État :
4.74.7 étoiles sur 5
251 évaluations du produit
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Good graphics97% J'accepte

Compelling gameplay96% J'accepte

Good value96% J'accepte

218 avis


Great game and great fun

I was late playing this game, with so many other great games that came out I unfortunately put this one off to the side in my "will rent later" list. Boy was that a dumb move.

From the fantastic visuals to the addicting gameplay you would be hard pressed to find a better platform game on ANY console right now (yes I'm talking about you Mario!). It has everything that is missing from other platform games, it has humor that adults and kids alike can enjoy. A story line that keeps you interested and wanting to progress so you can see how it unravels. Although many will find the difficulty to be a little easy the amount of fun the game provides more then makes up for it.

I never play games through multiple times, usually I beat the game and find no reason to play the exact same thing over and over again. However once you beat the game it can go into "Challenge" mode, where your enemies are harder but you can upgrade your weapons further, get multipliers (up to 20x) if you can go long enough without taking any damage and a whole list of "skill points" you can get by... "Using the "Transformer" gadget to turn your enemies into penguins then throw a "Groovetron" gadget to make them dance and you can get the "Happy Feet" skill point!

A game like this is a nice break from FPS, Racing games and beating hookers with baseball bats. It's also a great game for kids to play as everything is colorful and the violence is masked greatly by the "outrageous" weapons you weild.

Better late then never when it comes to playing this game!
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Great action-platformer!

Ratchet & Clank is one of the few remaining action-platform series of the modern gaming era and Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction is one of the series' finest entries. The massive open levels dwarf those of the earlier PlayStation 2 games. There are many fun new weapons as well as some returning favorites. And despite being released more than a decade ago the visuals are still rather impressive. A great game for longtime fans and series newbies!Lire l'avis complet...


A Ratchet and Clank game. Nothing More, nothing less. But thats good.

The first R&C on the PS3. The ones on the PS2 were amazing! I don't know of any other game series that puts that classic gaming feel into new games with such grace. This game is what those games were, but on the PS3, and thats pretty awesome. With a great story, good graphics, and another great arsenal of weapons, this is another great part of the series. If you haven't played the PS2 ones first. Then I suggest you try to, or join the many others in trying to get an HD collection for it, made...if it hasn't already been made. Point is, if you haven't played the others...play them. If you liked them...buy this. You won't be disappointed. Like all other R&C games, this one comes with great replay value. One problem I had with it....no trophies. Now don't get me wrong, there is plenty of secret stuff to grab, just like the others, and I always go out of my way to get them....just would of been nice to have something saying I did it this time.Lire l'avis complet...


Very Fun Game

The game is a solid platformer. In fact I think it's better than most platformers with all the different weapons, space battles that give a change of pace and the customization. Game play is solid, visuals and sound are good, storyline is good for what this is (I didn't play any other games in the series I understood the plot, but maybe not some references and "inside jokes"). The game is fairly easy and there is no difficulty change option, but it isn't so easy it detracts from the game. This game has some flaws throughout but they are all minor and the overall package is solid.Lire l'avis complet...


Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

"Insomniac Does it Again"


Here we are again. Two years later and another console game sequel to the Ratchet and Clank series comes out. Only this time around you get to see the duo in high-definition on the Playstation 3 and lets just say I don't miss the PS2 all that much anymore. This is the 5th game I've played in this series and I've been there since the start when the first game released in 2002. I was looking forward to this game all year and needless to say: it delivered.


The game-play has definitely been this series strong point and this game does extremely well in this area. While the 2 previous games lacked a bit in the platforming department this game brings it back with a vengeance. Many of the gadgets are quite fun to use, my favorites being the Gyro-Cycle and Robo-Wings. Another interesting gadget that really screams platforming is the Gelanator which shoot out a cube of gel that lets you jump higher and lets you stack them to get even more air. For you returning players in the series you'll notice many other gadgets making a welcomed returned such as the Heli/Thruster Packs and some more grind-rail goodness.

