État :
4.64.6 étoiles sur 5
374 évaluations du produit
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Good graphics97% J'accepte

Compelling gameplay96% J'accepte

Good value98% J'accepte

342 avis


A decent history lesson and an okay game

If you watch the cutscenes and read the in game text, you can learn a lot about World War 2 by playing this game, and the game play is pretty decent. FPS enthusiasts will develop a love/hate relationship with the reload and grenade system. The weapons are almost as authentic as they come (unless you've played "Black"). The hit/recovery system plays similar to the Halo games which is good on the 360. It has some really good points, but it suffers from some shortcomings as well.

Sticky terrain prevents backpedaling in so many places it's uncanny. The AI is completely abysmal, allies and enemies alike charge heedless into fire. They run to take position near live grenades despite seeing their comrades fleeing back their way, and often while shouting warnings about the very grenade which they are rushing to crouch over.

The enemy is just as brain dead, but it doesn't hinder them because they have only one target, and that's you. In a field of charging soldiers tanks, some 80% of fire seems directed at the player.

Mission objectives are laid squarely on the player as well. One mission comes to mind where many German mortar crews are setting up around a village, and it is the player who must kill them all with a sniper rifle, a very difficult task, despite the fact that there is an entire company of allied soldiers in the town with you, and no less than three other snipers in the same tower!

Frustration aside, the game has a really nice feel, good graphics, exciting gameplay, and a forgiving system of hit/recovery, making it a Good game instead of just Average. With a better AI, a less linear story line, and some map work (to remove the hundreds of foot snags), I would call it Excellent.

As it is I place it in my top ten FPS titles for Xbox, and call it the best of the WW2 genre at the time of its release.
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Call Of Duty 2 is a deserving title in everyway.

Call of Duty 2 is one of those games that, you must simply buy. The graphics are simply amazing in comparison to other games and the shooting gameplay is almost like the very simulation of war itself. Its suprising how amazing visuals can effect a game because Call Of Duty 2 simply has clean and polished looking graphics with environments that looks exteremly realistic. The game is obviously based on World War 2 and you take on a role of three different soldiers fighting for Russia, France and the United States trying to overtake the German forces. The game has a Halo-like health system of if you get shot too many times than youll see your hud turn blood and your character would breath harder while your taking on damage but if you wait a while than your character will return to normal and can be perfectly capable of attacking the enemies again which is a great move on the developers part. Theres also some memorable scenes of you taking control of a tank fighting and completely demolishing the opposing soldiers easily and some of the D-Day missions are memorable too as they your given intense and near impossible tasks which a normal soldier wouldnt do anyways. With that said, there are plenty of minor problems that really add up which really disturbs the replayability. The missions while fun arent very unique as most of the time your either defending one point or getting across point A to point B which can be a bit tedious at times. The enemy while intellegent can make idiotic and random moves such as throwing a grenade and simply running into it and also the multiplayer (for the Xbox360) isnt all that compelling. Theres your basic deathmatch, team deathmatch, capture the flag and a assault type mission of you trying to either defend or plant a bomb at a specific location. Overall, if you have any interest in World War II than you should stop reading the conclusion of my review and just buy this game now but if your looking for a solid multiplayer than the unfortunate multiplayer mode will leave you disappointed.Lire l'avis complet...


Call of Duty2

When a game is announced for both the PC and consoles, the question always arises about what's different between the two versions. Did any compromises have to be made on one platform or the other? Did something get lost in translation? As it turns out, the recent release of Call of Duty 2 on the PC turned out to be a very accurate preview of what Xbox 360 owners could expect to get from next-generation shooters. Almost everything that makes the PC version one of the year's best shooters remains intact on the Xbox 360 version of the game, which looks just as good and actually runs smoother than all but the most beastly of gaming PCs. If not for the online multiplayer that's limited to eight players, the Xbox 360 version probably would have been hands-down better overall. But as it is, Call of Duty 2 still sets a high standard for any shooters following in its footsteps on Microsoft's new console, and it's considerably faster, prettier, and more exciting than most any other shooter available on consoles.

