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Good graphics100% J'accepte

Compelling gameplay100% J'accepte

Good value100% J'accepte

338 avis


BioShock is Shockingly Good- a true work of art.

This review can be seen in its entirety @ http://gnadegames.blogspot.com

I had no intention of buying Bioshock. Yeah the graphics looked great and it was getting some buzz, but it had no multiplayer and Halo 3 is coming out in a month or so. Then I played the (painfully short) demo and wanted more, and when the first stellar reviews started coming in, I was sold. Bioshock is a great single player experience, probably the best FPS single player experience I have ever had. Yes, it's that good.

Gameplay: 10/10
Pros: A perfect blend of RPG elements into a FPS. Extreme flexibility in the way the game is played...you can strategize and set traps, use plasmids (magic attacks), hack machines to do your dirty work, research every creature as a photographer, specialize in weapons, or just go guns blazing and focus on twitch gameplay. It is absolutely fantastic. Add in amazing enemy AI, a fantastic story, and stat building and you have an incredibly addictive and fun game.

Graphics: 10/10
Gears of What? Bioshock is a gorgeous game...simply play the demo and by the time the tail of the plane crashes into the tube spraying water everywhere (see video above) you should be convinced. It uses the same Unreal engine that every graphic gem seems to use on the 360, but has so many effects, subtleties and touches that it just outshines them all. The art style is truly one of a kind and the futuristic underwater city is both futuristic, yet horrifyingly familiar and historic as well since the game is brilliantly set in 1960.

Sound/Music: 10/10
The Voicework is top-notch and film quality. In fact the music, score, and voicework is so excellent that you cannot help but think Bioshock film. Like all other aspects of the game, the polish and detail is just exceptional...even the piano notes played when you cycle the start menu, capture the tone and immersion of this game.

Lasting Appeal: 9/10
Pros: The single player experience is a long and investing one. The world encourages you to explore and learn more about it. The gameplay is great and it encourages more play throughs just playing around in the world. The game is never frustrating...even when you die against a tough boss, you're instantly revived at a chamber nearby and your enemies are as hurt as they were when you left them...unless they heal at a health station...this aspect makes you lose yourself in the game and literally lose hours immersed in the city of Rapture.
Cons: There is no multiplayer experience and while this is understandable due to the depth of the single player experience, one can't help but wish that multiplayer was included. I imagine the multiplayer would have been reminiscent of shadowrun...or how shadowrun should've been executed. This game is so good that any end to it is a con.

Average: 97.5%
Tilt: +2.00%

When all is said and done, this game is a work of art. Every aspect is cohesive, immersive, intriguing, and ultimately satisfying. This game is like a fantastic book that you curl up with, get immersed in, and then go to bed with nightmares about. A definitive gaming moment in the era of next gen gaming.

Verdict: 99.5%
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the only shock about this game is to me and why i didn't buy it sooner, what a wonderful and challenging game, i have all three of them now plus the game strategy guilds, which i try not to use to add to my playing time, bought all three used any really saved but can see why it was so $$$ will keep this in my colloction along with the others. great layout and storyline as well as graphics, the only drawback to this game is having to come up with excuses on why you can't walk the dog right now or sit at the dinner table or answer the door, and your wife threatens to hide the xbox next time you foreget to take the kids to school, and for theos that play....you know what im talking about, so if your considering buying this game get ready to be strategic on excuses becuse you'll want to keep playing, good luck and many hours of funLire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : ayaf2211


BioShock Review

Bioshock takes place in 1960, in the utopian city of Rapture. Created by one man’s visions about a perfect society, where every man and woman owns himself, where petty politics and economy won’t corrupt the people. The key point? It’s completely under water. Like a living, breathing Atlantis it stands on the seabed in the Atlantic Ocean, housing thousands of inhabitants.

One night, an airplane crashes into the Atlantic Ocean, and as the lone survivor, you find yourself stranded by a lone Lighthouse. Entering it, you find a bathysphere that takes you on a descent into Rapture, the best city on earth.
But something is wrong in the once idyllic city of Rapture. Deformed, hideous mutated beings run rampart throughout the cities, the population is nowhere to be seen, and the city is falling apart bit by bit both internally and externally, with evidences of a power struggle that has destroyed the city. Soon, your trip to Rapture becomes a fight for survival.

