screen hits right from the pages of the Comics.)
This is a fun-filled spin on "How Would You Break-Up With You Girlfriend Nicely, If She Was A Superhero? - Or would you really want to?" -- Fun Movie!! Worth All the Laughs !! -- Ingenious Original Funny Concept !!
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Super Fun!

Poor Matt Saunders hasn't had a date for six months, is lonely, and the girl he loves (Hannah, a co-worker) is dating someone else. Enter Jenny. Matt sees her on the subway and with a little encouragement from his womanizing best friend Vaughn, decides to ask her out. She coldly rejects him at first; but when Jenny's purse gets snatched and Matt gives chase, her resolve melts and she agrees to go on a dinner date with him.

Matt finds out quickly that Jenny is a bit off, but ignores all of the warning bells going off in his head. A little romance and wild sex ensues, and soon Jenny takes Matt into her confidence, letting him know that she's really G-Girl, their city's superhero. Matt is relieved, chalking her previous bizarre behavior up to the fact that she was keeping this amazing and titillating secret from him.

Unfortunately, a spade is still a spade, and Jenny is still nuts, and controlling, and horribly jealous! When a botched double-date leaves Matt alone with both Jenny and Hannah at the same time, Matt finally accepts the truth: Jenny's too quirky and neurotic for him and Hannah is the woman he truly loves. When Matt finally finds the courage to break up with Jenny, she immediately becomes the ex-girlfriend from Krypton hell! There's just nothing quite like a superhero scorned!

A caveat here: this is not the movie to watch if you are looking for depth and the meaning of life. It is the movie to watch if you want a good laugh, and something to take your mind off of your troubles for awhile. It's silly and ridiculous, but it's also great fun. I found myself laughing out loud more than once at Jenny's hilarious acts of vengeance; vengeance that could only be enacted by a superhero, of course! Uma Thurman does a wonderful job portraying nutty-as-a-fruitcake Jenny, and Luke Wilson is adorable, and perfect as the slightly timid put-upon boyfriend. The rest of the characters are well-cast as well. As for the ending, it will definitely put a smile on your face. “My Super Ex-Girlfriend” is a delightful movie all the way around.
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My Super Ex-Girlfriend Posted by CK-Auctions

With so many people vying to have their ideas made into films, it's always struck me funny that Hollywood comes up with so many lame, boring and downright inane films on a consistent basis. I'm not talking about Die Hard on a "fill in the blank," but rather those ostensibly high-concept pieces that crash and burn, never making it off the runway due to any number of factors, but many of which suck in the script stage and continue sucking all the way until they land in the multiplexes. One such offender would be this summer's bomb My Super Ex-Girlfriend: neat idea on the surface -- neurotic super-heroine engages in typical rom-com shenanigans -- that was horribly muffed by director Ivan Reitman, screenwriter Don Payne and the assembled cast.

You know you're in trouble when your two leads generate as much chemistry as a wet matchbook -- Uma Thurman (who looks pretty awful in a few scenes) stars as Jenny Johnson, a mild-mannered New Yorker whose alter-ego, G-Girl, flits around the Big Apple saving lives and stopping evil. When she meets up with architect Matt Saunders (Luke Wilson), the pair thinks they've each found their perfect match. Matt suspects something might be a little off about Jenny, but it's not until he elects to break up with her and start dating Hannah, a co-worker (Anna Faris), that Matt discovers the depths of her neediness. Throw in a lovelorn super-villain, Professor Bedlam (an utterly wasted Eddie Izzard), and Matt's horn-dog best friend Vaughn (a woefully miscast Rainn Wilson) and you've got the makings of one spectacularly bland summer tent-pole misfire.

The key problem with My Super Ex-Girlfriend is that for all of the relationship drama, you really don't end up giving much of a shit about the characters and as any novice screenwriter would tell you, if you're making a film hinging on the interaction between individuals, it really helps sell the thing if those people are engaging and compelling. Not so here, which only magnifies the failure of Reitman to successfully fuse the serio-comic action stuff with the more traditional rom-com cutesy fluff; it's a good idea but one that feels half-baked, as though the filmmakers just figured audiences would forgive the gaps and not notice the wildly varying approaches from each of the actors onscreen.

A big fat summertime dud, My Super Ex-Girlfriend is sporadically entertaining and occasionally involving, but those moments are few and far between. I can't fathom how someone with as many comedic gems under his belt as Ivan Reitman agreed to hop on board this trainwreck. It's easily one of the worst flicks he's ever been associated with -- even fans of Uma Thurman and Luke Wilson should probably hold out for cable before ever plunking down $20 for a DVD.

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Posted by CK-Auctions
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Enjoyable At Times, but A Flat-Out C

My Super-Ex Girlfriend
Rating* PG-13 for sexual content, crude humor, language and brief nudity
Release Date* July 21, 06

What I mean by just flat-out C was that it was good, and bad, and it totally was not great. The acting was well done, Uma Thurman being a real good Jenny Johnson/G-girl. This movie has a funny plot but it is rather chessy and dull. Matt Saunders (Luke Wilson) portrays his character really well also. This is just a regular super-hero movie, but with romance in it. The movie is worth the watch, but I think it's just a rent from Blockbuster of your local library if they get it in.