The shooter aspect of this series also does not disappoint with the many new weapons and combat devices Ratchet has at his disposal. The weapons themselves are quite diverse from one another and all need to be utilized in different ways to be effective. Each weapon is quite fun to use and they never get too complicated for the average player. The weapons also get experience with each use on an enemy and further upgrade their damage capabilities with each level they gain. My favorite weapon would have to be Alpha Cannon, which just screams firepower when you use it. Health is once again nano-tech based with health crates abundant for restoring health. Wrench use has also been kept the same as well.

The devices are a new aspect to the R&C series and they don't disappoint. Ranging from making any enemy dance with the Groovitron to turning them into a lovable penguin with the Transmorpher the devices are good for some laughs and is also very helpful to get out of a pinch.

Clank only game-play has made a return in this series and it's better than ever IMO. His new buddies have some neat new powers and Clank also gets a new helpful power of his own as well. The areas that you traverse with him can be thought provoking and are sometimes quite fun to do, unlike in past games where I thought it was a chore to play as him.

The only issue that I think any new player would have coming into this game would be that fact that there's not enough tutorial to teach new players how to do certain things.

Game-Play Score: a solid 10/10 with no big issues whatsoever(since lack of an extensive tutorial doesn't effect me) and it does what it's supposed to: making this game a blast to play.

Rent or Buy

Unless you like rush through things or you don't like platforming, this is the game you must own on your PS3. As of right now there's nothing else like it on the current gen console market and it's an amazing game to boot. It's also just good clean fun that people of all ages can enjoy. It's an obvious buy.

Final Score

Game-Play: 10
Graphics: 10
Story: 8.7
Controls: 9.9
Sound: 8.5
Play-Time/Re-Playability: 8.9

Overall Score: 9.3 (Amazing)

Final Say

Reviewer's Score: 9/10

Game Release: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (US, 10/23/07)
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Please, feel free to disagree, but we're going to come straight out and say it: the Ratchet & Clank series is PlayStation's current mascot. And it's not just because the lead character is a squat, midget-human-mammal hybrid with a penchant for 'platforming elements'. They've consistently shown the world what PS2 (and recently, through R&C: Size Matters, PSP) is capable of when properly pushed, all the while returning often enough to keep its league of fans entertained and engaged for ages.

Jak & Daxter? They've arguably lost their way, even if it was a fun old ride. Sly Raccoon? Never got the attention he deserved. Lara, GTA, Pro Evolution Soccer, Metal Gear and Resident Evil? Dismissed on account of being multiformat whores, over the years. Kratos? He's arguably the strongest challenger, but just hasn't managed the mileage that Insomniac's furry lombax and his quirky robotic sidekick have. And now stumpy gun-toting space-saviour Ratchet is back in full force, to slap down the doubters and tap PS3's monstrous potential with a dazzling, technicolour mushroom cloud of a shoot-'em-up.

Ratchet Branson
Now, it may sound like we're bestowing a huge accolade on Ratchet & Clank by placing it on a mascot's pedestal. Which we are, but it's also a roundabout way of preparing you for the fact that this is far from a reinvention of the series - this is a confident revitalisation, sure, but it operates on a template that will be very familiar to long-standing Ratchet & Clank devotees. It's a third-person shooter that has you travelling between an entire solar system of planets in a relatively straight line dictated by the plot, with myriad minigames and sub-quests to get stuck into or return to as you wish. Ratchet's armoury and backpack of gadgets expands with each new stage visited (although, the levels are far larger this time around, and the only loading screens are those you'll see when skipping from planet to planet).

There's no multi-player mode, either, so it's not an absolutely complete package, but we'd rather Insomniac produced a single-player campaign that excelled, rather one that skimped in order to include Deathmatch scrapping.

Colour like no other
Don't be getting the wrong idea. Tools Of Destruction is far from lazy, and it's a much more preferable treatment than the experimental, overly combat-obsessed cul-de-sac that was Ratchet: Gladiator, the final PS2 game in the series. When we say that this is a PS3-ification of Ratchet & Clank 3 (arguably the franchise's best outing), we mean it in the best way possible. All the vibrancy that Insomniac forgot to put into Resistance: was obviously held back for this... hook it up with a good HD display, and get ready for some laser eye surgery.

