4.34.3 étoiles sur 5
122 évaluations du produit
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Good graphics86% J'accepte

Compelling gameplay80% J'accepte

Good value90% J'accepte

110 avis


Exciting Multiplayer with every vehichle imaginable

This is a game that can be liked if mastered. The new hot-swap feature is the best part of this innovative game. Imagine you are running and suddenly a tank appears out of no where ready to gun you down. With this feature you could instantly change to another friendly soldiers location and play as him. Beware, this only works in single player mode.
This game is hard to play at first, but with hours of practice you will become the top on the leader board. The other feature that makes this better than the other war based shooters is the variety of land, air, and water vehicles. The helicopter is my personal favorite. Don't forget you if you jump out you can use your parachute.
On a scale of 1-10 this is how I would rate it.

Sound - 8
Graphics - 9.5
Weapons - 10
Vehicles - 10
Multiplayer - 8.5
Single player - 8

If you enjoy any shooter games you will enjoy this one for its price. Of course it is not worth paying $60, but for $30 why not buy it. You will never be bored with this game. That's for sure!!!
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this game has mostly everything, jumping out of planes, going in any vehicle you want such as a helicopter, tank, etc. also you can play with more the 24 people!!! the maps are great and a lot better then the ones on the XBOX version. they are polished and look like the real thing!!
Only problem is the controls. they suck!!! how is the left trigger to jump!! and the left bumper to crouch. even though they are trying something new they did not do a good job with that and that why i gave it a 4/5 8/10.
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This is one of the best online xbox360 games of all time. I have played this game for over 2 years now and have enjoyed the multiplayer very much. It definitely has the best maps out of any game out there. That's saying a lot when you compare it to other games such as Halo, COD, etc. The only drawback is the single player. You can tell they didn't put too much effort into it but if your truly looking for a great multiplayer experience look no further than Battlefield 2 Modern Combat!Lire l'avis complet...


Battlefield 2: Modern Combat **Average Game**

Hello, and welcome to my review of Battlefield 2 Modern combat for the xbox 360 video game system

The graphics on this game are quite good. From the tanks to the helicopters everything in this game looks very realistic, and adds to the quality of the gameplay. No complaints here

Gameplay offline
The singleplayer in this game isn't very good. The story is pretty generic, but I won't spoil any of it for you in case you are interested in it. Basically your goal is to complete your mission objectives. The cool part about the singleplayer is that you can instantly switch to any of your npc allies by pushing the xbox button. You will be doing a lot of that however since your allies are near worthless in battle. Playing offline is worth a try, but the multiplayer is where this game truly shines.

Gameplay online
This has got to be one of the best multiplayer games I have ever played. There are a variety of vehicles and classes for you to choose from. It's not hard to find a game either. The game has two modes: conquest, and capture the flag. In conquest your goal is to capture all of the bases around the map and deplete your enemies "tickets" whoever has the most tickets at the end of the time limit is the victor. In capture the flag your goal is to grab the enemies flag and return it to your base. During the game you can call in artillery strikes from the maps command computer to give you an edge in battle.

The game has pretty decent sound. The machine guns sound like machine guns, the explosions sound like explosions. No complaints here either.

I would suggest that you rent this game. It is good, but I didn't really spend that much time playing (only about 10 hours).
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The Best Multi player on Xbox Live.....

Battlefield 2 Modern Combat is a solid game and IMO the best multi player game on Xbox 360 right now. * (written before Halo 3 or Call of Duty 4 released)
The graphics are very good, not Gears of War good, but very good and look like a 360 game should. Nice textures, lighting and Weapon and Level design make for an really immersive environment.
The sound is also well done and when you jump in a vehical the music changes and gets your blood pumping. the weapons sound authentic and the only downside is some repetitive chatter during the single player campaign and some occasional voice recognition problems online.
The gameplay is great and the controls are tight and responsive. The single player is good and offers the new hot swap feature allowing you to jump into any soldier on the battlefield at the press of a button. there are also numerous challenges along with the 20 missions in the main story to complete. But multiplayer is where this game shines. The best part of the online is the class system and the vehicals. You can be a sniper, support/medic, assault trooper, engineer or spec ops. Each type has mutiple weapons and devices at there disposal like airstrikes, Mines, medic injection, multiple types of granades, rocket launchers and more. There is a type of soldier for everyone and I enjoy playing them all. The vehicals really ad alot to the gameplay too. Fly your teammates over the warzone in a helicopter launching rockets and manning a machine gun, you can even jump out and parachute down to the rooftops for superior positioning. There are jeeps, boats and tanks too and all of them are a Blast to use. There is so much variety that the game doesnt get old.
Overall I think this is one of the best games for the 360 if you plan on going online otherwise I would recommend you just rent it for the single player stuff.
I've played GRAW, Gears Of War, COD 2 and more but I always come back to Battlefield 2 Modern Combat. I give it a 9 out of 10
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Best 1st person shooter game on XBOX Live

