3.93.9 étoiles sur 5
63 évaluations du produit
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Good graphics80% J'accepte

Compelling gameplay66% J'accepte

Good value88% J'accepte

59 avis


good, long, challenging,....

Chrome Hounds is a real time action war strategy game. Simular in its presentation to the armored core (and to a lesser degree) gundam series. The robots, known as "hounds" range from slow and heavly armored to quick with minimal armor. Each robot can hold multiple weapons as well. At times the game has some minor squad based combat elements. The graphics and sound are (and should be) sharp, controls are extensive, using every butoon on the controller, but in 10 mins the buttons just make sense and using the controll becomes second nature. I hve yet to find anything that I dont like in the game, and for owning it over the last 2months (as of 2/10/07) I really dont think I will find a fualt with the game.Lire l'avis complet...


Mechassault with 360 graphics, but still good otherwise

My roomate bought this game, and it is fairly good. The levels are large, the graphics are average for the 360 titles I have seen. The best part about this game is the online play. There is a battle going on at all times. You choose a clan to fight for, and go out and fight for an area. Win the battle, and the area becomes yours, lose and it becomes another clan's. You can start uprisings, and up to 4 clans can battle in one area at one time, so it adds a strategy element of who to pick as your allies in battles. The online is great, not much lag, however startup of a battle takes a LONG time (15 minutes). That would probably be my only gripe with the online play. Also, you can take the parts you have bought for your mech and trade with other people in your clan, so it is like an online swap meet. It would be much improved if you could make parts with your own settings and then be able to trade those parts with your friends. Overall, I liked this game, but if you don't have Xbox Live, it really isn't worth it, the single player is very monotonous and often boring. Buy it if you are a diehard fan of MechAssault, Gundam, and the like, (but if you are one of those fans, you've probably already bought it :)), and see for yourself. If you do decide to buy this, my gamertag is The Bustinator and my roomate's is JayNuman, and we play a good bit, so hit us up. Hope my review helped, if it did, hit the button that says so. Peace out, cub scouts.Lire l'avis complet...


Great multiplay, bad SP

Bought it because i was promised robots + weapons + good graphics. What happens is the single player is long, repetitive, and overall boring experience I could easily have lived without. However, it trains u in the neccessary basics of comabt, and rdys u for online play with real people.

The multiplay, if utililzed correctly, is by far one of ther greatest xbox live titles. A country is split in half, u pick a side, and an actual "war" occurs. U may capture a state, yet when u go to sleep someone from another part of the world might rush and recapture it. When u wake up, the world has changed just liek in real life things actually happen. almost liek a separazte world, very addicting.

No xbxo live= DO NOIT BUY. but if ur looking for good multiplay, look no furhter
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Decent for fans of big artillery machines.

The HOUND moves like a grandma, that means slowly. Graphics are okay, I've seen better. The HOUND has good detail everything else not so great. The gameplay is worthy enough to play. Toggling between the map, inside the HOUND veiw, weapons and the weapons range, and outboard camera is a little bit of a constant struggle of rediculousness. You're ever changing veiws and the map covers everything up so you can't leave it showing. When you get shot your HOUND's torso(is that the upper body?) well, whatever it is, the upper part of the mech gets thrown off target, usually you will be blasted and your warrior will be facing the ground. When you fire a shot the aimer moves slightly upwards so you must re-aim for your target, if it takes more than one shot to destroy. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, realistic or not, but it makes things take longer and causes you to take on some damage. It is however possible to run and gun at times but the running part is with HOUNDS with wheels not ones with legs. There is also a bit of annoyance understanding objectives, but if I can do it I'm sure you can.
Overall, It's not a bad game but not a highly addictive game, at least not to me. Worth $15 probably like I gave for it. I'm sure someone could spend time with this one. Better than MechAssault I know that much.
I hope you like my dumb way of writing, yes. I know you understood it, that's all that matters I hope.
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Chromehounds A++++

Chromehounds is one of those games with a cult following. It's no Halo or GTA but those who like it play it all the time.

Not unlike Halo, the majority of users prefer XBOX Live to play Hounds. The standard game isn't nearly as exciting or fun but playing against other people around the world adds to the fun.

Another great thing about the game is the ability to build and modify your machine. While there are standard Hounds available, aquiring funds through victories provides you with the opportunity to modify the standard Hound with upgrades or even build your own Hound from the ground up.

With all the different classes of Hounds, choices of upgrades, including weapons, the possibilities are nearly endless. There are different locations for battles and some options are better than others for each battle. Playing each one helps you choose the best Hound for that game.

Playing online provides another facet to Chromehounds, teamplay. Playing one on one is fun but gathering up a group of friends to form a group is even better. Each player can choose a role and work together to defeat the opposing team. This is where Chromehounds really shines!

If you like this type of game your love Chromehounds.
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Great, largely ignored game

To be completely honest, I Purchased this game because I loved the Mech Warrior games. Seeing as this was the closest thing to those games on the 360, I decided to give it a shot.

