4.44.4 étoiles sur 5
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Good graphics87% J'accepte

Compelling gameplay100% J'accepte

Good value100% J'accepte

123 avis


A Solid Horror Game

I bought Condemned because I had played the demo awhile back when it was first released, however I forgot about it soon after. It didn't get as much recognition as it deserved and I had heard this from a number of sources. I decided to see how much it was on ebay and found it a reasonable price so I bought it.

The gameplay is creepy and fun, a lot of pop out moments and times where you're very on edge. Some of the scares are a bit obvious, but that may just be me. The game really does have some intense moments and you never really feel safe throughout every level.

It seems like you're being watched constantly and the constant waves of enemies always means you have some company.

The fighting can be a little challenging to get used to, probably the hardest part is blocking at the right time. Once you do get good at it, however, it can get a bit repetitive. The game focuses only on melee weapons and your tazer. You can find guns in certain areas, however I found myself not wanting to take it since they have such low ammo (I'm talking 2-6 shots usually). What would normally happen, is I would have a relatively good weapon such as a crowbar (which can be used to open up safes and things), I would drop it for a gun. I would use the gun to get maybe 3 kills and then would drop it, only wishing I had kept my crowbar. I could run all the way back to where I dropped it, but this can be very annoying and I would rather just have it throughout the level.

The tazer is a very cheap gadget you have that has infinite ammo but needs to recharge after each shot. It stuns the enemy you hit with it for maybe 6 seconds or so, and in that time period you can get a free wack or two on him. This can be a very easy way to kill psychos because all you have to do is keep backing up and strafing until you get another charged up shot of tazer.

The achievements in the game are a mix of easy and hard. When I say hard, I mean of course ones that take no skill, only a bunch of gameplay hours. This was a bit disappointing. One set of achievements for example is where you have to find 6 birds on each level. Birds are scattered throughout, kind of like the Cog Tags in Gears of War or Heart Pieces in any of the Zelda games. If you really try to sit down and find the birds it can get boring quick, especially since the first time through the game you don't want to be constantly tracking down birds, you want to play the game it was meant to be played. So you usually just end up looking up the bird locations on YouTube just for the points. I really see no satisfaction in finding the birds, so there really isn't anything driving you to find them aside from the Achievement Unlocked sign at the bottom of the screen.

Well, enough talking, I think I should just score it.

It was a very good game in the aspect of mood and ambiance, the scares were good and it kept me on-edge throughout. Being a singleplayer game made it even more frightening since you had no buddy to go through it with (co-op would have been nice). Overall this is a good game, however it doesn't have a great deal of replayability. I would recommend this for it's price and say you probably won't be disappointed since you probably don't have any of expectations.
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Feels Like a Movie!!!

The gameplay in 'Condemned' is pretty much limited to a 1st person fighting game but the great story and the creepy effects in the game make this one heck of a ride. There are guns but are rarely found. There are so many places bad guys can pop out you will always be on your toes. Sometimes beating down bad guys can get repetitive but when stuff happens like a guy breaking through a door with an axe when you were just about to open it, the game feels worth any tediousness you might deal with. Controls are really solid for a 1st person game. You really get the sense you are beating someone senseless. There is also a CSI element to the game where you get to search for clues. CAREFUL not to let the kids get hold of this one parents!!! Too much blood and brutality for anyone but adults to play this game. The graphics are amazing and each level has such a super creepy atmosphere with different maniacs prowling around. The story has quite a few twists and turns and you may even come to doubt your own character's sanity. This is a must play and a good pickup for any horror fan. 4/5Lire l'avis complet...


Really Gets Your Heart Pumping!!

Condemned is a unique game. It combines some elements of a First Person Shooter along with Role playing. If you are fan of CSI, you will like the use of forensic tools to gather evidence. The sound effects are great. The game is good at creating tension. It is like being part of horror movie. I dare you to play alone in the dark. Every little rattle or footstep leaves you wondering what is about to happen. This game is definitely not for the kids. The controls definitely have some room for improvement. They are not very intuitive. This is a great game to pick up used or at a deep discount. ( $29.99).Lire l'avis complet...


Overall a Good Game for $15-$20 Used! NOT for kids!

Gore, Medium Violence, Adult Views, Adult Concepts. This game is for ages 15 and above in my opinion. If your teen or yourself likes CSI, then you may want to purchase this game! I would not pay more than $15-$20 for this game in great used condition and would not buy NEW - not worth it to me. I haven't gotten into this game much, but I was already frustrated a few times at the very begining. It was way to dark in spots of the game to even tell the direction you were supposed to go and you didn't know if you were walking in circles, up, down, etc. Once I received or realized I had a flashlight about 10min. into the game it started getting better/interesting! Hope this review helps in anyway possible! Brad In IL.Lire l'avis complet...


Like Doom 3...minus all the cool guns.

Complete darkness, crazy people, blunt trauma and a flash light. If I had to describe Condemned: Criminal Origins in just one sentence, that'd pretty much be it. It says a lot but not a lot is really going on.

