État :
4.44.4 étoiles sur 5
73 évaluations du produit
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Good graphics100% J'accepte

Compelling gameplay100% J'accepte

Good value100% J'accepte

69 avis


Adventuring with acrobatics

The Story is well done, and the characters look great. The game play is easy to do, but navigating the levels is another task entirely. Every level I play even on easy has me stumbling around like an idiot trying to find a way out of the area and on to the next task. I always have to watch walk throughs in order to advance. I would not recommend this game to beginner gamers, or the hardcore tomb raider fans. If you want to look like an idiot, than be my guest.Lire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : gamecornerinc


Lara Has never looked better but...

I have always been a fan of the original Tomb Raiders and this game is a worthy addition even if it has a few things that could be improved. First of all the graphics are great, the character model of lara is spot on, the environments and lighting are stunning and the water is amazing. But there are some problems like the shadows on Lara are not done very well, they flicker and don't look all that real also the enemies, other than the bosses, are repetitive. I hate seeing enemies that look like clones, even down to the clothes being the same. Game developers need to stop this. Also the game is pretty short. You can beat it in about 8 hours. The difficulty is toned down alot from the originals too and leads to the easy completion of the game. It is alot of fun during that time with clever physics based puzzles, climbing and jumping and some shooting with lara's trade mark dual pistols. There are also grenades, machine guns and even a new magnetic rope that is used to swing and pull objects, its a good addition. Whats not so good is the motorcycle you get to ride, the motorcycle segments reminded me of the James Bond driving levels, there just so-so compared to the adventuring. Hopefully the next version will focus more on the Tombs and puzzles and ditch the driving. Overall this game is very good and anyone looking for a good adventure should get it. There are plenty of unlockables to find after you beat the game witch adds to the replay but i really wish the game was more challenging and alot longer with larger areas to explore. I give Crystal Dynamics a Big thumbs up for creating the best looking and playing Tomb Raider to date now if they just focus on the good parts for the next version they will have the total package. Like the awesome Lara Croft.Lire l'avis complet...


Game was fun but there are some downsides........

I don't have too many 360 games so i picked this one up on eBay for 35 bucks.
The game does a good job of puzzle solving and gameplay is fun and dosn't get to repetitive. The only problem is you can beat the game in 6-7 hours. Other downsides like collision detection sometimes ain't that great, for instance you jump from the ledge to grab the rope, lara jumps right in front of it but dosn't grab the rope then you fall and die ;(

Burned me up alot on tht note. Another downside is that if you enemy isn't close enough you gun will fire in totally retarded directions. I know your probably thinking, well a gun can't be that accurate. Trust me, at 20 feet away the bullets shouldn't stray 5 feet away from the target.

One of the coolest element of the game to me was it's interactive cutscenes. You have your normal cutscene but when lara is escaping something your prompted to push certain buttens in sequence to dodge, jump or roll. Although the randomness of these cutscenes may catch you off guard and you may fall to your doom.

There are some cool unlockables but some were too hard to get that they may not be worth your while. You find rewards in levels to unlock them. There's the croft mansion like previous tomb raider games where you can run around your house and discover secrets. The game shows some intresting levels and the story is kinda confusing. Theres sort of a hint of da vinci code in the "King Arthur's Tomb?" level. Don't attempt the time trials the're impossible. I'll say this, Tomb Raider: Legend IS a fun game, but also a quick one. I suggest you buy it for 35 to 45 bucks on eBay rather then settling for the 50 to 60 dollar price tag.
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Almost perfect

This game is almost perfect. It deserves to be ranked up there with God of War and Prince of Persia. It's not quite as good as those two, but it's close. The game looks gorgeous on the Xbox 360. The lighting and textures are all great. Since almost everything about this game was excellent, I'll mention a few of the things that bugged me.

1) Too short. It's only about 7-8 hours long. And when it tells you you're 33% of the way though the game, you're really more like 70%. It jumped from being 88% of the way though to being 100% over almost immediately.

