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1 avis


L'Age D'Or (2004, DVD)

Ignore other people's opinions about the content of the film. Anyone who is a fan of Bunuel, Surrealism, or revolutionary and historically important filmmaking will truly enjoy this film. Easily five stars, but because of Kino's terrible transfer (which granted is not too bad considering the age of the original film), terrible sound...trust me, just terribly substandard everything. From the packaging to the pathetic special features this a total slap in the face to all real film collectors. The only special feature is a "commentary" by some monotone, nasal british film historian who recites nothing that you haven't heard a thousand times from other sources. Also, considering this is only a 62 minute film it is unacceptable that he goes for long stretches (upwards of 12 minutes in some cases) without saying a single thing. I'd estimate that he talks for a total of maybe 14-20 minutes on the "commentary" track. Absolutely horrid. The other sole "special feature" is also an utter failure, the Bunuel filmography is innacurate... how can you possibly mess something so simple up? Ask Kino...
At 23 dollars I cannot possibly recommend this, rather save your money and buy the recent Region 2 release by the British Film Institute which has Un Chien Andalou and L'age D'or together for a better price, with much better picture/sound and extras. Shame on you Kino...
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