État :
4.24.2 étoiles sur 5
67 évaluations du produit
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Good graphics100% J'accepte

Compelling gameplay88% J'accepte

Good value94% J'accepte

59 avis


Play the demo first to avoid crying later...


This game continues the story and would be a pleasant experience for any fan of the KUF series. However, the action adventure style of gameplay lacks the feeling the other games(including War of Heroes) had. There is a bit of story a diehard fan would enjoy but the linear reoccurring maps are dull and the difficulty childish.

Running around and leveling and obtaining items is fun, especially with online play, but doing it by yourself seems like a random boring chore. You know, one where you need to go someplace and only wish you could get through it quicker?
The graphics are outstanding(the highest scoring part of the game I suppose) and there is a lot to do. The achievements for the game are very easy to get and actually make running through the non-unique levels a bit more fun to play through.

All in all I'd give the game a 6.0 or a 7.0. I cannot tell if I should love it or hate it, scores are attached to each respectively. If you hate linear pseudo-rpgs that want to make you cry then I give it a 6, if you love games that invoke enriching multiplayer, good graphics, and easy control, the this 7.0 game is for you. Overall, I would not personally buy this game if you are not interested in the Kingdom Under Fire story or series.

Key Notes:
-Limited Storyline, if I was not such a big fan I probably would have resold the game on this site.
-Plenty Of Things To Do, and a lot of easy achievements to get as well.
-Limited Inventory Space, sell to Idols in the middle section of maps.
-Not A Wide Variety of Weapons, but a variety of ways to equip them to the X and A buttons.
-Customization, you can change clothing and such, it is fun but doesn't make the game any better.
-Downloadable Content, primarily based around clothing customization, most of them are not worth it. There are many items to obtain but looks do not do anything to stats and are only for personal preference and to tell each other part on multiplayer(if same character is played). The 500point cost isn't that bad to get all sixty.
-Online Play, probably the most fun part... if at all.
-Good Pastime, it can actually help you wait until KUF2 comes out.
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Getting to the end is not the objective of this game

This is a hack in slash game pure and simple that is something like diablo or the more recent 99 nights. Going through the "story" is not the reason to play this game. Getting the "Best" gear is. You will play through the levels many times on different difficulties to obtain the "Loot" to create the most insane damage dealing character. Its not the type of game that you try to hurry through to see the ending or play to experience the story. If you like games where the main focus is on trying to obtain the best items, armor and weapons than this game is good. It has some nice graphics but the have some clipping problems, the levels are very linear and the enimy AI is non existant for the most part but again thats not why you play this. The enemies are basically there for you to hack and slash your way to get items to sell, use, or sythisize. The way you are able to create new and better weapons in the game is very deep. That is what provides the addiction to keep looking for better and better "drops". The bosses will drop alot of good items and you will want to fight them multiple times to get these "rare" items. Also you can play this game in co-op mode over XBOX Live which can be quite fun. If you like button mashing, cool characters, awesome weapons and gear than this might be a game for you but if your expecting a deep RPG with amazing storytelling get something like Dragon Age or Oblivion because this is not that type of game. I would have liked to see more environmental destruction and interaction like puzzles, breaking things to find stuff or hidden treasure chests but overall its still fun. Yes it could have been better but as long as you understand what this game is all about you can spend hours and hours playing and when you finally get that character maxed out with all the most amazing gear, well thats when you start a new character with a new gameplay type like heavy weapons or ranged ect. This game can last a long, long time.Lire l'avis complet...


wtf is this??

I'm so glad I rented this game because after playing it for several hours I don't see the need to ever own it.I wouldn't know whether to call this an RPG or a straight forward quest without ever getting lost.You start off by choosing one of the five characters you would want to play as,you then enter into some lame FMV and awake to find yourself never dreaming in such a long time.You can then begin the tutorial,which by the way unlocks an achievement if you do this,or start your quest.You will then see on the upper right of the screen is your map...which by the way is really small then starts to expand when you venture forward.The enemies in this game are way to easy...they see you at first and start to charge like a bunch of bulls and you would think it would be a challenge,it's not.