As in the first PC game, Call of Duty 2's campaign will put you in the shoes of a few different soldiers fighting for different Allied factions. You start off as a private in the Russian army, visciously fighting off the invading Germans in Moscow and Stalingrad. The British campaign is unlocked after beating the first Russian mission. For most of these missions you'll be fighting in the sand-swept deserts of North Africa, alongside the Desert Rats, against Field Marshal Rommel's troops. The final mission in the British campaign sends you to the bombed-out houses and hedgerows of Caen, France. After you're done with that, you'll play as an American corporal in Europe. Yes, you will be doing a D-Day landing, but not on Omaha Beach or Utah Beach, which you've probably played several times before. Instead, you'll be scaling the sheer cliffs of Pointe du Hoc as artillery with the Army Rangers. If you already thought rock climbing was an "extreme" sport, try doing it with artillery and machine-gun fire raining down on you.

Each of the game's 10 missions is broken up into a few different stages. If you play the game on regular difficulty, you could blow through it in about 10 hours. Ratcheting up the difficulty a notch makes the game much harder and more tactical (this is probably the experience the designers intended). Since you'll be creeping and peeking more carefully through all the encounters, you'll lengthen the campaign significantly, and you'll enjoy it more.

Breaking up the campaign into several different narrative vignettes arguably weakens the impact of the plot as a whole, although that was never the strength of Call of Duty in the first place. What this does is let the designers put you in a lot of different, interesting situations. One memorable moment in the Russian campaign has you crawling through a raised pipeline to sneak behind German lines and into a fortified factory building. As you make your way through the pipeline, you'll spot and snipe small pockets of German infantry through holes in the pipe. When they fire back up at you, you'll notice bullets tearing through the rusted pipe, ripping open holes for shafts of light to poke through. It's a thrilling effect.
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Great War Game Classic

Call of Duty 2 takes you into the trenches of World War II, starting with the frozen tundra of Russia under attack. High realism levels really draw you into the combat.

You start out as a raw Russian recruit, in the freezing winter of Moscow, trying to learn how to use a rifle and stave off the impending Nazi take-over. You only get a few moments of training before you're sent out into combat to defend your home town.

The graphics are a really nice mix of realistic scenery and helpful gameplay. Items you need will glow gold so that they're easy to find. A compass on your display will point your way to important objectives. Your ammo, health and other indicators are easy to find.

But in the meantime, your main screen graphics are really quite impressive. From the brickwork on the buildings to the smoke-grenade haze, from the uniforms on your friends and enemies, the quality on a HD TV is quite impressive. The widescreen view lets you keep an eye all around you while you move your way through hostile territory. You try to focus while you hear the screams, calls, bullet blasts and grenade booms landing all around you. It's like being in a warzone, which of course it is.

Your teammates are all around you, and they do their best to help you out. Like you, many of them are raw recruits and not very good at things. As you move forward, they get more skilled, as do you. You learn how to pause before aiming, how to use cover and to approach your objective with stealth.

I do wish that you could have more than 8 simultaneous players online during XBox Live. The single player games are great, but of course they don't last forever. When you get through them, the next step is to start playing online to face a "real challenge" with live players. The game would be SUPERB if it let you play large squad on large squad. Maybe that could come with future upgrades. Still, at least playing with 8 people lets you keep enjoying the graphics, the gameplay and the skill set. It's always far more challenging to play against live players rather than playing against a computer set. Computers are great for training, but live players are where the long term enjoyment of a game shines through.

Highly recommended for war game lovers, especially those who enjoy squad-type combat. If you hook up with a team of like-minded online players, this could provide for countless months of online fun, as you face your squad against other highly skilled teams.
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No Co-Op, but still and instant classic!


Combat the Nazi war machine all over Europe and parts of Africa. Play as the Russians, Americans, and Brits.