2) The combat sucked. The bad guys all look and act identical. The weapons are boring. There's only 4 different guns and they all act pretty much the same. The lock-on feature doesn't work very well. You kill, like, 3 panthers. I'm not sure why Lara would kill panthers instead of just leaving them alone. They didn't appear often enough to even bother including them.

3) The camera's not very good. Especially during fighting. This is your basic fighting strategy (it works in all cases): Hold left triger to pull out your guns, hold right trigger to fire them constantly (don't worry, unlimited ammo), move the left analog stick in random directions while repeated pressing A to jump around like a crazy woman. Woo. Now that's fun.

Aside from those minor complaints, everything else is terrific. The story is interesting, the puzzles are mostly doable without help and I, for one, really enjoyed the wander-around-the-manor portion.
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Almost, but not quite

This Tomb Raider was awesome! great graphics, great sound, and a good story. The only downside I can really find about this game is the length. I finished the story in about 5 hours. Now I don't sit down and play games for hours upon hours so usually games seem like they are a good length, but this one seemed short even though I only play the 360 for a couple hours a day.

The Graphics are great. Awesome blur effects and it has a good environment. The sound is well done too. Story was a well put together one unlike the last Tomb Raider.

Bottom line is if you are even a small tomb raider fan this one is a MUST to own or rent.
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Laura Looking Better Than Ever

This is a great installment and revival of a great game with a long life. Laura in next gen has never looked better. The producers have corrected many of the problems with control and camera that were in the last game.

The game is not very long, but is a great ride while it lasts. Fans of Tomb Raider or anyone looking for a fun action game that looks great, should play through at least once.

There are unlockable outfits, weapons, etc if you go back and replay the levels on a timed basis.

In short, this is a fun game for teens and up.
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She's baaack!

Very impressed with the new game. Everything's here. It's definitely fun. The platforming is great, gunplay is pretty easy but still solid. And the levels look beautiful.

This is exactly the game we all started playing with the original and its sequel. That is to say, this current episode completely returned to its roots, which is where all its fame came from in the first place. Level designs, movement, weapons, and interactive landscaping all help in building this as the best Tomb Raider ever. Unlike the previous installment, I'm sure I'll be holding on to this one, putting it into my permanent collection...

I look forward to the next Tomb Raider game for once.
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Tomb Raider the way it's Supposed to be.

Tomb Raider legend goes backs to its roots as we remember it in the playstation one games. I would have gave this game an excellent rating if it weren't for the poor story. The game is also kind of short. A seasoned gamer could finish it within a few days of moderate plaing easily.The solid gameplay is the only thing that made me come back for more. The reason that this one was so good was because the same guy that made tomb raider one and two, came back to make this one. That explains why the last 5 tomb raider games sucked. For us older gamers (the ones who remember tomb raider one and two)I had loads of fun as TR: legend brought back memories of the first Tomb Raiders. Thats probably why I liked this game so much. If you played any of the previous Tomb Raiders, you owe it to yourself to at least give this one a try.Lire l'avis complet...


The Legend returns

Lara welcome back. I been a fan of Tomb Raider since it came out in 97. It been down a bad road but it has return to it glory. I do feel there were places they improved and others they did not. The shooting parts of the game could of been better. After playing other games where one can hide behide things , it feel funny when you can't do it in this game. I hope they improve that part in the next one. But the puzzle solving is good. Some are easy to figure out. Others take a little thought. But if you been a fan of Lara, grab this game and enjoy the reason you fell in love with Lara in the first placeLire l'avis complet...


Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend (Xbox 360)

The game is a challenging and interesting game, that keeps you on your toes and thinking about things all of the time. I liked that it makes you put all of the pieces of the puzzle together in the right order for things to work. You have to pay attention to your surroundings at all times and have to understand how the different things come together in the end. I thought that the game was a little short and am eagerly waiting for the next one to come out. I thought that the graphics were smooth and everything worked well. The campaign is only half of the game, finding all of the metals and beating all of the other chalanges is the more difficult part.Lire l'avis complet...

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