The story of Rapture is fantastic. Hands down, this is one of the best stories and presentations in a FPS game to date. As you venture through Rapture, you’ll gradually piece together it’s past and what caused it to destroy itself, while at the same time getting plenty of twists that are highly effective and surprisingly stunning revelations. Coupled with the morality issues you face throughout the game, Bioshock takes a hold of you psychologically and doesn’t let go, even after completing the game.

As well as being a well told story with great characters, setting and events, Bioshock also manages to be quite disturbing. It creeps into your head and heart and doesn’t let go. It’s the small things that makes this game so exceptionally creepy. A woman’s dead body can be found..just near a cute teddy bear. A dead couple lies together on a bed with a picture of their lost daughter. Pictures spread around displaying various attempts to improve the human nature..and to remove it’s symmetry can be found. The details are astounding, and helps immerse you into the game, and just like a great game should do, it changes you. Bioshock is an experience, that after 10 hours I find myself extremely happy to have experienced.At it’s core, Bioshock is a standard FPS game. However, it does have a few twists and turns that lifts it up above most other games.

As any normal FPS game, you’ll get your standard weapons, including the blunt melee weapon, the accurate but weak pistol, the powerful shotgun, the weaker machinegun, the Grenade Launcher and so on. These can be modified with several types of ammo (for example, you can change to special anti-personnel ammo for the pistol, or heat-seeking rockets for the grenade launcher) It is advisable that you learn to use these weapons well, as they are weak and good against various types of enemies, and they also work differently with various types of Plasmids (they being power-ups that will genetically modify you in all kinds of ways).

Bioshock is one game that lives up to the hype. It only has one flaw, which is that it sometimes becomes a little stale at a few points, but it always picks back up. There’s not much else to say about the game than I haven’t already said. It looks fantastic. It sounds fantastic. It plays fantastic. The combat with the huge amount of plasmids and weapons makes combat incredibly fun and varied. The game is pretty much everything it could be and exceeds it and will remain one of the great new classics of gaming.
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Bioshock is a must buy!

Graphics: Breathtaking 10/10
The graphics are make you look twice – anyone fans of Art Deco, or even deep sea life will see the immediate beauty of this game. Take some time to watch the water and the detail of it.

Sound: Amazing – 9.5/10
The sounds, music, effects, and voices take you immediately into the game. Surround sound is a must so you can hear the uttering, chanting, and footsteps of the citizens of this underwater city.

Gameplay: Spectacular – 10/10
Smooth animations, large levels, smart enemies and A.I., different possibilities for battles and puzzles – without giving anything away, this game is different, and in a good way.

Replay Value – Amazing 9.5/10
Even without multiplayer, this game has high replay value. You get to choose your own path, make your own choices, all which effect the outcome of the game. The developers left out multiplayer to generate a perfect single player adventure – and they did just that.

Overall – Perfect 10/10
I am a fan of First-Person-Shooters (FPS) and all that is associated with them. This is a FPS technically, but it is so much more. The details and ideas that went in this game prove that risks are still being taken in game development, and they pay off.

Bioshock is labeled as a first person shooter, but it is so much more. It creates its own genre. It has elements taken from genres such as RPG, puzzlers, action-adventures, but is not pigeonholed into this experience. Spending time with this game, it is apparent that 2K games wanted to create a cinematic and different experience in a game – one not felt before.

Bioshock took a chance to be different, and it worked. This game is gorgeous, involved, and deep - and it is not the same experience twice. The gameplay and completion of the game is different for each user, which just shows you how much time and thought went into this game. With this much depth, it is hard to compare it to something, and you can’t right now, it is in a league of its own. Typically, when I play a game that I truly enjoy, I have a wow moment – maybe two. This game made me do that several different times. This game is definitely worth checking out, and I hope that it does not get lost in the shuffle with all the other great games coming out in the fall 2007 - This is a must buy!
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I learned this game was based off of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

This game is a first person shooter, with elements of an RPG. It's based in an underwater dystopian society called Rapture. The beginning starts you swimming near a crashed plane in which Jack was a passenger. He swims toward where the entrance of Rapture is. Immediately, Jack knows something's strange about this area. Almost immediately, Jack runs into mutated beings huddled over something,(maybe ADAM). ADAM, which they made plasmids out of, drove the populous into mutated splicers. He is fighting his way through the splicers, while also saving or harvesting little sisters, and trying to escape Rapture.. Big Daddies patrol the levels and are the protectors of the little sisters so they can harvest ADAM. While you're playing through, you pick up various weapons and Plasmids (which you need EVE to replenish)to combine attacks. The antagonist is a guy named Atlas, who asks you very "politely" to do things for him. There are two separate endings depending on if you decided to save/harvest the little sisters.