Condemned starts you out as an FBI agent who is investigating a series of murders by a killer known as "The Match Maker". This serial killer constructs gruesome scenes with his female victims. They're displayed with creepy looking mannequins like some twisted Macy's window display. Your initial job is to scout the crime scene to find clues using your array of gadgets. Scanners, Gas sensor, black light, PDA and digital camera. Unfortunately you don't get to use these at will. The game has specified scripted areas that activate the option to use them in a predetermined order. No fun in that. During your first investigation, you're alerted that the killer may still be in the building and chase ensues.

At first Condemned gives off the movie Se7en kinda vibe. But it all dissipates rather quickly when more of the quirky plot is revealed. But you could tell the movie was an influence. I only wish they stuck to that concept rather than go completely pitch black and paranormal. That aside, the graphics are really good, atleast what you can see with your flash light. The sound is equally as good. You'll hear all kinds of eery stuff coming from different directions. The gameplay itself was fairly solid with virtually no bugs.

Occasionally you'll find a gun, but don't expect much ammo to come with it. Three rounds maybe, five if you're lucky. What seriously pissed me off is when you do find another gun you can't just pick up both, you have to decide which to walk away with and which to drop. You can only carry ONE weapon at a time. So if you've been holding on to that shotgun for dear life and happen to find a handgun. Time to make a tough choice. I usually kept the one with the most ammo. And if that isn't bad enough, you can't even take similar ammo from another weapon. So if you have a shotgun and find another shotgun, you can't combine the ammunition.

There was one point in the game where I had two .45 cal pistols and a shotgun sitting on the floor and there was nothing I could do about it. What a friggin waste. Sometimes you'll need a certain weapon like an ax to break down a door or sledge hammer to bust a lock to move on. This means you'll have to go back and find the specified weapon, drop your gun and trek back to break in. And if you want your gun back, you'll have to back track again. Very frustrating and very impractical. You can't see it but I'm giving the game designers the middle finger.

The other problem is with this game is it's sheer repetition. As I said before, this game boils down to beating up crazies in dark rooms and hallways with various blunt objects and a flash light. After a few hours it'll seem all too familiar. Whether it's in a sewer or an abandoned shopping mall, it's pretty much the same set up every time. Go in and get attacked by nut jobs while trying to gather "evidence". Speaking of nut jobs, as detailed and scary as they looked, the character models were used over and over again. But don't be fooled. This game has some serious scares. The last hour of play was completely nerve racking. My body ached because I was so tense from the anticipation. This is fine, but it doesn't carry a game.
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Better then i thought

This game had really surprised me i thought that it would just be a easy walk through but it is not the game has a great story line that is pretty easy to follow the controls were another aspect that was easy to pick up on also it is a little challenging but the thing that disappointed me was it was not as thrilling as i thought it would have scared me a little more or made me jump but it really didn't but overall if you can get this under 10 dollars this is a must get for any gamer hey at least the achievements were easy to getLire l'avis complet...


Review for Condemned: Criminal Origins on Xbox 360

This game is a horror/puzzle/action game. (In that order)The game starts off slow, but IT DOES pick up after you get about 30 to 45 minutes into the game. You play a cop that gets, well pretty much framed. You have to prove yourself innocent while cops are after you. You start the game in an apartment complex tryin to catch a murderer, who among killing other people is also toying with you. It's a good game. Doesn't take too awful long to beat so it isn't really worth the almost 70 bucks after tax itd be at the store. But if u can get a copy of it under 40 bucks I'd say go for itLire l'avis complet...


Hard game

This game as I stated isn't easy and does take awhile to get threw. Its fun to play but at times it does get monotonus. Play if you get it cheap but don't over pay.

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : penguin-wild


Get This Title

You start off as a FBI agent at a crime scene when you realize the killer is still in the building. As you track down the killer, he immobilizes you and uses your fire arm to kill your partner and a cop. Bam! your in a world of hurt. You continue to try and find this killer and solve the murder, but at the same time having no help from your department because they believe you killed the two cops. Enjoy!

In my opinion this is the best launch game for the Xbox 360. The game literally has you on the edge of your seat as you solve crimes and deal with the evil foes. The environment is interactive as you can grab a pipe of the wall, or a piece of concrete rebar from a damaged pillar to use as a weapon. Foes are the slum of the earth, wanting nothing more than to beat you down with a crowbar or fire axe. Simply put, its a thiller. Reminds me of Resident Evil plus a little extra ompff.

Pros: The story line, thrilling action, weapons.

Cons: Short game (about 10 hours), levels are sometimes confusing and you get turned around easy.

This game is very exciting and you won't be able to stop playing it as the story line embodies you. A must own for any Xbox 360 owner.
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Spine Chilling yet not very deep

Its is by far the creepiest game I have ever played and thats saying something as I am an avid resident evil fan. The graphic are great not perfect but great and unless ice water runs through your veins you will scream at least once or twice. Once you get past the scare factor, Good graphics, and perfectly gritty environments you realize at the end that the story is a very far fetched never truly giving you answers by the end of the game. I dont want to give away any spoilers but by game end you want to know what the hell just happened, nevertheless condemned is a good game with not much replay value but the experience alone is worth the price.Lire l'avis complet...

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