4.54.5 étoiles sur 5
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Good graphics100% J'accepte

Compelling gameplay100% J'accepte

Good value100% J'accepte

54 avis


Great RPG! - With A Very Fun And Interesting Game Play.

Suikoden III has many of the usual Turn Based RPG(Role Playing Game) features such as characters with different skill sets(Axe Wielding, Sword Fighter, Magic User etc.) and has very typical fight sequences. Fairly good graphics although some awkward camera angles at times. You can build your characters up to higher levels to increase skills and equip lots of new weapons, armor and magic. These of course are what you would expect from any decent RPG.

What I really liked about this game is the Trinity Site System within the game. The Trinity Site System lets you play the very same game from several different perspectives. The main plot of the story is a world that has three distinctly different kingdoms that begin to fall into conflict with one another. At the beginning of the game you choose one of the three main characters and begin to see the world and all of the events through that characters eyes and your perspective of who is good and who is evil is based upon that perspective. As the game progresses you will have opportunities to switch characters and see events from a different angle. You then begin to find your characters on apposing sides and your sympathies with both. You will also cross paths with the other characters at varying points throughout the story. This creates an incredibly fun invironment to play in which you can't wait to finish a portion of the game so that you can switch characters and see the chain of events from their perspective. In addition, each of your characters has there own set of challenges and missions to complete. They also meets additional friends and allies that join in your quest also known as the "108 Stars". These additional friends and allies have their own unique skills and side quests to complete that all plays back into the main storyline. Most of the "108 Stars" can also be brought into the story to mix and match you group so that you can create unique fighting moves based on how you pair them up. The game culminates at the end when............ (don't worry, I won't give it away.)

* Basic Role Playing Game

* Good Graphics

* Fun Characters, Events and Missions

* Unique Game Play/Perspective with Trinity Site System
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Quest with the 108 stars of Destiny!

Reviewed for Big Boss Games by: Eschneider6

This is the third part in a long running series from Konami, there's Suikoden and Suikoden II both worth checking out.

Enter the land of Grassland in Suikoden III, where war and conflict have been between the six clans of Grassland, Zexen Federation, and Holy Kingdom of Harmonia. What's different in Suikoden III is that you play the story through the eye's of 3 characters. Geddoe, Captain of the small defense force of Harmonia, Hugo, a son of Grasslands Chief Lucia, and Chris who is Captain of the Knights of Zexen. You choose whom to start the game out as, and see the story unfold by 3 points of view.

There are many secrets to this game, so I won't spoil them for you. This game took me 89 hours to beat, and that's including opening all the secrets! It's a deep game with traditional RPG battles, but also includes strategic battles later in the game as well. Also, the gathering of the 108 stars of Destiny. Each person has a skill to help you during the game. This game has a great story, great characters and some good cinemas as well. Two things make the score 8.5, the fetch quests and the lack of places to visit. I recommend you buy this game, so stop reading this review so you can go play this great RPG!

My review score for Suikoden III= 8.5
Score 1= Throw out
Score 10= Must Buy
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Suikoden III boring but fun if that makes sense

Suikoden III follows the tradition of the first two Suikoden games but adds and takes away from them all at the same time. The first two games were pretty mush open environments allowing you to investigate many areas at a time while continuing your quest for revolt and collection of the 108 stars. Suikoden III on the other hand is very linear up until a point and even when the game "opens up" you get little pleasure from wandering around because you have already raped the areas for all there resources. With that being said the game doesn't start off like the other two in that you are not in control of "the hero" but have your choice of three characters all of which have different teammates, stories, and personalities. Each character has three chapters that must be played before "the hero" is even involved. All the characters are from different walks of life but are all involved in the same conflict that unfolds before your eyes in this very slow but surely worth it storyline. If you can get through the boredom of these three chapters (designed to give the characters depth and to give a reason why all of them would join forces), then the storyline gets really quite interesting. One of my favorite aspects of this game is that collecting all 108 stars not only gives you a better ending in this Suikoden title but also opens up a chance to play a few short chapters as the antagonist of the story seeing what they saw during all the major conflicts. Ultimately this game is a great addition to the Suikoden series but I don't see it appealing to people who are not hardcore fans of the first two games. Even then the first 5-10 hours of the game are grueling and many fans would still find it hard to chew through.Lire l'avis complet...


Suikoden III

Suikoden III
Quest with the 108 stars of Destiny

Type of Game: RPG
System: PS2
Game Developer: Konami

This is the third part in a long running RPG series from Konami, There’s Suikoden and Suikoden II both worth checking out. Enter the land of Grassland in Suikoden III. Where war and conflict have been between the six clans of Grassland, Zexen Federation, and Holy Kingdom of Harmonia. What’s different in Suikoden III you play the story thru the eyes of three characters. Geddoe a captain of the small defense force of Harmonia. Hugo a son of grasslander chief Lucia. Then Chris a captain of the knights of Zexen. You choose whom to start the game out as you see the story progress by three points of view. There are many secrets to this game so I won’t spoil them for you. This game took me 89 hours to beat and this is opening all the secrets up! It’s a deep game with traditional RPG battles but later in the game you will have some strategy battles as well. Also the gathering of the 108 stars of destiny. Where each person has a skill to help you during the game. This game has a great story, great characters, and some good cinemas as well. Two things the make the score 8.5 is the fetch quests and the lack of more places to visit. I recommend you buy this game, and stop reading this review so you can go play this great RPG!