Single Player - Pros and Cons:


Stunning graphics and amazing sound get you hooked from the get go
A plot that quickly pulls you in and never lets you go
Weapons look and "feel" authentic (don't turn off vibration or you'll be missing part of the excitement)


The Tank driving/shooting controls are a mess
The story ends too soon
No extra objectives on harder levels (objectives are the same regardless of difficulty level).
Cannot pick up live grenades and throw them back (the enemy can - so can your AI team - so why can't you?)
Computer AI (Your team) is just plain stupid and are usually good for little more than human shields

Co-Op - Pros and Cons:

Pros: NONE

Cons: Doesn't exist (online or off)

Multiplayer - Pros and Cons:


Weapons for The Allies change depending on the map played (i.e. Russian map = Russian weapons)
Very little lag over Xbox Live


No "Bots" feature for those that want the experience, but do not have Xbox Live
No vehicles to play with
Only 8 players per game (This is ok for some maps, however there are a couple that are big enough to easily support 12 or more)
One shot in the foot from a sniper rifle at close range kills you
Cannot view your "rank" (Ranked matches are fun, but it'd be nice to see how you stack up against the others)

Bottom Line:

This is a FANTASTIC game and one I'm very happy to have in my Xbox library. ALMOST a 5 star game, however, the lack of Co-Op play, inability to pick up live grenades, and the lack of a "bots" feature keeps my rating to a solid 4.00 stars.
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Head spinning chaos of war, Graphics are AMAZING!

Call of Duty 2 follows the same formula as the first Call of Duty, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. You become a part of the war, so it doesn't feel like you're the main character. The graphics have been updated, and it is now available on the Brand New Xbox 360.

It looks a lot nicer than the PC, but because of the widescreen and constant action, I can only play this for an hour before I get vertigo and want to throw up. I guess I'm getting old, because I don't remember that happening when I was younger.

Then again, this has to be one of the coolest looking FPS on a Console system. The controls aren't perfect because I don't have my mouse and keyboard, but again, best on a console. I'm giving it a 4 for now, but this might change when I play more missions. Initial reaction is great action game to introduce the Xbox 360 to First Person Shooters.
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Good Single, Good Splitscreen, Bad Online

This game's single player is truely awesome! The graphics are great. The storyline is great. Veteran is tough as nails! The splitscreen multiplayer is awesome as well. Me and my friends occasionally play on the same screen. It's really fun. The online multiplayer is where this game lacks. You cannot choose your own settings (without using a glitch that was discovered). There is tremendous lag if there are over 6 people in most servers. And, there is no ability to have guests (or anyone WITH a Live account on the same 360 for that matter). When the online play works and doesn't lag, it's pretty fun, but most of the time, it's lag city. If you're only gonna play for the single player, then this is the game for you. If you want good multiplayer, you might want to rent it instead (at least until they release the patch for it).Lire l'avis complet...


Great sound, good graphics and all around fun!

This is a very well put together game. I'm not the biggest fan of "first person Shooters" but this one is very fun to play. The graphics are good and the sound is very good. This is the type of game that you are pretty much guided through your missions. You just have to be able to duck and cover and either go into battle guns blazing or take out the enemy with your sniper rifle to survive each objective. Saves are automatic at certain check points or you can save and quit any time. My favorite part about this game is the "feel" of the automatic rifle as you shoot. Your gun realistically rises when you shoot as the screen and controller rumble with it. I also enjoy the distant sound of gun fire played in the background. As with most "F.P.S.'s" I tend to lose my sense of my characters position in the game. When I think that I am well hidden and can't be shot I end up taking gun fire. Which is why I prefer the third person view to where I can see the character completely. I've barely tapped into the game but i've been impressed so far. I haven't even begun to try any of the online games because I like to get a good feel of a game before I attempt to take on the guys who seem to play games for a living. Now that prices for the first gen. games are dropping this is an excellent game for the xbox 360. I rate this more of a 4.75 out of five just because of the first person view. If you like war-themed games with direct missions and objectives, as opposed to an open ended game, then this is a must have!Lire l'avis complet...


