5.05.0 étoiles sur 5
2 évaluations du produit
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2 avis


Zombies do Scottish Posse Tour , Fun movie!

I had seen the movie before from a friend so I knew it already, & I found the movie to be very interesting, it's sort of a mix between Mad Max2 and 28 Days later but with a Scottish spin on the Zombie/ virus story, for the budget the producers have made what I feel is a quality film and the plot is plausible some of the time!
It is also I feel almost tongue in cheek at times and dose not take itself too and although there is strong violence in parts it is a good Friday night film to watch with a few beers ( with friends too)
In some ways it is a stand alone film and has some original ideas and twists to the plot.

Perhaps not to all tastes but I recommend it for above reasons.
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Fast moving action

I really enjoyed this movie as it is full of action and fast moving, not for the faint hearted. As the action never stops you don't get bored.
Liked the way it ended, this is to say there will be a second movie coming out in the near future.Lire l'avis complet...

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