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As enjoyable as the cover of the book.

I bought this book after reading all the Janet Evanovich books. I was desperate for something new, but didn't know what. A friend recommended reading Jane Greens' books so I did. Her style is easy to read and I didn't want to put the book down. This book is very predictable, but I loved it. The book made me laugh and cry.

There were times when I was so frustrated with Libby that I wanted to yell at her. She is so wrapped up in having a rich husband that she is constantly trying to talk herself into falling in love with the rich guy. The reality is the poor guy is rich in other areas.

The relationship with her and the poor guy is steamy. I cried when he broke her heart. You will want her to end up with the poor guy, but at the same time will feel bad for the rich guy.

I think it's her best book, Jemima J would be a close second. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for an easy read.
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Very good book!!

I love this book, it's one of my favorites. I've read it like 4 times already and decided to finally buy. I definitely recommend it. It's very funny and witty and a great read.


Thumbs up!

This was one of the first Jane Green books that I read on recommendation of my sister-in-law. I got my first copy from a book box I bought here on eBay. I loved this book! I've since purchased it new in Hard Cover.Lire l'avis complet...


Great Book!!

This book is also one of the greatest books that Jane Green had written. I really like the story and like the end of the story too!!! That was wonderful ending :)


Mr. Maybe

I like this author. She writes stories that everyone can relate to. Any woman who went through the dating game could relate to this book.

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