I personally enjoyed this game quite a bit, though it has a pretty steep difficulty curve. If you have played any of the Mech Warrior games this should not be too different for you. The gameplay is basically the same, though slower than the Mech Warrior series. You basically play a mercenary mech (or HOUND in chromehounds) pilot for three different nations in the game's storyline (which takes place in an alternate reality 2006). The story itself is pretty sparse, though what there is is pretty interesting.

Graphics-wise this game is about on-par with most Xbox 360 games. The mech models are pretty well done but the rest of the game looks pretty boring and average.

The online component of Chromehounds is (from what i have heard, as i have not yet tried it) apparently very good. Basically you join a nation (through different campaigns) and fight for it against players of other nations, gaining money to upgrade your mech, etc. From what I understand (again I have not played the online component of the game yet) the only drawback is that there are not many people playing this game anymore online (which is to be expected for a game that came out in 2006).

Overall I would say that this game would be worth it for anyone who liked the classic Mech Warrior series, or anyone who wants to blow things up with a giant mech!

My Ratings: (out of 10, with 10 being the highest)

Gameplay: 8.0 (controls could be tighter and can be slow, but overall fun)
Graphics: 7.5 (Average except for mech models, which are nicely detailed)
Audio: 6.5 (completely average and repetitive, save a song or two)
replayablilty: 9.0 (multiplayer is why this rating is as high as it is)
Story: 7.5 (not really that much, but what there is is interesting)

Final Score: 7.3 (Fun if you like these types of games, though you might be
put off by the slow pace of the game)
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If you are the kind of gamer who likes to jump in, press start, and play, stay away from this game. This game seems overly tedious. I love mech games, & have been playing them for years. This game starts you with out with some kind of campaign with all of these different nations & the ability to creat your own mech. This was too much of a stretch for me, because it really requires you to spend your entire evening just getting your bearings on everything that lies before you.

The mech customazation feature seemed cool, but became more like a virtual jigsaw puzzle that just overhelms the simple gamer.

As with most games these days, the graphics are good. However,this game gets very tedious & time consuming, just to get started with it.

So, if you like to try games out, & have fun,without devoting a tremendous amount of time, this game isn't for you. It seems more destined for the strategic, sim-like die hards. If you like building your own mech, you will be barraged with parts & peices everywhere, until you feel like you are working on a car engine. It simply isn't as easy as most "create a team/or player, etc" features in other games,But if that's for you, go for it!!
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Giant Mech action on the 360!

Since MechWarrior 5 was never made and none of the Xbox MechWarrior Games are playable on the 360 (as of this writing) I decided to give this one a try.
First the good stuff:
The story is likeable with nice cut sceens and better sound. Excellent designs for the machines and a somewhat similar layout for modular 'mechs weapons.
Nice ability to customize your Hound over the course of the story.
Also like the ability to play different roles in the game such as Sniper, Scout, Soldier, and Gunner. All of which have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Now for the bad stuff:
The controls are a bit counter-intuitive ( being different should not be more dificult). This makes controling your Hound have a bit of a learning curve. There is no cursor for targeting in the standard view (think Tomb Raider) which means you will have to switch to views before you can fire with any degree of accuracy.
Also the graphics seem concentrated on rendering the Hounds so other objects suffer accordingly, especially smaller objects.

In closing:
Because of the previously mentioned snafu with the MechWarrior games for right now this is pretty much the only choice for Xbox 360 users. Gamers who are fans of the MechWarrior license may want to fire up the pc and relive the old days a bit longer. For new gamers looking for some giant robot action this one may be for you.
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The game is basically about building/customizing MAUs (Mobile Armored Units) and completing missions for money, new equipment, etc. Overall its a pretty decent game and the controls arent too difficult. The graphics and detail are impressive. The possible combinations when constructing your MAU are endless so theres plenty of room for creativity. Online you can join squads and participate in the war via Xbox Live with teammates. Probably the only downside is figuring out what certain types of equipment are and their usefulness. The game manual doesnt do a very good job of explaining much regarding the specs. of your MAU. You spend a lot of time figuring things out on your own or through help from xbox live players.Lire l'avis complet...


Chrome Hounds, Needs some polish

This game is great for fans of older games like Mech Warrior or Heavy Gear. They have taken the same idea and applied it to a slightly different version of our world, where everything has alien names. Learning to build the machines takes time, but can be fun for almost as long as it takes to master the skill.

The main complaint I had with this game was that it's all scripted out, 5 missions in 5 different classes...after that it's over.

The game seems like it's only training building up to an eventual campaign, problem is that campaign never comes. Online play was confusing and there weren't enough players to start a match in a reasonable length of time.

I tried to get in a match for over an hour.

Best advice, forget this game. If you want to shoot people with a walking gunship play Heavy Gear or Mech Warrior. This game is a little lame, but would be fun as a time waster if you like this genre of gaming.
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