Uma Thurman is Jenny Johnson, a desperate woman/ superhero for love. In the movie, it shows how Jenny got to be G-girl, a popular superhero.

One day with her friend Barry, who later becomes G-girl's nemisis, they discover a meteor. Then Jenny touches it and *wam*, Jenny is now G-girl, having super powers.

Then, she finds Matt Saunders, and she becomes desperatley in love with him. But, Matt can't take it no more and he relizes he loves a co-worker, and that is when the relationship takes off.

Cheesy, but enjoyable. This is just another romance story with great music in it. Like I said before, this is a blockbuster rent, not a-see in theatres. It could be better, this movie. Other movies coming out this same week are Monster House, Lady In The Water, and Clerks 2, them all worth to see in theatres, but this one didn't make the cut...

Hope you Enjoy!

Overall grade* C
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Not Just Another Comic Book Movie !

My Super Ex-Girlfriend is Not Just Another Comic Book Movie... in fact there is no comic book connection to a previously printed comic book at all that I am aware of!

However Tina and I watched this DVD from our BlockBuster store recently as it was just released, and had a few laughs about it...

It stars Uma Thurman, (who was foxier as Poison Ivy in a previous Batman comics movie), and Luke Wilson. Uma was pretty over the top as the super ex-girl friend, whereas Luke was lukewarm as the boyfriend... IMO

Anna Faris had a pretty decent role, and the movie had some pretty good scenes and special effects.

The movie was a little too hung up on a normal man having sex with a super-powered female, but overall it was a pretty good 96 minute film. Any longer and it might have overstayed its' cute premise.

We enjoy going out to most of the new movies that are about our comic book heroes or heroines, but this one is not based on any comic book so we waited till it was on DVD. It is rated PG-13, but I believe it is for an older crowd than 13.

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I went to see this movie,after seeing the previews and imo the 1st part was fantastic!The chemistry between Luke and Uma was perfect.These 2 together could be compared almost to Jack and Rose in Titanic!Then the break up happens and from that point on the film is hit and miss quality wise.I don't want to create a spoiler,but just want to say this was the most disappointing ending for a film I ever saw!One viewer may feel it ended the way it shouldve,but ''shouldve''doesn't always work for me.It was also a very rushed ending with many holes in the storyline left empty.The plot does have some holes that may have been filled had the movie been longer.And longer it shouldve been for it to cover the whole premise thoroughly.In conclusion,the 1st part of the film is very uplifting and enjoyable,after the breakup,it was pretty much downhill.Lire l'avis complet...


Decent, but not great

My Super Ex-Girlfriend - Decent but not great.

I love Uma Thurman and I'm a big fan of Luke Wilson, but MY Super Ex-Girlfriend fell short of my expectations, and my expectations weren't that high to begin with.

I thought it'd be a lot funnier than it was (all the funny parts are basically in the previews). Thurman and Wilson are great but this film doesn't give them much to work with.

I guess they did the best job they could, but it wasn't enough for me to not reach for the fast forward button during certain dragged out scenes.

Final Verdict:


Rent or Buy?: This one is just a rental in my opinion. I won't be watching it again, it just wasn't fun, or funny enough.

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My Tastes

Lean more toward the funny side then the ooh it's Uma side..this movie is somewhat funny in it's own little miserable way..Uma stars as a Super hero who just wants to have a normal day with a normal love in her life..as she tries to force love out of her subway hero..he gets turned off by her quirky (for lack of a nicer phrase) actions! As he realizes his secret love is also his true love now he must break it off with his psycho super hero Gfriend..btw he finds that out shortly before breaking it off..there are some funny scenes and some ooh that had to hurt scenes, if you are a devout Uma fan you will think this movie is first rate, but if you are a movie buff like me you wont be soo convinced..I give this flick 2 out of 5 bars!!Lire l'avis complet...


Top of the line entertainment, funny, entertaining and well worth watching.

I will always enjoy this comical, entertaining and spectacular movie production. Uma Thurman,Luke Wilson,Anna Faris,Eddie Izzard and Rainn Wilson with special by Wanda Sykes made the movie a wide family affair of Super laughs and imaginary female super strength. The chaotic life of Uma Thuman and her old friend and the interest Luke Wilson found in her character leads to mayhem and misunderstanding. A smiling and laughing affair all the way through. I watch it over and over. I never get tired of it. I gave it a high rating, because the acting is great from all of the cast. I didn't want it to end.Lire l'avis complet...


This Was A Great Movie!

This was an awesome movie. I decided to buy this movie because I had rented it before and I liked it. I am a huge fan of Anna Faris, and I have seen most of her movies, as well as most of Uma Thurman's movies as well.
Overall, I was impressed with this movie, and I think that most men can relate to the situations in this film. After all, what man hasn't fantasized about dating a supermodel or celebrity? Certainly a superhero would fall into that category. And to upset the superhero by dumping her is what made this movie so entertaining. Can you imagine upsetting a needy, neurotic superhero? People like this are scary enough without having super powers.
I definitely recommend this movie to anyone that wants a good laugh. It is well worth the money spent.
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