My review score for Suikoden III = 8.5
(Score is 1 is throw it out and 10 is a must buy!)

If curious my review scores for Suikoden = 9.0 and Suikoden II = 8.5 (Score is 1 is throw it out and 10 is a must buy!)
Reviewed by Eric Schneider

Also Suikoden IV is out now in stores! Go buy this game!
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Suikoden 3: A new lease of life or a aged yarn?

As a huge fan of the Suikoden series (i first the played the 2nd Suikoden in about 2000, and then later was able to get hold of the 1st) i was absolutely ectastic when i heard the third was coming out, on a brand spanking new generation console (2nd back then). In my mind i saw vibrant colours, 3d (yes 3d!) character models and a new awesome story to follow. Unfortunatley i was left decidedly disapointed and distraught when i relised that the game would not get a european release.

So almost 10 years later, and following the other titles (4 and 5 respecively) i grudgingly moved on to the new generation of consoles. I myself (a playstation man from the beginning) blindly threw all my faith in the gargauntuan black goliah the PS3. Im not going to go into which console is better, as frankly i don't care but i was horrified and have coninually been left so by the distinct lack of decent RPG's on the platform. The ps2 has one of the greatest and large catolgue of great RPG's yet now all i seem to be able to find are god awful pieces of tripe such as 'Enchanted Arms' (the cut scenes, god the cutscenes) and don't get me started on FF13 (seriously squaresoftenix or whatever, i am not a child that needs to be walked through a game by my hand). Don't get me wrong i have been impressed by .... erm yeah, well, there was that... oh. Actually Valkyria Chronicals is awesome, buy it people, or games like it won't be made.

Anyway, after being let down by the 3rd generation i have since regressed back to the faith ful ps2 and ps1 for my rpg fix. And so after almost 10 years of having Suiko 3 on my mind i took the plunge and imported a reconditioned console from the states. After a few weeks on anticpation and waiting, it finally arrived and wohooooo it works!

So finally having a ntsc playstaion i was able to invest in Suikoden 3 and finally complete the missing part of the suiko journey so far.

Now im actually only a few hours in, im just very vbored at work but i will tell you what i think so far.

The gaming lanscape is very lush and brightly coloured, but i cant say the same for the character models, often they are shaowed and darkened (even inf the are out in the sun) but i guess this shows how far we have come in percieving games, we notice even th tiniest of flaws. To be fair tho, even mario in his 8 bit days always looked well lit, so is it just developers laziness, i dont know. The on thing i was completely agast at was the complete lack of voice acting. To be sat in 2010 listening to .... well watching static text appear on the screen is frankly weird. And it just leaves great blips of silence in between battles and exploring. It really is quite creepy. But then i think bakc to my FF7 days, all text... not even much varied music and it made me cry time and time agian, so i have come to the conclusion that maybe the suiko characters are just pretty 2 dimensional portrayals.

The battle system has always been a key part of Suiko, but even after a few hours im feeling rather bored by it, battle systems need to evole with the times, and this battle system is pretty darn awful. The worse part is that it pretends to give you the feeling of spacial movement and suprise, but its little more than a glorified you hit me i hot you set up.

The music so far is fine, but nothing to write home about and the storyline is at best entertaining at worst toatllu predictable.

ANyways ran out of characters,
so toodaloo
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Best in the series

I have suikoden 1 and suikoden 2 I want another suikoden 3 as a collectors item cause my play copy isnt mint lol, I will tell most people that are here to just run up the bidding for a new rpg to stay away. This is not like suikoden 2 its a ways from it and does not feel like that. Also the battle system lacks a few things from the originals but gives back its own feel imho. Despite some others reviews that seem to be in depth of this game I will sum it up easily, I am a older gamer and next gen games dont compare to older gen games. This is the first Suikoden for PS2 and is imo the best suikoden IV is dismal and Suikoden V is hit and miss in some aspects. Dont come into this comparing Suikoden 2 with Suikoden 3, they are diffrent animals. This is not Final fantasy in disguise lol the trinity system is very original and I enjoyed it very much from the standard battle system square enix uses.

If your skipping Suikoden 2 in hopes of landing a cheaper better game you problay will not find it here. Suikoden 2 is the best of the 5 and rightfully so the people that have it want to keep it. I hope Suikoden VI follows suikoden III's path.
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Great RPG!

