État :
4.24.2 étoiles sur 5
63 évaluations du produit
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Good graphics92% J'accepte

Compelling gameplay88% J'accepte

Good value92% J'accepte

53 avis


Lara in Angel of Darkness

I really liked this game, but I had mixed feelings about it. I'm an avid Tomb Raider fan, and a huge fan of Lara herself. This game has amazing graphics, and a pretty good story line (although it still confuses me a bit at times.). I liked the new moves put into this game, like climbing pipes on walls, and the stealth mode (which made a lot of sneaking easier, lol.). I also liked how you could play as Kurtis, a second character, in a couple of the levels. This is good, but if there should be character changes like this in future tomb Raider games, they should keep it to just a few levels (becasue the game is really about Lara, you know, lol.) They did a good job with not overdoing that. It took me awhile to get used to the analog feature ( I never used analog before this.) I hated it at first, but now I use analog for everything, lol. So it works out well ^_^. I think my biggest disappointments with this game were that 1) there are manyglitches and bugs in the game playing, making some levels that should have been easy very difficult (example: Aquatic research facility- the mutant fish still atacks you, even though you could put meat in the water to distract it, it doesn't work and is supposed to.), 2)I didn't lie how easy everything was to follow. Yes, there were some hard times where I had to consult a walkthrough, but it was difficultt o really get lost in levels (you could easily get lost in other tomb Raider games. the exploration of being lost makes Tomb Raider fun!), and lastly, 3) I felt like they made Lara look kinda sissy and ditzy in this game, which is not her personality. She will get down on her knees and surrender if you get too close to police, she steals things like jewelry and vintage item (that have nothing to do with the game in any way.), and everyone treats her like she's stupid, and she kinda seems that way at times. I felt that Lara's personality was not altered to its best. I had mixed feelings about the strength and body upgrades throughout the games. A lot of things could not be done until you got the upgrade. though this seems more realistic, it gets really annoying. (if you hang on a ledge too long, this little yellow bar starts running out, and you'll fall off. Very frustratiing, lol.). Overall, I give this game a B+. I definitely think you should have this game in your collection if you are a diehard Tomb Raider fan (I like all the games very much, but the original Tomb Raider is still a classic favorite that never gets old ^_^.)Lire l'avis complet...


Story is great, but Controls are Crappy

There was really nothing wrong with the story, but the camera angles plus the controls were pretty awkward. there's even a time where i could see inside Lara's head. I felt that she could die easily, there were times where i tried to get away from an enemy and i could barely do it. When she shoots at something, its like the sound just totally freezes even though she's still shooting, sometimes it would take a WHILE to kill a dude with a freaken gun. she can do some combat face to face with enemies but she gets hurt at the same time, so whats the point in that.

You also have to make Lara level up, meaning how long she is capable of hanging on to something, how strong she is capable of opening a door, or kick a door open, how strong is to push or pull something. she has to gain all this momentum when she ALREADY had it before this game.

If youre pretty humorus about Lara deaths, this is definitely the game for you. Lara is SOOO flexible its not even funny. she can die millions of ways and bend in all kinds of directions. she is a freaken rubberband.

Angel of Darkness to me is the first Tomb raider that was actually a bit different from the past Tomb Raiders. Now she picks up money, candy bars (these are reoccuring items depending on where you are). she doesnt really need the money anyway becuase she rarely trades it with people. Lara is MORE social with the public, you can even make her choose what to say to poeple.

but overall the levels, the story, the graphics, all of that is pretty awesome. the gameplay is PRETTY LOONG. People may say its the worst Tomb Raider ever made becuase i heard that the company just pretended that they never made the game and just resumed with Tomb Raider Legend. But its not that bad. if you have patience, buy the game.
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So much expectation, some let down

I was a big fan of the PS1 series of Tomb Raider. I had read bad reviews of TAOD when it was released and lost interest in the series until I decided to get TR: Anniversary (a remake of the original game), which is awesome btw. My interest restored, I decided to buy the first TR game released for the PS2.

-The below star ratings are on a scale of 1-5 stars.-

The story in this game is a far cry from any of the PS1 TR games (I have not played the PS2 games, Legend and Underworld). As I played through TAOD, the story honestly reminded me in some ways of the plot of a Resident Evil game, which isn't so bad, except it's a TR game. I do have to give a nod to trying something new, it just didn't work for me as well as it could have. Lastly, I do have to mention that I had to play on to know what happened, so it did have that effect.

