État :
4.84.8 étoiles sur 5
145 évaluations du produit
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Good graphics100% J'accepte

Compelling gameplay96% J'accepte

Good value100% J'accepte

123 avis


Great game. Worth the money spent.

Don't have so much to say about this game. It's great, just great. If you have played the first game, you MUST buy this one!

It really don't added too much to the original game:
* The melee moves are a bit faster;
* The target system can be changed to the "classic" (from the first game, the target mark are shown in the first object it "touches") or it always be in the middle of the screen, common in FPS games.

*Finally Isaac talks! For me it's not a con in the first game (it kind of make you take the role of Isaac for yourself), but isn't the better approach to this type of game.

*The Hardcore mode. I don't tried it yet,just the purpose of this mode(at least for me) it's enough: have the feeling of the old school games where you don't have the fancy unlimited save game feature to help you and be challenged to survive the necromorph mayhem with ONLY THREE save games (something like 3 hours of game play per save).

*Expected more gameplay time for a game that comes in 2 DVDs (completed in ~9 hours in normal difficulty, being almost a completed ratpack). I feel like they could let us explore more of the gigantic "The Sprawl" (maybe it will make the game take 3 DVDs? Dunno.).
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Dead Space 2 A Good Game

I bought this for the xbox360 the day it came out. This was a well put together game. It kind of surprised me because it came with 2 discs. It also has an "online code" to play online and download stuff. The Zero-G mode was greatly fixed and I couldn't wait for the next Zero-G part in the game. The game was pretty much like playing the first one with better graphics and more of a story. The new guns were not that great, but I did fall in love with the Javelin Gun. That gun rocks!! Each gun can hold its own in this game. I felt that some of the interactive cut scenes we kind of long and drawn out. For me the first 30 minutes of the game are the best part of the game. The rest of the game wasn’t that scary. Once you get your suit you feel kind of over-powered until near the end of the game. The game did have its high point.

--Multiplayer Mode--
Multiplayer was pretty fun for the first 10 games then became boring very fast. You can unlock different color suits and new weapons. Every match I have played the Humans won, which made it boring for me.

I gave this game a "Good" because after 2 play through I lost interest. Also, this game didn't really bring anything new to the gaming world. The collector’s edition I felt wasn't worth the extra 20 bucks for what you get. I am already paying $60. I would have probably rented this game or borrowed it from somebody. That or just waited until the price went down. I played it for about 4 days then moved on to other games.
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Heart thumping ,blood racing game

Its a little scary and the back ground noises can be bad to here ,you are in the dim light, you here some thing coming ,from the front , the back no it drops right on top of you ,shot shot shot run run run , there mutants of all different make ups ,blood every where,body parts all over the place and if you find a body shot its head off ,because 10 to 1 as soon as you get past it changes in to one off them ,this could be scary for yound kids i will not let my 10 year old grandson play it his mum would kill me ,,If you like this type of stuff play it in the dark with just the tv on later at night ,,,I like the game but will only play from one save point to the next then take a break ..........................Lire l'avis complet...


A Promising Delivery For Fans of The Original!!!!!!!!!!

I always find the most helpful reviews provide PROS and CONS then a quick overview. So here it goes:


- Memorable and creative story line.

- Outstanding graphics.

- Incredible sound and music!! You have to play this on a great surround system.

- Super scary!! I never jump at horror movies, but this game make me jump!


- Sadly I ran into a few bugs. about 6-7 times standing in corners in elevators my character fell through the floor and was stuck. SAVE OFTEN!!!!!!

- Multilayer is a little weak. It's just like Left 4 Dead but in third person.

- If you're the type of gamer who loves to breeze through games with little effort this game is not for you. I love the challenge personally but I can see others getting frustrated because all they want to do is run and gun.


Items appear randomly so you can waste an anode for bogus loot.
If you get crappy loot just load and try again and you'll get something far better. Also on the increased difficulty settings your given limited ammo, so if you're not careful be prepared to face hours of frustration searching every crevice without a good defense. Hope this helps!! Good Luck!