Great game with great graphics - read on

Like its older sibling, CoD 2 covers World War II across three interwoven campaigns featuring the Russians, the British, and the Americans. However, now you can skip ahead from one faction to another, once you've played through a batch of missions. I personally wasn't champing at the bit to play one or the other, but I guess it's nice to have the functionality there. The game also auto-detects 16:9 and 16:10 widescreen ratios, as well as the funky 5:4 ratio for LCD monitors (like 1280x1024). You'll have a solid selection of performance tweaking options, or you can let the game set what it thinks will be optimal settings. With a 6800GT, 3.0GHz P4 and 1GB of RAM, the game plays quite smoothly at 1280x1024, with anisotropic filtering (to make textures look nicer) and 4xAA (to reduce jagged edges). There were slowdowns when it rained and when there was a lot of smoke on screen, but it was otherwise quite playable with the latest official nVidia drivers. Speaking of those guys, there's also an "Optimize for SLI" toggle, but I don't have the luxury of two hot boards, so let's move on.
Many of you who grabbed the single-player demo noted that the game didn't run all that great. All I can tell you is that the retail version appears to have been optimized. Textures look great, and there's lots of shiny stuff going on. Normal mapping is fairly subtle, except for a few elderly character models who look like they're bathed in a sheen of sweat. It's not quite on par with FEAR, but I think even the hardcore shooter fan will find little to complain about. Most importantly: I saw little sign of cutting corners for multi-platform development (as the game is also coming out on the 360). I'm pleased to report that everything looks quite sharp
And CoD 2 is about the grisliest game I've seen get the ESRB T rating. There's no blood and guts splashing all over the place, but you will have dying soldiers attempting to drag themselves to safety, only to be bludgeoned to death by a nearby enemy. And they'll scream bloody murder when they die. On the other hand, the only blood you'll see is when you shoot someone, and the profanity stays firmly in PG-13 territory. And there's none of the chunky dismemberment we've seen in Brothers in Arms.
One of the other things I noticed is that CoD isn't as oppressively scripted as the first installment. You'll typically only have one path to one objective, but the game often breaks things up by putting you in a battlefield and giving you a batch of locations you have to reach, typically to kill people or blow something up. And in these situations, you can choose what order you want to go in. There are still the dreaded minefields painted into areas that diverge from where the level designers want you to go, and objects piled up just so at key junctions, funneling you down one arbitrary path.
But it's good to see that Infinity Ward is making an effort to open things up a little. I also noticed that there didn't appear to be the Infinite Soldier problem, where the bad guys (always the German army) keep on spawning from behind an obstacle until you've crossed an invisible threshold on the map. They will eventually stop coming (and I also noticed that it's a good idea to keep your eye on any nearby MG42, as they tend to gravitate towards the emplaced machine gun). Lastly, there's no Medal of Honor-style sniper gauntlet to deal with, and few snipers in general
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Call of Duty 2, Good but not as great as some say...

First you should know that i never really liked the other Call of duty games that much but figured that after reading so many reviews that say this is the best launch game and that it puts you on the edge of your seat the entire time, I should see what everyone was raving about. Well.... the gameplay is frantic but it gets a bit repetitive and the levels are pretty linear. The graphics are good with some good textures and some not so good also everything is kind of blocky looking. The smoke was not as amazing as i had heard it was either. The lighting was O.K. and as far as sound goes it was well done but if you don't have surround sound sometimes the voices get too quiet when look look away from the characters. The Online Multiplayer is pretty Standard stuff and works well but it isn't going to stop me from playing Ghost Recon. So I'm sure some people will click that this review was not helpful because they disagree with me and because they loved this game so much, but I'm just giving my honest opinion and isn't that why we write these reviews in the first place. Call of Duty 2 is definitely worth playing just don't expect it to be the best FPS ever.Lire l'avis complet...

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