This game has very solid shooting mechanics. It's a horrifically captivating game that has a winding, well written story line with some twists.
**p.s. there are two games made prior to Bioshock, System Shock 1&2..also by Ken Lavine.
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Bioshock! Excellent Game!

I heard of Bioshock on Youtube. I have an Xbox 360 so I decided to buy it and see for myself. WOW! The graphics is excellent and the storyline is sensational. I can't quit playing. So I got a copy without the box, I got everything else. I found a jewel case and use that to store the disc in. I have not ever even dreamed of stuff like this before. I love it and now I have Bioshock:Infinite. I am going to get my hands on Bioshock 2 and play until my eyes popout.Lire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : monalisa1379


BioShock XBOX 360

BioShock is Irrational's finest offering to date, as well as the swan song for the Irrational brand in a way, since they recently relinquished their longstanding and well-established studio name for the more corporate, faceless tag of 2K Boston and 2K Australia. BioShock is a first-person shooter set in the fantastically unsettling city of Rapture, a metropolis built under the sea by the megalomaniacal Andrew Ryan. Throughout your lengthy stay, you'll find options for combat as intricate and enjoyable as the story and characters are to interpretation, something that only a handful of games can ever claim to offer.

But to call this game simply a first-person shooter, a game that successfully fuses gameplay and narrative, is really doing it a disservice. This game is a beacon. It's one of those monumental experiences you'll never forget, and the benchmark against which games for years to come will, and indeed must, be measured. This isn't merely an evolution of System Shock 2, but a wake-up call to the industry at large. Play this, and you'll see why you should demand something more from publishers and developers, more than all those derivative sequels forced down our throats year after year with only minor tweaks in their formulas. It's a shining example of how it's possible to bring together all elements of game design and succeed to the wildest degree.
Things kick off with your plane smacking into the ocean and your character having to take refuge in Rapture to survive. Irrational plays on the conventions of the first-person perspective by thrusting you through experiences that toy with and vastly strengthen that fragile, intangible bond between in-game protagonist and yourself. At times, it forces upon you moments of reflection, which is so important and rare in games, where you contemplate the nature of blindly accepted game conventions, which we can't get into for fear of spoiling things. It lays a relatively straight narrative path for you, but it never feels linear, a result of the gameplay as much as the narrative.

The target in BioShock, Andrew Ryan, is anything but a prototypical villain. He's a man of bottomless ambition who built a city under the sea, obsessed with the idea of what makes a man, what differentiates a man from a slave. He's the Randian hero, a man who holds his own creative vision above all else, and he's Rodion Raskolnikov's exceptional person, someone who can be excused for committing crimes to achieve a goal--and he knows it. His vision, Rapture, is clearly a colossal failure. The driving force behind the game is your quest to discover why this man's alluring vision of an artistic utopia failed so completely and why you've stumbled upon it. Even though Ryan spits out what seems to resemble totalitarian propaganda, you can't help but sympathize with him. He has alluring ideas, speaks them with conviction, and comes off as a sympathetic visionary despite his severe eccentricities.
As you continue through Rapture, you'll discover it speaks to the nature of what a single-player game is--why do we choose to play a game that isn't online, where you can't interact with others? Like reading a novel, it's to form your own impressions, to see the same events, hear the same words, and come away with a unique viewpoint. The thematic blending and twining of BioShock's personalities is so powerful, it acts like any good book or movie, assaulting you with its ideas, popping into your thoughts.
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is Irrational's finest offering to date, as well as the swan song for the Irrational brand in a way, since they recently relinquished their longstanding and well-established studio name for the more corporate, faceless tag of 2K Boston and 2K Australia. BioShock is a first-person shooter set in the fantastically unsettling city of Rapture, a metropolis built under the sea by the megalomaniacal Andrew Ryan. Throughout your lengthy stay, you'll find options for combat as intricate and enjoyable as the story and characters are to interpretation, something that only a handful of games can ever claim to offer.