The play control is horrible! It might not seem so bad, but the five PS1 TR games and Anniversary are a million times better. Play control has always been one of things that made me like this series in the first place. It's at times hard to line Lara up for her jumps, it's difficult to make her run instead of walk or vice versa. It created more frustration some times than it should have. On a side note, something that came in handy at times, but I don't think was intended to be this way. Guns could be fired as fast as I could press the Fire button, including the shotgun.

With the PS2 came a certain expectation of improved graphics. While better than PS1, it is quite obvious it is not what it could have been. There are missing textures at times, and there could have been much more detail to Lara and her environment. Also, there is no lighting adjustment and after seeing videos on YouTube of game play, I should have been able to see things better than I could.

While it seems as though I have more to complain about than I liked, I would still encourage fans of the series to get this game. I am what I call a completist and must collect all of a series of games if I like one enough,
albums of an artist, or movies in a series, so that statement to get it may come from that. Still, as a stand alone game, it's not bad. It just dims in the light of the others. I believe that it was supposed to be a part of at least a trilogy of games that would include characters & story elements introduced in TAOD, but that was abandoned when it was panned pretty bad. I also believe that after missing previous deadlines, it was rushed be released to coincide with the release of the second TR movie, The Cradle Of Life, which also met with mediocre success.
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Good packaging nice graphics no scratches working fine. Just in time thanks.

Nice ps2 game works just fine good packaging no scratches on disk arrived in time due to mail problems. Thanks I

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : undergroundrs


The Worst Tomb Raider In The Series

When I first played Tomb Raider I fell in love with it. The action the adventure & the puzzles. But Tomb Raider AOD was boring. All you really do in the first half of the game is talk and talk and talk so more. There ain't really no action in AOD. And the controls were TERRIBLE. And when your hanging from a ledge you have a little meter at the top of the screen, when that line is gone you fall. VERY STUPID. Why the hell did Eidos put that in the game? But if you LOVE Tomb Raider games then this one ain't so bad. If you can find it under $ 10.00. Also when Lara goes up and down ladders it feels like it takes forever...one step at a time. And where's the secrets. There are no secrets in AOD... that just took the fun out of it...Lire l'avis complet...



I recently discovered the Tomb Raider series. They are a great mix of platforming, puzzle solving, and shooting. Legend and Underworld are my favorites. I don't like straight war games or FPS games. I like a little variety. The Tomb Raider series has a little of everything. After aquiring and playing Anniversary, Legend, and Underworld, I picked up Angel of Darkness. Even though it had mixed reviews, I didn't think it could be that bad. Unfortunately, I find it unplayable. The control scheme for Angel of Darkness on PS2 is totally different than the other TR games on PS2. The moves and control buttons are different, and there is considerable lag between button presses and character moves. I couldn't even make it through the first level and finally gave up. I would not recommend this game to anyone, even diehard Tomb Raider fans.Lire l'avis complet...



The game arrived ahead of time and working great! I really like this entry in the Tomb Raider series because its so different! You buy stuff, talk to people, and be badass. It's very cool.

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : occasion | Vendu par : decluttr_store


Vintage games

Vintage games are challenging after playing newer ones on better consoles but still fun.

Achat vérifié :  Oui | État : neuf | Vendu par : jynotsellit


Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (Playstation 2)

I just Love this game!!! Even though I am a novice PS2 user...

I Love the Challenge of this game! Not extremely easy for a novice PS2 player as am I, but a great challenge... If you love challenges this is your Game!!

GREAT beginning instructions as you play the game... VERY HELPFUL to learn how to use controller and actions she can perform!

1 ~ Just a touch dark, but then again look where this location is :)
2 ~ Great graphics amazing "Star Of The Game... AKA... Lara Croft"
3 ~ Must have game!
4 ~ Have fun and kick some bums! :)
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Tomb Raider Rocks

The story is good, you get use to the controls after a few days of hard playing. Graphics are great and a must for a lover of the movies. A must for true players of the first TOMB RAIDER. If you could not beat the first one or at least the first half of the first one then this one might be too hard for you. If you spend time you will love it. Remember you can always buy the book or get the walk through online for how to get past the unbeatable levels. But give your self a chance to beat it and master the controls and levels.

Ebay User: SkyShadedNight
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