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Good value100% J'accepte

Entertaining100% J'accepte

Engaging characters100% J'accepte

32 avis



This DVD about Wal-Mart certainly brings into light major issues about the corporation and will hope to serve as a message to the company that Americans do not agree with their ethics. I will do everything I can to avoid shopping there until they make some changes. I show this DVD in a Retailing class that I teach and it always gets a strong reaction from my student. Hopefully, it will do to Wal-Mart what Super Size Me has done to fast food. On the other side though, it is extremely one-sided and doesn't show anything good or decent that they company has done for anyone. They make the company look evil! It is up to the viewer to decide, but I think you should always explore both sides of anything.Lire l'avis complet...


Makes you think.

This really opened my eyes about Walmart. It just amazed me how much Walmart gets the red carpet when the open new stores. And they crush the competition like nothing. Now, I work for Walmart. Before I saw this, I didn't think of all the small things. Like the fact that Walmart stores are understaffed on purpose so that they can pay fewer people to do all the work. For example. I am a Seafood associate. Now, that is my job title. I also work in the Meat department, Bakery, Deli, Produce and Dairy. Is that fair to me? Not in the least. But Walmart is the only place around where I live for me to have a job. Also not fair to me. This movie really brought out some great points that I have been bringing up to my co-workers and my managers and we are trying to get things worked out better. I will tell you this.. Walmart claims to be a family oriented place of business. At my store alone, 10 people lost their vacation time because Walmart would not allow them to take their vacations because their shifts would not be covered. Does that sound family oriented to you?Lire l'avis complet...


Cheap cost

Robert Greenwald continues his expose of evil corporate doings with this documentary, released as part of Wal-Mart Week, a nationwide activist initiative to bring the company's business practices out into the open. From their disturbing morning cheer to their minuscule benefits packages and sweatshop-labor conditions, the documentary addresses the simple question: does America benefit from the presence of this low-priced chain? Employee testimony and statistics make Greenwald's case clear and effective, and the stories of enforced, unpaid overtime can hardly fail to leave viewers both saddened and enraged.Lire l'avis complet...


An Eye Opener!

I know Wal-mart dealt in dishonesty but didn't know it was this bad! Exploiting workers in other countries to the point where they are almost indentured servants, firing those who try to unionize, firing workers who speak up for humane working conditions, discriminating against women for management positions, taking billions of dollars in government subsidies, assisting your workers to apply for government assistance because they don't make a working wage....these are all the things for which Smiley Face Wal-Mart is guilty. Wal-mart destroys lives, continues the cycle of poverty, and fills the greedy pockets of billionaires! The high cost of low price is the destruction of human lives and their livelihood all for money! This is a must see. You'll never see the Smiley Face the same way again! Thank goodness for freedom of speech!Lire l'avis complet...


Great informative movie, this one will make you think!!

I heard about this movie about WalMart & just wanted to see it. I wasn't able to see it until 1 month after & bought it. It lived up to it's reviews. Great content, facts, & interviews. Nicely done! I would recommend this to anyone who wants to know how the business they buy products from do their business. It as opened my eyes to a company that I thought wanted to help the little guy, only to learn that everything it does is for their bottom line.
I will be spending lots less in WalMart, & more to the local little businesses who are proud just to service your needs above lining their pockets with money.
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Wal-mart: The high cost of low price review

I think everyone should watch this movie. I really don't think people realize the financial cost to society as well as the decreased quality of life wal-mart spews on the communities it enters. I like the personal examples used so you can see how people are affected. It was interesting to get the perspective from all of the different people in the documentary.

Also, frontline did a special on wal-mart which I highly recommend watching. It is on you tube, broken into 6 parts.
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Portrait of a Slimy Discount Chain

This documentary was comprehensive, well-organized, and very enlightening. I had already been boycotting Walmart for years when I watched this film, but after having seen "The High Cost of Low Price," my commitment to boycotting the evil empire was reaffirmed. The most interesting piece of information in the documentary, I felt, was the revelation that one of the main reasons Walmart can have such low prices is because they pay their employees so little and offer them unaffordable health coverage, forcing the workers to go on welfare. So the "low prices" are actually low because of tax-payer subsidies . . . so actually no one is paying low prices at Walmart except those Walmart customers who do not pay taxes for whatever reason. Frontline also did a documentlary on Walmart that's worth checking into. I believe it's called, "Is Walmart Good For America?". This documentary is not as comprehensive as "The High Cost Of Low Price." The Frontline documentary deals more in depth with the outsourcing of jobs to China and the effect Walmart's business practices are having on American businesses.Lire l'avis complet...


Wal-Mart: The high cost of low price

If you shop at Wal-Mart then you need to watch this DVD, you won't belive the things that go on at this place. My Son worked there and got fired for no reason other then they could hire some Kid out of high school to do it cheaper. And this dvd tells all. And the conditions the people live in ov erseas is horriable. This place should be closed down. I can't beleive they won't get health insurance that the employee's can afford but it's the truth. My Son got better health insurance through a private co. soooo much cheaper then they wanted to charge him. And the raises are very few and very, very far between. And when they do get them they don't amount to nothing. And it's true that they don't like the employees to talk at work. That's a big no no. And if you will notice about all the items are made overseas. Buy this DVD and see for yourself.Lire l'avis complet...


Wal-Mart is not Good for th World; Just watch this DVD!

It really wakes you up on how unethical and greedy Wal-Mart really is. I knew this Company was bad, but wanted to see more evidence. I support the Asian communities whom make most of the products for Wal-Mart, but I disagree entirely on their corruption and greed and how they treat the employees unlike humans. A MUST SEE!!! We as Americans must stand up against Companies like this and stop their dramatic growth. We do not need Wal-Marts in this World we need good paying jobs and Companies that respect people in their work place. GREAT DVD; HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! A MUST SEE!!!Lire l'avis complet...


Wal Mart Goes Organic

This movie really exposes some of the questionable business practices of large multi-national corporations in the new global economy. It asks us the question "How much are we willing to pay for cheap STUFF?" There is more to the cost of our consumption lifestyle than the price on the sticker. This documentary looks into the human costs, environmental and social costs of cheap goods in our country. I am especially worried about the news that Wal Mart has decided to enter the organic market. While this could potentially have a positive influence, I fear that they will bring the mentality of cheaper at any cost into an industry focused on much more than that.

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