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4.84.8 étoiles sur 5
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Good value98% J'accepte

Entertaining94% J'accepte

Engaging characters97% J'accepte

504 avis


Great workout, especially if you add a couple things

This workout DVD yields results. I had to stay on level 1 for 2 weeks, and am now on level 2 on my 3rd week, and am already seeing a difference in my form. My body is shaping up already, and my endurance is noticeably higher. For instance, I went on a 3 hour hike yesterday, with the last 30 minutes super challenging, and kept up no problem. Three weeks ago that would have never happened. Any dietary efforts make results happen faster, of course. FYI: lemon water speeds up recovery time, and so does lots of raw food.

What I like the best is that each level has two different people to watch and follow, for beginners, and for more experienced people. This allows for two different exertion levels per level, which is really handy for starting off on a new level (especially after maxing out on the previous one). It allows you to go slowly and ease in if you need to, or hit it full throttle if you want to.

This workout is "no joke" as Jillian affectionately refers to some of the moves. I like her straight forward, no-nonsense, tough-girl approach. She is also unexpectedly encouraging, in a realistic way.

I also love that this is a short program, at about 25 minutes, which means even on busy days I have no excuses.

I would say the weakest parts of this program are the warm up is short, and the stretching afterwards is nearly worthless. For this reason I am docking one point. I worked with a trainer who said each stretch should be held for 20 seconds, minimum. I have found this to be true, and short stretches do me no good at all. Stretching decreases likelihood of injury, and keeps you flexible, not to mention relaxed. You don't want to wind up not being able to touch your toes, even if you do look great. I would recommend supplementing this with a stretching program, or educate yourself and add it on your own. You'll feel better for it.

I've noticed the more I do this, the more I want to do this. I've been averaging 4x a week for 3 weeks, and am going for 5 now. I am also adding a little more low-impact cardio before for warming up, when I have time, and a full body stretch/yoga program a few times a week.

All in all, this is a great primary core workout to have in your regime.
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Make a difference in your life and help you gain more self confidence !

Will Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd really make a difference in your life and help you gain more self confidence?
To find the Truth!
Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd Overview:
Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd Can you suddenly start being reliant on yourself?
If you compare the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd to other products you will learn which one is better rather quick. In order to use this product you will need to find a quiet place to relax. Self-help is necessary to become a leader and gain confidence in oneself and change your attitude and how other people feel about you.
No one is perfect so everyone can utilize the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd to gain confidence. Self-improvement originates with self-help and self understanding and this product can assist you in changing your lifestlye and improving your life. We have already explored and compared Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd to other corresponding products and found out that the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd rates very well.
The Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd has inspired numerous people from around the globe to improve their lives. Within two weeks you’ll be able to observe that this product really worked and you’ll see a noticeable difference in the way you think.
Self-reliance is important and this product promises that it will help you gaining confidence and improving your mindset for the better. One of the great parts about this product is that it is affordable, it is also highly recommended by consultants. Why Should You Buy Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd
Get out of that funk !
Pretty much every individual has gone through periods when they had low self-esteem. The low self-esteem problem is more serious than people realize, it can mess up your judgment, affect your decision-making, and even cause you to hate yourself, fortuitously there’ s a product out there which can help you in regaining your confidence. We can surely say that this product really works and you should try it out for yourself and reap its benefits.
It Will Assist You Change Your Mindset !
The most poised people in the world all of something in common, they are mentally tough and believe in themselves. If you want people to take advantage of you and respect you, you’ll have to change your mindset and the best way to that is with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd
So Much to Gain and Nothing to Lose !
The creators of the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd are so sure that their product works that they will give a 60 day money back guarantee to anyone who isn’t fully satisfied and hasn’t received results.
Now what?
What are you waiting for? Still want to feel sorry for yourself and allow people walk all over you? Turn your life around, stop killing time and start improving your life today, purchase your copy right away.
Try out Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd - it’s completely RISK-FREE !
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Jillian Michaels 30 DAY SHRED DVD

BOY OH BOY this DVD will really work you out!! You want to lose weight or most of all, lose percentage pts from your Body Fat?? This is the way to do it!! She explains many ways and reasons to keep on moving and really works you out. I did this along with a friend of mine, and my friend actually lost over 10% of her body fat %, I myself lost over 10% as well (total actually 12%)! That is awesome, and really is a great way to get going. It is definitely tough at first, but after you get a few days under your belt, you can get in there and really do it.
You do have to continuously do this for 30 days (straight), so it is not the 3 or 4 day exercise routine that you do a week it is straight thru 30 days. You have to be consistent and dedicated the entire time, if you truly want to get in shape, and lose the weight.
I definitely recommend this to anyone that is trying to lose some weight, and most of all, lose some % pts from their body fat!
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Great quick workout

I work out daily. I found this video to be great when you're short on time, or to add with some other workout elements for a good, quick, somewhat challenging workout. I did Level 1 once, and did have some mild soreness in my thighs the next day. The next time I bumped up to Level 2, and enjoyed the challenge of that one even more. You could do a level twice, or several levels back to back, if you want a longer, more intense workout, but I find that I want an efficient, challenging, quick workout so my day isn't spent entirely on working out, but adds to it. We're busy enough, people, without being slaves to the gym! I like how Jillian does more dynamic moves to create results efficiently, i.e. squats while doing v-flies, which works more areas at once, challenges your heart more, makes strength training double as cardio, and burns more calories. I like it. It's going in my video rotation, and I think will be a favorite.Lire l'avis complet...