RPG's are my favorite game genre and Suikoden III is one of the best I have ever played, I put it in my top 3 most favorite RPG's and quite possibly my favorite games of all time along with FFX and Xenosaga Ep. 1. You will play as 3 different main characters and one sub character, all of these characters stories weave into one anothers and it is cool too see the events from their different perspectives. Eventualy you will have a decision too make later in the game which of the 3 characters will become the main one. The battle system is very fun, it uses 6 people instead of the traditional 3 and kind of like Chrono Trigger you can combine characters special attacks too do some devestating damage. The game has some excellent villians also and their are times in the game that they are so much better than you that you absolutly can not beat them though it is ok too lose theese battles, it really gives you a feeling of dread but it also makes it so much sweeter when later in the game you are able too finally take them down. I should also mention the one on one duels which are a blast, think of them as paper rock scissors where you have too guess your opponents next move based upon what he says in order too use the stronger move. Suikoden's graphics are not fantastic but they fit the game very nicely and it has some excellent music. If you are an RPG fan then Suikoden III will provide you with hours and hours of fun not only in it's main quest but also in it's quest too recruit every one of the 108 stars of destiny too fight along side of you. Suikoden III deserves a place in your RPG library so pick it up if you can find it.Lire l'avis complet...


Is Suikoden III a 5 Star Game?

Is Suikoden III a 5 Star game (assuming stars would be the rating system)?

In fact, if I were to make a quip about it, Suikoden III is a 108 star game...that being there are 108 stars of destiny that you can aquire/recruit thru tedius playings/sessions. The stars in this case scenario represent the playable characters that can be added to your main cast of characters. Pretty neat, huh? Well, its not necessarily a new thing in games...but, it gives more possible playing time to the gamer and therefor adds to game life...that being said, should the gamer decide to build up and spend time putting many of these characters into their parties they will find an immensive 'roleplaying' process on their hand. You will get to see many party combinations. . Basically, its a big palooza/barrage/cornucopia/plethora of playthings, (that being the characters), to dork around with in your free time.

I do like having the option to mix an match characters into parties. It's like sowing threads (the threads being each character) and weaving a masterpieces (the differences/variances in parties) from those unique threads.

I will make warning, most of the game is spent with the main cast of characters. The gamer will have to spend many hours with the same list of characters until later in the game. But that's all good, because babysitting multitudes of characters thru-out the entire game would be extremely tiring. Plus, it gives more time to flesh out the main characters personalities in the plotline/stoy aspect so as to give a better attachment via gamer to his/her characters. The non-main cast characters usually only have short backgrounds or stories of interest that you obtain by the process of recruiting them...which to me, is more than enough to get me to see them as more than just another cloned sprite.

Another note is that the game is divided into chapters and further divided in that you play one of the three hero character's chapters at a time before further progressing. I actually liked this feature. If I got tired of playing one of the heroes (and their respective party members), I would try to finish out their chapter and move onto play another heroes chapter. You see, the chapters aren't exceedingly long even though you could spend many hours plugging away at building up your characters skill/experience levels, doing treasure boss runs, finding more characters to recruit, ect (all of which I do, because that is how I choose to spend my time).

I very much like the skill system in this game. The skill system is semi-customizable...meaning each character has some skills that he/she can allocate freely and some of the skills are fixed and cannot be changed/forgotten. Most of the skills are common amongst all characters, but the deciding de facto for me was that within each skill is that each character has a maxium letter grade that they can get out of each skill. Thus, we have multitudes of characters in this game with varying sprites, stories, stats, and now even in their skills.

I can't help it, I'm a doop when it comes to games like these (which are far and few from what's out there, in my opinion).

I will also note that I relied heavily on walkthrus from gamefaqs as I saw fit. In order to bring about enhancements to some if not most games, I believe heavy aids are needed since game companies do not implement all necessary things into games to make them more gamer friendly.

Rating: 108 stars out of 108 stars
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Took a little while to finally show up but I understand it was because of Memorial Day weekend I believe. The case, disc, and booklet was a little dir

Took a little while to finally show up but I understand it was because of Memorial Day weekend I believe. The case, disc, and booklet was a little dirty so I had to clean it up so technically this isn't "like new" as described in the listing but glad to have this game back in my collection and it works so I'm satisfied. Thank you! 😊Lire l'avis complet...

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : the_relic_huntsman


A great game, worth a buy if you like turn-based RPGs.

This is an excellent game. I purchased it about two years ago and foolishly sold it for Tales of Symphonia (most stupid choice I've ever made in a while!).

Some people like to whine and complain about how this game plays a lot differently from other Suikoden titles. For one, the team is assembled into 3 2-person groups instead of 6 separate people, which adds a restriction to battles. It's difficult at first but it's not too much of a hindrance to destroy gameplay. After playing other Suikodens this is probably my least favourite thing about this title.

Another unique thing about it however is the geocentric cast. Instead of having one character going through a large journey, it catalogues the sides of three characters at the same time. It's a very clever way to build the game and it took me by surprise for sure. It also easily adds an extra 40-60 hours onto this title alone.

A few cons:
- The music isn't as great as the previous games. It's not horrible, it's just okay.
- The animations did not age well, to say the least.
- Many in-game systems are different from the previous games.

I really enjoyed this title a lot.
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