Dead Space 2 is one of those rare games that with the right sound system will terrorize you by jumping in fear frequently. If you're the kind of gamer who loves this experience than this is for you. I love this game because it pushes you into rationing your every move, as if I was there myself. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time not knowing what's coming out of every corner. The Dead Space team did a wonderful job on the story. With those who pay attention to the powerful metaphor, there is a deeper message that connects the story in what's going on today. I was intrigued by the multilayer function on xbox live, in my opinion the fun doesn't last that long. I would give this 5/5 if it weren't for a few buggy moments. It didn't run flawlessly as a video game, but the story and intensity struck a chord within me that few games can pull off. This game is worth it's price.
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Sequel to a legendary game

Dead Space 2 is an amazing game. I'm going to write about its scary moments, cool kills, and how much I dig the main character's internal struggle, but Dead Space 2 is about more than this.
When I beat it for the first time, I sat on the couch with my heart racing and dissected the journey I had just taken.
Then, I started my second playthrough, and when that was done, I jumped into a new game for the third time. Dead Space 2 is just that good.

It's been three years since the events of the first game, but protagonist Isaac Clarke still can't catch a break.
At the beginning of Dead Space 2, he wakes on a space station known as the Sprawl and finds the place is overwhelmed by an outbreak of reanimated corpses called Necromorphs. From the very first moment of the game, Isaac's fighting for his life.

This is where you come in. As Isaac, you'll pick up your plasma cutter, don an engineering suit and take the fight to the beasts out to kill you.
The overarching goal is to find and destroy the religious idol (known as the Marker) causing all of this, but the story that makes Dead Space 2 great is the internal war Isaac's fighting.
Unlike Uncharted's Nathan Drake who can kill a few hundred pirates and never seem worn down by it, Isaac is totally ruined by the events of the original Dead Space. He saw things no man should have to during his time on the spaceship USG Ishimura, but it's the fact that Isaac's girlfriend died on the vessel after he encouraged her to work there that really haunts him.

Isaac's losing his mind in Dead Space 2. The guilt is tearing his very sanity apart. That's heavy stuff and it makes for a really engaging story. Isaac doesn't let anyone else in on the fact that he's coming unglued, so as a player I get to see who he really is and the facade he presents to the other characters. Isaac's internal conversations and hallucinations are among my favorite parts of this game.

But I have lots of favorite parts to Dead Space 2. Right behind Isaac's struggle on my list of cool stuff is the combat. It's more satisfying than it was in the original. Isaac's fast and light on his feet. You can stomp crates in a jiff and melee attack bodies for loot, grabbing things with your telekinesis is responsive, and mixing all of this together with the different weapons in the game is a blast. Slowing down a Necromorph, blowing off its arm, and using the severed limb to impale the foe on a wall is a thing of beauty that doesn't get old.

Dead Space 2 is pretty much the best haunted house attraction ever. Visceral stripped out the stuff that slowed down the original game (backtracking, getting disoriented, etc.) and ended up with a fast-paced game that's suspenseful and scary at the same time.

You're funneled down these halls and corridors on your way from Point A to Point B, and ghouls pop out for you to blast. I know that "linear" is a bad word in the video game industry, but the package is so well done here that I can't knock Dead Space 2 for taking me on a very specific ride that's marked by awesome moments, environments that range from a cheery schoolhouse to pitch black rooms, and sound that's so well done I'd find myself trying to figure out if it was a monster making its move or my dog rummaging in the living room.

Toss in some new disturbing enemies and surprises I won't ruin for you and you have a game that can feel like "the same old thing" at times but becomes much more than that as a whole.

End result, BUY THIS GAME NOW!
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Scariest video game ever

No game series rivals dead space for keeping you on the edge of your seat and scaring the crap out of you. Deadspace 2 is the best and scariest of the series. Probably my favorite game of all time


worth playing through at least 3 times

i love this game ive beaten it about 5 times already. good story good graphics good gameplay addicting.