I played this game non-stop for several weeks before finally playing something else. The game is owned by Electronic Arts and they are known for having some of the worst support in the industry. Their servers are terrible and will drop you more often than they should. You don't expect perfection from this type of online experience but their problems go beyond that and have made me stop playing several times because of it. For example: In a 4 hour session of playing I played about 16 games and got dropped from 5 games and the game itself locked up 2 times. This is just terrible and it doesn't happen on most of the other XBOX games. From what I have read, EA forces XBOX to use the EA servers for these games and maybe that can account for why this game breaks so often.

Also, the game has quite a few glitches that allow a person who knows them to cheat. While you are playing a game on the up-and-up; others are using these "Exploits" to become invincible, hide behind walls, shoot through walls... It doesn't happen too much but enough that it makes you want to quit.

As for the game play. In the online mode it is addictive as any game you have ever played. You just simply don't want to stop playing because you know you can still do better. You can talk to your team and strategize on how to get the enemy's flags or warn them about pending doom. You have multiple types of players you can be which is one of the best parts of the game because you can die by a tank and come back in 15 seconds as a sniper which has a laser tageting device and you can laz the tank and kill it. So you have different options with each character and my favorite is special forces because of the C4 attack.

There are helicopters you can fly, tanks, hummers, cars, trucks, boats, and much more which you can use to run-over, go by, whatever to get past the enemy and take their flags. There are also CLAN matches that you can join and then you can work with a group of your friends and it is even funner; however, you have to make some friends while playing so this means you can't go around killing you own teammates or you will get kicked from the game.

I have described only 1/10th of the things that make this such a great game. You will just have to try it for yourself. I know you won't be dissapointed unless you have played 1st person shooter games in the past and just don't like that type of game. If you like 1st person shooter, war games, or team strategy type games then this one is for you.
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Ok lets start off on why I gave this game a 4/5 rating.It would have received a totatl 5.The only reason why I didnt do this was because the story mode can get boring/really hard.The online play is where this game is at!So if you dont have Xbox Live you will really miss out on what this game has to offer.Theres plenty of maps to choose from.You can play Capture the flag or Conquest.Vehicles are very fun to ride around in.Theres really nothing like storming an enemy convoy with a Apache attack helicopter.This game has 24 players total online play.The amount of players fits he level size pretty well.
In all this game woud be a perfect addition to your Xbox 360 game collection.
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Pretty good game

I liked the ability to take on multiple roles in story mode. The only thing that's bad about it is it's nearly impossible to not loose at least one man because they go all over the place and when you're not controlling them, they're not that great a fighter. The graphics are average, but, in my opinion, the ability to fly choppers, and drive tanks more than makes up for it.

Overall good game, and difficult, but good story. 4 out of 5.
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I used to be a Halo player, which I still am a little, but BF2 is the most real and addictive game that I've ever played, since tetris. Live is the most addicting, and as long as you have cool people on your team the game is very sweet!

There aren't any instructions on how to fly, but you figure it out pretty quickly. As long as you have understanding teammates, when you crash. Sometimes they aren't as understanding, but the nice thing about that is that on 360 you can PREFER or AVOID players. Kicking people isn't like Halo where if they shoot you twice, you can kick them. It works by casting your vote. Cast your vote, and if someone else votes too, then they're gone.

Regular game play starts out kinda simple then gets more complicated and hard as your rank advances. Myself I like LIVE the best. The Manual could use more directions in it. It has the most basic instructions in it, doesn't explain anything. If you plan to buy this game, make sure you have the time to spend figuring it out, or a friend that can explain everything to you.

I've enjoyed this game with a 19 inch HD LCD monitor, optional 360 VGA cable and 5.1 surround sound (this is a real plus too, gun shots come from all directions!). GAME = A+ / INSTRUCTIONS = F-
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I am Stuck

I like this game a lot. The graphics are great. The controls are pretty good. HOWEVER, I am stuck on the 3rd level. I have been trying for months now to get past it. Does that make it a good or a bad game? I think it's great that I keep going back. I hate that it is so hard this early in the game. I of course can still play on line with other, which by the way is great fun, but I really would like to get further in the process.Lire l'avis complet...

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