But to call this game simply a first-person shooter, a game that successfully fuses gameplay and narrative, is really doing it a disservice. This game is a beacon. It's one of those monumental experiences you'll never forget, and the benchmark against which games for years to come will, and indeed must, be measured. This isn't merely an evolution of System Shock 2, but a wake-up call to the industry at large. Play this, and you'll see why you should demand something more from publishers and developers, more than all those derivative sequels forced down our throats year after year with only minor tweaks in their formulas. It's a shining example of how it's possible to bring together all elements of game design and succeed to the wildest degree.

Customizing the arsenal.Things kick off with your plane smacking into the ocean and your character having to take refuge in Rapture to survive. Irrational plays on the conventions of the first-person perspective by thrusting you through experiences that toy with and vastly strengthen that fragile, intangible bond between in-game protagonist and yourself. At times, it forces upon you moments of reflection, which is so important and rare in games, where you contemplate the nature of blindly accepted game conventions, which we can't get into for fear of spoiling things. It lays a relatively straight narrative path for you, but it never feels linear, a result of the gameplay as much as the narrative.

The target in BioShock, Andrew Ryan, is anything but a prototypical villain. He's a man of bottomless ambition who built a city under the sea, obsessed with the idea of what makes a man, what differentiates a man from a slave. He's the Randian hero, a man who holds his own creative vision above all else, and he's Rodion Raskolnikov's exceptional person, someone who can be excused for committing crimes to achieve a goal--and he knows it. His vision, Rapture, is clearly a colossal failure. The driving force behind the game is your quest to discover why this man's alluring vision of an artistic utopia failed so completely and why you've stumbled upon it. Even though Ryan spits out what seems to resemble totalitarian propaganda, you can't help but sympathize with him. He has alluring ideas, speaks them with conviction, and comes off as a sympathetic visionary despite his severe eccentricities.

As you continue through Rapture, you'll discover it speaks to the nature of what a single-player game is--why do we choose to play a game that isn't online, where you can't interact with others? Like reading a novel, it's to form your own impressions, to see the same events, hear the same words, and come away with a unique viewpoint. The thematic blending and twining of BioShock's personalities is so powerful, it acts like any good book or movie, assaulting you with its ideas, popping into your thoughts
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With Bioshock you will be surprised!!!!!!!!!

What could very well be the game of the year,Bioshock is an excelent achievement for the xbox 360. This game is one of the main reasons why I bought the system. From the first moment I saw the trailer and how this game worked, I had to buy it. It submerges you in a world that is really alive, it is both beautifull and scary at the same time. The graphics are the best I have seen so far, the level of detail is awesome. The combat system is very cool, it really gives you freedom to try many different ways to solve a problem. The story is very detailed and very interesting, from the moment you start the game you get hooked into it and you feel as if you really were in this alternate world. With two endings to explore and good use of achievements points, it has a good replay value. My only complaint would be that I would have liked the game to be a little longer. Other than that this game was perfect for me, the best game I have played for some time now. This game is everything a gamer wants, if you play it, you wont be dissapointed.Lire l'avis complet...


Amazing Game

Not only was this game one of the very few to be rated a perfect 10 by Game Informer Magazine, but it impressed a person who has just played way too many games such as myself. This game has an interesting storyline that keeps you curious throught the game. You get more on the plot only through recordings of previous inhabitants of the city. The game just has an unique way of keeping you on the edge of your seat. It is always dark and gloomy in every room you enter and there are so many sounds all around you. This game is not to be played without surround sound, if you do you won't get the full experience. You hear someone talking somewhere around you then suddenly something jumps in front of you. They don't always give you a warning though, everything is just random. The plasmids add a lot to the game, you can be so creative with every one. You can even get special ammo for each of your weapons and create your own! The "Big Daddys" are very creepy and you hear them stomping about from very far away. They make odd sounds like a dying whale or something of the sort. It all adds up to an amazing game that is worth buying in my book and I'm not easy to impress.

P.S. A sequel is in the making, I wouldn't play it without playing this one first.
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