30 Day Shred

This workout is not for the faint of heart- it is not easy but it does get results! I've been doing it for two weeks with no modifications to my diet, and I'm down 8 pounds. After the first day I could barely move, but as I continued it got easier. I'm on level two, and there's a real difference in difficulty levels. START ON LEVEL 1, even if you think you're a seasoned athlete! These work outs work you.Lire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : neuf | Vendu par : iowanatheartalways


Great home workout DVD!!!

Although I am not a die-hard fan of The Biggest Loser, I do know that Jillian Michaels is a superb fitness trainer and I am impressed with the quality of this at-home DVD. It is by far the best workout DVD I have tried so far. There are three different Levels (1, 2, and 3) with one 20-minute workout for each. I am in fabulous shape myself and I find that my heart rate really gets up there. Of course, my heart rate doesn't get up quite as much as it does when I get a good high-intensity workout at the gym on a cardio machine, but for an at-home-in-front-of-your-TV ... this DVD is great! The only thing I do NOT like about it is I feel that my abs do not get the best workout. You are, however, getting a great overall core workout and your legs and arms definitely burn with the repetitive motions, but I just don't feel the burn in my abs. So other than supplementing your own ab workout in, this DVD gives you a great over-all body workout. I tried both Level 1 (this morning) and Level 2 (tonight) and I can't wait to try the Level 3 workout! The nice thing about this DVD too, is Jillian completely explains how to properly do each motion (so important!) and also provides an easier version of pretty much all the motions so this is a great DVD even if you aren't in the best of shape to start with (you can just watch the girl that is doing the easier version). Overall, I highly recommend this DVD!Lire l'avis complet...


Butt Kicking

This work out (I am still doing Level 1) is a tail kicking, but it's worth it. I started seeing changes after just a week (I am doing the workouts M,T,W, F, Sun). My guy and I are doing it together (he asked if he could), I shudder to think what the Level 2 workout will entail for my 46 year old butt... lol If you want a tough workout in 30 min or less a day that gets results, this is the DVD for you.Lire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : neuf | Vendu par : mediablasters


Kicks My Ass

I am at an advanced level when it comes to weight training and exercise in general. Most exercise DVDs are not difficult enough for me and I get bored with them easily. This DVD is another story. I started off with the level 1, even though I figured I would breeze through it, but it was tough. My calves were screaming in pain by the end of it and it almost brought tears to my eyes. It is a excellent mix of weight training, cardio and ab exercises and each workout is only 20 minutes. I think one still needs to do other cardio during the week also, but this DVD is perfect for those weight training days and there is no excuse that you don't have time, since it is only 20 minutes. And Jillian is a great motivator and doesn't say a lot of annoying things throughout the workout. I highly recommend this DVD. It involves very easy cardio that anyone can do and classic moves that build muscle and burn fat. And they show you easy and hard versions of each exercise for different fitness levels. If everyone did this DVD the population of the country would be a smaller, more toned, healthier place.Lire l'avis complet...


Well worth the price-4 more intermediate excerciser

I've never really cared for Jillian Michaels, probably because of all the fame attached to her. I've had brilliant personal training at a local gym with someone who worked me hard, I'm small and fit and have stamina built up too. I bought this video so that in the event I cannot get to the gym, I have something to do at home without having to get a full on home gym. I pretty much use free weights, the bosu, bench and stability ball for many of my strength training exercises anyway, so this video has been a good compliment. I would advise it to a more intermediate exerciser, as well as someone that has the needed props at home.Lire l'avis complet...


Good workout!

I am an avid "at-home-gymer" and am always looking for new and HARD workouts. I don't like wasting my time on the easy one that don't get results. I bought this one because I like Jillian from the show and thought she'd challenge me. I just did this workout this morning and am happy that I bought it. It has 3 sections/levels that are each 20 minutes long. I tried the first level thinking it would probably be too easy, but I was pleasantly surprised when sweat was rolling off me!!! I had some more time so I moved on to level 2 and was happy with this workout as well. I think this is a great video for those days when you don't have a lot of time but still want a good workout. It is fast-paced, easy to follow, and makes you feel like you did something when finished. The moves in each level are different so you could do all three at once if you really wanted a challenge. I wouldn't use this video as my only workout because I need something a bit more challenging but it is a GREAT addition to my workout videos!Lire l'avis complet...

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