To keep myself occupied I actually try and look for a more challenging fight,or even get lost in the middle of my quest,but no...sadly no.It's full of countless enemies with such a repetitive gameplay...I find myself only using the A button and rarely using any of the other weapons that can be stored on my X button.The only interesting thing about this game is you can venture with up to 4 people online...WOW!!! Even if you were to do that it wouldn't be as challenging as fighting foes off by yourself lol.I didn't like this game one bit because I found it already planned out for me on where to go and I couldn't do anything on my own...Just move my character forward..load the different types of weapons I would collect along the way...and fight off a screen full of foes who were never challenging to begin with.That's why I wouldn't know wtf to call this game...an RPG?? A waste of time?? Easy achievements??
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A quick review

It came in on a day i had to work, but its a good cult classic me and friends enjoy.. Though as much as i did expect scratches, i didn't expect the smudges on the disc, and did expect it to come cleaned. Aside from that, after cleaning it the disc is in a decent condition (i doubt id find the game in perfect condition now a days) and my friend is going to be playing to test out everything. The game tends to have a common issue, when soft scratches are on the disk, that it becomes unreadable when you talk to death. I'll know shortly if thats the case or not. Aside from problems, i call it a good price, and a good condition for the price i paid, and appreciate it greatly for a game ive been searching for for years. Cheers mate.Lire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : willsellthebest


Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom review

When buying this game I had great expectations of a superior rpg. I quickly had to reevaluate my earlier expectations of this game. Depending upon which character you choose you may immediately decide this game is not for you. The graphics were good but story lines were slow. The biggest gripe I have had so far is camera angles. Once you get into battle and switch from say a ranged weapon to a melee weapon, you are turned around facing AWAY from the fight. You usually aren't surprised by any enemies sneeking up on you as the music changes when any enemy is nearby. Boss battles are difficult and usually involves a trick or two to survive. Leveling up is fairly easy but knowing how to distribute the points is another story. This game is worth buying just know that there are a few flaws in the game and it does bog down from time to time.Lire l'avis complet...


A repetitive & endless borefest.

I could only play it for 45 straight minutes before I got so bored it was unbearable. The gameplay is full & simple, and each level literally only consists of running through a new mini realm as different waves of lizard people chase you. The gameplay never changes. That's it. This is quite possibly the worst XBOX 360 videogame I have ever played in my entire life. No matter what the price is, do not buy. You will regret it, no matter how good a deal it seems.Lire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : decluttr_store


Good on an individual level.

This is a great game for progressing the story of the world of Kingdom Under Fire on an individual level. This means that you don't use armies to do massive conflicts, but instead, you wander through Encoblosa in an effort to discover more about yourself, the world around you, and how to get back to the real world (like Reignier did 50 years prior to the first game). It is a third person, run around, slaughter, and level up kind of game with the exception of the dialogues you have at intermittent parts of the game.Lire l'avis complet...


Kingdom under Fire Circle of Doom

This is a great hack and slash in the mind of drakengard for the number of enemies and baldurs gate in the way the character progresses and the story unveils. This is more sectional than a free roam rpg and no unlimited saves but lots good fun play with synthesized weapons and character development like in traditional rpg. It has tons of replay value as you can go through the story with the character you choose out of the original 5 all with their own parts and versions of the overall story. Plus you get to unlock another character to play with through the game. This game offers lots of spells which you earn. A very cool and novel feature of this game. Like the other kingdom games before hours of fun easy hack and slash fun with the option of character development. The story is captivating enough to want it finished by all the pieces that the individual character play throughs offer. This is not oblivion but it is great at what it is. Have fun, relax and enjoy!Lire l'avis complet...


Not what I expected

Wow, Disappointed!

On the XBOX the Kingdom under fire series was a great squad movement and strategy game. using which unit you chose to attack (soldiers, cavalry,...) and support units (archers, throwers, wyverns...). And when you were able to you had to jump in to your unit and attack with your character. Great game that I just fell upon then couldn't put it down.

this new game for the XBOX 360... not even close... more like a Guild Wars game where you individually go down the same stupid path and get stuck at one spot that I am assuming will open up when I get all the characters there. Unfortunately I haven't the patience to get all of the individuals there. It is repetitious, and boring as hell. Another comparison would be a very simple OBLIVION game.

My advise. If you like Kingdom of fire, buy the XBOX games not XBOX 360... this one is not worth the money. If you want to go through the same maps about 5 times - same monster and path... go ahead and buy it. BORING
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Great game, but ...

If you love RPGs such as Diablo, this is a great game! You get to destroy monsters, level, and most importantly collect loot. The classes do not feel different at first but once you get to higher levels they vary. Even individual classes feel different depending on what stats you select. It is great single-player fun and excellent for wasting some time gaming.

That is where it ends. Multiplayer is worthless. You may occasionally find an honest player, but for the most part anyone you find has been powerleveled or twinked. That is assuming you find anyone. That is to be expected from an older game though.
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