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : neuf | Vendu par : boilerelevator50


Where's the fun?

This game didn't improve upon anything that was available in the first game. Well, unless you include the multiplayer...which I wasn't able to play, because apparently I need a pass code that supposedly came with my manual, otherwise I have to buy another one. Sorry, but from what I read, there isn't much to the multiplayer on this game. There's a couple new monsters, but most of them are just slight variations of monsters that already existed in the first game. I found most of the battles in this game to be annoying, since the enemies would often spawn in front AND behind me. This is very problematic, since you can't run and gun, the monsters are much faster than you, and they usually take a few shots before going down, so this means that you're going to get beat-up quite often. Despite that, I actually didn't die very much in combat, and instead died plenty of times in the scripted, cut-scene parts. It sucks when I'm trying to see what button I'm suppose to be hitting (turns out, it's always the A) when the directions keep floating in and out of the screen. It's a good thing that I can see where I have to go with just the press of a button, because the game doesn't do a good job of showing or describing what you're suppose to be doing. I also fell out of touch with the game when I saw Isaac go through ridiculous situations that should of resulted in death; it's one thing to fight off numerous enemies, and it's another when you watch your guy fly super fast through space, numerous times, and narrowly avoid splattering collisions, only to land perfectly in a vent or something and come out fine. I don't know about you, but I want to play as the guy that earns his survival instead of gets it luckily handed to him. To top off my complaints, I never actually even finished the game. The last part of it is pretty annoying, and when I finally got to the last boss battle (or at least what I thought to be the last battle), I just couldn't handle being constantly swarmed by enemies. I went through the whole game thinking "man, I hope the next battle is funner" only to never have it happen.
I guess that does it for the complaints. The good stuff? Well...still nice graphics and scares. I just really wish they would have done more than copy and paste from the first game, tweak a couple things, and take out the fun :(
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Deader Space

This game is awesome. I played through the first game and thought it was great and no problem. This game is kicking me in the ass. But that's a good thing. The game presents much more of a challenge with new enemies and more interactive fight scenes. I am so glad I made the decision to buy this game. I'm a broke college student so I tend to wait until games have been out for a while so the price drops. This time I checked ebay the day the game came out just to see if there was any for sale at a reasonable price. Well, I found it. $13 off Dead Space 2, new and unopened, on the day it came out. I don't think I could have asked for more. Even though the price reduction is nice, this game is worth it at any dollar amount (within reason of course). My advice to those who get this game and have never experienced the awesomeness that is Dead Space, go out and buy or at least rent Dead Space 1. The story line will make more sense and the second game will be that much more intense. Secondly, play the game in the dark with the sound up so you can hear the subtle eerie sounds that they put in there to freak you out and just dive into the character and storyline. This isn't your ordinary shootem' up video game, although it is fun shooting necromorphs and having fun with the Plasma Cutter, Stasis, Kinesis, and minigames. The game is made like a movie that you are controlling. This game is not, however, for the weak of heart or weak of mind. Grab your Plasma Cutter, put on your RIG, and get to work engineer. Praise Altman.Lire l'avis complet...


An upgrade from Dead Space 1

I don't like reviews that try and tell you how you should feel about something in an absolute sense. Odds are you're not a blank canvas -- you've played games before, and you know what you like. And if you liked the original Dead Space, I see no reason why you wouldn't also like Dead Space 2. It's prettier, it controls a little better, it's even more gruesomely violent, and it's significantly more challenging.

They've tweaked things -- for example, stasis charges slowly regenerate, and the Contact Beam's damage is no longer upgradeable -- but these are positive changes, so that while yes, stasis and the guns are upgradeable, they're also already very good. There are also new upgrades such as secondary effects for weapons and upgradeable kinesis damage (a serious improvement over upgradeable kinesis range)

I say again -- if you liked DS, DS_2 shouldn't disappoint. If you haven't played DS, go find it and play it -- it's still quite good, and it's the first part of the story.
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