It's a truly stunning game to see in motion, full of crisp, glorious hues and levels that are almost needlessly packed with rich ambient detail. MotorStorm and Heavenly Sword may very well offer some graphical finery, but Tools Of Destruction has already moved things on in terms of sumptuous solidity and a luxuriant colour. From a panoramic prehistoric planet populated by enormous dinos to a journey within the electric guts of a supercomputer... it's like Insomniac has unearthed several new shades of red, blue and green the rest of the world hadn't noticed yet.

Don't let the loud, brash tones of the visuals fool you: Insomniac's role as a master gunsmith is further cemented with Tools Of Destruction, whose arsenal varies from the silly to the brut
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nuts & bolts & absolute carnage - what more do you need


smooth colour/tone to graphics means its easy to play
nice looking cut sequences.
great animation.
great game for destroying everything including the scenery
great for the kids, hours of gameplay! keeps them challenged


dont like the fact that when you save the game mid level when you reload you have to start from the beginning of the level.
some of the cut sequences lag a little either due to how much action is going on or again i dont know if its just because i have the 80gb US version of the ps3.
not really a dislike i suppose but a two player option would be interesting.

why buy it?:

1) it was a bargain as it was on ebay
2) a great shoot em up/slash and bash, its just pure carnage
3) it does the ps3 justice in terms of graphics and gameplay even on a rear projection crt monitor! up to 720p on a hd tv apparently
4) from a old school gamer who was first playing on a sinclair spectrum back in the day the different gameplay angles of the various parts of the levels just shows of the ps3's capabilities, its amazing to watch AND play!!
5) a must buy for your collection, be the envy of all your friends :)
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Another great Ratchet & Clank Game.. A Must Have.

I have been playing the Ratchet & Clank series since its beginning, it is the main reason I have a PlayStation. This is a great continuation of the series. If you like Ratchet, you can not go wrong with this game. Lire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : chipadatgames


Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

I will make this short and sweet. If you have played the other Ratchet and Clank games on PS2 then this game will not be any surprise. I bought the game for me and my sons. We have enjoyed all the previous games and this one was no exception. The graphics are great on a HD TV and the sound is fantastic. I will say that I was not happy with the ending and leave it at that.

If you have not played any previous Ratchet and Clank game they are third person shooters. You play as Ratchet mostly with Clank on your back who has different gadgets (wings, jet pack, etc.) that help you in the game. Ratchet is a cat like creature (A Lombax) that walks on two legs and can attack with his ratchet (Thus his name) or weapons that he can buy from vendors. Clank is a robot that helps Ratchet save the universe. The weapons are inventive and can be upgraded the more you use them.

It is an excellent game (except for the ending) and will give you lots of hours of fun even after you finish the game. Enjoy.
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This is next gen platforming

If you are looking for a really good 3d platform game this is it. I was never a big fan of the Ratchet and Clank series, but this one won me over.


-Great graphics. The game looks very nice. Lots of varied environments and characters. Captain Quark was kind of lacking detail and stuck out.

-Good use of varied weapons. The weapons you get are a lot of fun and some have some interesting effects. Some enemies even have immunities forcing you to think at times.

-Well done "Sixaxis" sections. I had to mention this since the way the controller was handled worked very well in this game and could be overridden in most if not all cases if you wanted.

-Easy platforming sections. No overly difficult and frustrating timing of jumps. In most cases the game is very forgiving. The times when you used clank were also handled well.


-Too easy. The game could have used a few alternate paths that were more challenging. The ones that were there where more just less obvious. Instead they just make the enemies harder to kill which causes...

-Weaker weapons become useless. even in the fully powered up state at the end of the game and in challenge mode, the weaker weapons are seriously under-powered. Some of them were my favorite weapons as well and I was disappointed when I could unload on an enemy and it was still standing.

Of course the cons are pretty minor. This is one game that you can have a lot of fun with.
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